Following is an alphabetized list of posts, song lyrics and poems, including posts for which an audio and/or video version is available. Click on the title to see the item in a separate webpage.
(Poem) = full Poem; (poem) = includes a poem
@ 02/12/2025
(Please email me if a link does not work. Thanks)
- 10th Anniversary!
- 23rd Psalm - Personalized
- 4th Quarter in the Game (poem)
- 666, The Number of Man (Poem)
- 7 Fitness Tests Areas and Lessons
- A Cloud of Two Faces
- A Conference on Me (Poem)
- A Fall From Grace (Poem)
- A Forced Reconciliation (Poem)
- A Foretaste Divine (Poem w/Vid)
- A Good Black Hole?
- A Nation’s Greatest National Resource?
- A One-World Order and Government? (poem)
- A People, Un-walled (Poem, Part 1)
- A People, Un-walled (Poem, Part 2)
- A People, Un-walled (Poem, Part 3)
- A Prayer to Our ‘So-Called’ Father
- A Same Sex Marriage I CAN Support
- A Seed in the Ground (Poem)
- A Smoking Flax
- A Sobering Thought
- A Thing Going On… (Poem)
- ABC, 1-2-3 (Poem)
- Acknowledging Equips
- Actuality vs. Reality
- Addressing and Re-Addressing
- Adult ABCs (Poem)
- Ages Transitions Global Judgments (Poem)
- Ahhh, the Power of Two Letters
- Alas, Salt Fails
- Album 1 Release: Songs in the Key of 'J!'
- Album 1: Agape Love (Lyrics)
- Album 1: Between His Sheets (Lyrics)
- Album 1: Blessed is the Man (Lyrics)
- Album 1: Breath of My Soul (Lyrics & Video)
- Album 1: I Wanna Know You Now (Lyrics)
- Album 1: Keep Me in Mind (Lyrics)
- Album 1: Let Him In (Lyrics)
- Album 1: Take It To God in Prayer (Lyrics & Video)
- Album 1: Thank God for You (Lyrics)
- Album 1: The Just Shall Live by Faith (Lyrics)
- Album 1: Threshold to The Kingdom (Lyrics)
- Album 2 Release: Faith, in the Key of 'J!'
- Album 2: Cares of the World (Lyrics)
- Album 2: Enigma! (Lyrics)
- Album 2: Ladder Against A Wall (Lyrics)
- Album 2: Psalm 91 – Personalized (Lyrics)
- Album 2: Reign Upon the Earth (Lyrics)
- Album 2: Righteousness of God (Lyrics)
- Album 3 Release: Love, In the Key of 'J!'
- Album 3: Bend and Bow (Lyrics & Music)
- Album 3: Gotta Believe Me (Lyrics)
- Album 3: Grace, Unlimited (Lyrics)
- Album 3: I Love How You Love Me (Lyrics)
- Album 3: If I Be Lifted Up (Lyrics)
- Album 3: Live Your Life (Lyrics)
- Album 3: Love, Infallible (Lyrics)
- Album 3: Lover of My Soul (Lyrics)
- Album 3: Step Into His Love (Lyrics)
- Album 3: Wonderful! (Lyrics)
- Album 4 Release: My Awesome God!
- Album 4: Dew of My Youth (Lyrics & Video)
- Album 4: Led by You (Lyrics & Video)
- Album 4: Let Me Talk (Lyrics & Video)
- Album 4: My Awesome God! (Lyrics & Videos)
- Album 4: To You (Lyrics & Video)
- Album 4: Your Names (Lyrics & Video)
- Album 5 Release: Walking With God
- Album 5: Hallelujah! (Lyrics & Videos)
- Album 5: Hand In Hand (Lyrics & Video)
- Album 5: He’s Coming Again! (Lyrics & Video)
- Album 5: Lover of My Soul - Remix (Lyrics & Video)
- Album 5: Take a Praise Break (Lyrics & Video)
- Album 5: Walk With Me (Lyrics & Video)
- Album 6 Release: For You...
- Album 6: Faithful (Lyrics & Video)
- Album 6: For You (Lyrics & Video)
- Album 6: Step Out On Faith (Lyrics & Video)
- Album 6: With a Full Heart (Lyrics & Video)
- Album 6: You Rhyme My World (Lyrics & Video)
- Album 7 Release: Dancing With God
- Album 7: Apple of His Eye (Lyrics & Video)
- Album 7: Dancing With God (Lyrics & Video)
- Album 7: Gotta Praise Him (Lyrics & Video)
- Album 7: He Will Extract Us! (Lyrics & Video)
- Album 7: His Sheep (Lyrics & Video)
- Album 7: I Love The Lord (Lyrics & Video)
- Album 7: Just Heed It! (Lyrics & Video)
- Album 7: Lord of My Peace (Lyrics & Video)
- Album 7: Reward of the Wicked (Lyrics & Video)
- Album 7: So Good (Lyrics & Video)
- Album 8 Release: Arise!
- Album 8: Arise! (Lyrics & Video)
- Album 8: Finally! (Lyrics & Video)
- Album 8: Hey There (Lyrics & Video)
- Album 8: It's Saturday Night (Lyrics & Video)
- Album 8: Must Be, Gotta Be (Lyrics & Video)
- Album 9 Release: One Day Closer!
- Album 9: Ain’t No God Like the One I’ve Got (Lyric...
- Album 9: Alive! (Lyrics & Video)
- Album 9: God’s Counterfeits (Lyrics & Video)
- Album 9: I Thank You (Lyrics & Video)
- Album 9: Occupy! (Lyrics & Video)
- Album 9: One Day Closer! (Lyrics & Video)
- Album 9: This, My Prayer (Lyrics & Video)
- Album 9: Time, Slipping Away (Lyrics & Video)
- Album 9: Worship You (Lyrics & Video)
- America's Spiritual Boomerang (Poem)
- An Audience of One (Poem)
- An Earth's Age War (Part 1)
- An Earth's Age War (Part 2)
- An Idiot-Proof Bible? (Q&A)
- An Unpredicted Tribulation Age Precursor? (Poem)
- And It Came to Pass? (Poem)
- And Our Tears Flow (Poem)
- And the Beat Goes On
- Angels On the Run (Poem)
- Anointing (Poem)
- Anti-Christ: Not Who! How? (Poem, Part 3)
- Anti-Christ: Not Who! What? (Poem, Part 2)
- Anti-Christ: Not Who! When? (Poem, Part 1)
- Anti-Christ: Not Who! Why? (Poem, Part 4)
- Anti-Christ: Summary Review (Part 5)
- Anti-Semitism (Poem)
- Are You Devils Due? (Poem)
- Armageddon, Low-Tech?! (Poem)
- As a Man Thinks
- As Long as I Abide (poem)
- Assaulting Cultural Tactics (Poem)
- Audacious Christians (Poem, Part 1)
- Audacious Christians (Poem, Part 2)
- Babes and Those of Theirs (Poem)
- Behind Your Teeth 'n Lip (Poem)
- Beliefs Oxymoronic (Poem)
- Believing Your Lying Eyes? (Poem)
- Benefits of Timely Judgments (Poem)
- Between Your Rooster's Crows
- Beware the Carnal Mind (Poem)
- Bible Prophecies, Seeds of History (Poem)
- Bible Reading Challenge, Accepted (Q&A)
- Black-on-Black Crime (Q&A)
- Blame Game: From Jobs-to-Job (Poem)
- Blind Faith in Trumpism? (Q&A)
- Blog Posts & Rhymes (Poem)
- Blood Moons, So What? (Poem)
- Booty, Pre/Post Millennial Reign (Poem, Part 1)
- Booty, Pre/Post Millennial Reign (Poem, Part 2)
- Booty, Pre/Post Millennial Reign (Poem, Part 3)
- Booty, Pre/Post Millennial Reign (Poem, Part 4)
- Booty, Pre/Post Millennial Reign (Poem, Part 5)
- Breath of My Soul (Story)
- Broad Phylacte What? (poem)
- Building Back Better (Poem)
- Bully Situations (Poem)
- Butt-kicking Faith
- By a Visiting Poet (Poem)
- C.I.R.C.U.M.S.T.A.N.C.E.S.
- C.R.A.P. Upon the Earth (Poem)
- Can You Hear Him Now?
- Cascading Crises (Poem)
- Changed Roots, Changed Fruits (Poem)
- Cheating the Cheater
- Chemistry Speaks, Spiritually
- Children in the Rapture? (Poem)
- Choosing Restraining Choices (Poem)
- Christ's Three Stage Kingdom (Poem)
- Christiam (Poem)
- Christian Hate and Nationalism? (Q&A)
- Christian, Steeled (Poem)
- Christianesque (Poem)
- Christians and Slavery (Q&A)
- Christians in the Apocalypse (poem)
- Christmas, the Fulcrum of Human History
- Christmas, The Sequel (Poem)
- Christmas, Un-Copyrighted (Poem)
- Christmastime Vaccines (Poem)
- Church-types Reimagined (Part 1)
- Church-types Reimagined (Part 2)
- Clear and Present What? (Poem)
- Code Book or Love Letter?
- Collateral Damages or Blessings? (Poem)
- Come Out Swinging (Poem)
- Come! Know! Go! Wait! (Poem)
- Coming Drone Views (Poem)
- Come-unity (Poem)
- Connecting the ...
- Conscientious Objectors (Poem)
- Cornerstone: Cause⇒Effect (Part 1)
- Cornerstone: Cause⇒Effect (Poem, Part 2)
- Cornerstone: Cause⇒Effect (Poem, Part 3)
- Cornerstone: Cause⇒Effect (Poem, Part 4)
- Cozying Up to the Judge
- Creation, Reversed (Poem)
- Crushing Cluelessness (Poem)
- Crypto Code, Unbreakable (Poem)
- Culpable Compassion
- Cycles and Wheels of Life
- Dad, I Wish You Were Dead (Poem)
- Dancing on the Feeling Ceiling
- Dead Seeds Bearing Fruit? (Poem)
- Dear Pre-Armageddon Soldier (Poem, Letter)
- Death by Freedom?
- Deceitfulness
- Deed Seeds (Poem)
- Degeneracy, Then Demise of Democracy (Poem)
- Depression’s Lie (Poem)
- Desmond Tutu Prefers Hell Over This
- Devilish Grace (Poem)
- Did Jesus Teach Self-defense? (Q&A)
- Dinosaur Puzzle Pieces (Poem)
- Dinosaurs-to-Noah (Poem)
- Dirty Circumstances (Poem)
- Dirty Imaginations
- Dirty Math
- Disasters as the Answers?
- Distinguishing the Laws of Faith and Attraction
- DNA: God Whispers
- Do I Know You? (Part 2)
- Do I Know You?! (Poem, Part 1)
- Do You ‘See’ What I ‘See’? (Poem)
- Do You Know This??? (Knowing Each Other)
- Do You See Splendor?
- Does God Have a Hand? (Poem)
- Don’t Be Left Behind (Poem)
- Don't Wait-Wait. Tell Me
- Double-Dose Protections (Poem)
- Dust of Your Ground (Poem)
- Dusting Off Christmas (Poem)
- Early Warning System (Part 1)
- Early Warning System (Poem, Part 2)
- Earth 2.0?! (Poem)
- Earth 5.0, The Final Version (Poem)
- Earth Bedeviled, Soon De-deviled (Poem)
- Earth Still Producing After its Kind
- Earth’s Cloaked Satellites (Poem)
- Earth's pH Rating
- Elephant in the Room (Poem)
- End His Homelessness (Poem)
- Equitable Wealth Distribution - A Myth?
- Es-Tu Aussi Charlie?
- Escaping Modern Slavemasters (Poem)
- Europe: Iron-Clay Mix (Poem)
- Even Earth, A Seed?
- Even to the Lowest of Men
- Every Crack and Crevice
- Eyes on the Nations (Poem, Part 1)
- Eyes on the Nations (Poem, Part 2)
- Fables, Fairy Tales, and Fake News (Poem)
- Faith ‘n Pride (Poem)
- Faith and Pride, First Cousins (Poem)
- Faith Author, Finisher and You (Poem, Part 1)
- Faith Author, Finisher and You (Poem, Part 2)
- Faith Hijackers (Poem)
- Faith Power Twins
- Faith Talk (Poem)
- Faith Tune-up (Poem)
- Faith, un-Fossilized (Poem)
- Faith, Which Letter Significant? (Poem)
- Fake News or Truth? (Poem)
- Favored, Tested, Rewarded (Poem, Part 1)
- Favored, Tested, Rewarded (Poem, Part 2)
- Fear Is Faith Is Fear Is (Poem)
- Feeding Your Amygdalae
- Feeling the Tug? (Poem)
- Fight Fire with Fire
- Firing Creation's Founder?! (Poem)
- First and Second Comings (Poem)
- Fit for Higher Kingdom Use
- Five Echoing Questions (Poem)
- For Mine Is The Kingdom (Poem)
- For Readers in Russia…
- For You, Which Resurrection? (Poem)
- Forever or Until Forever? (Poem)
- Forgiveness, The Highest Expression of Love
- Found: Route 7-7-7
- Four Birthdays, or Only Three? (Poem)
- Four Judgment Henchmen, Explained
- Free-D.U.M.B. (Poem)
- Fresh or Faded Examples? (Poem)
- Fresh Troops, Incoming (Poem)
- From Enmity to Amity
- From Glory, to Glory
- From GOD-to-GAI (Poem)
- From Lists to Loving
- From or Unto Evil? (Poem)
- Fruit From Beauty (Poem)
- Garden of Eden, A Seed?
- Gas-lit! (Poem)
- Get a Life
- Get Set! Get Ready! Live!
- Getting Down to the Taproot
- Getting What's Deserved (Poem)
- Giant's Diet (Poem)
- Give ‘em Faith and Time (Poem)
- Give Me a Man (Poem)
- Give The Drummer Some (Poem)
- Global Earthquake Confirmed (Poem)
- Global Judgment Parallelisms - Precursors (Poem)
- Global Judgment Parallelisms (Part 1)
- Global Judgment Parallelisms (Part 2)
- Global Judgment Parallelisms (Part 3A)
- Global Judgment Parallelisms (Part 3B)
- Global Vaccination Campaigns (Poem)
- Go Ahead, America (Poem)
- God 101 - A Primer (poem)
- God 101 - Who Are the Elect (Part 1)?
- God 101 - Who Are the Elect (Part 2)?
- God 101 - Why a Book?
- God 101 - Why Israel?
- God Rail-less (Part 1)
- God Rail-less (Part 2)
- God Rail-less (Part 3)
- God, DIE!
- God's Always Reaching
- God’s Baby Bumps (Poem)
- God's Church Bell is Ringing (Poem)
- God’s Inferred Strategic Timelines
- God's M.O. for Meeting Needs and Desires
- God’s Problem (Poem)
- God’s Self-Proclaimed Job Description
- God's Waiting Room or Faith Gym?
- Godly Conundrums (Poem)
- Gog and Magog (Q&A)
- Good Works (Q&A)
- Got Fear?
- Gotta Believe Me (Poem)
- Government-in-Waiting
- GRACE Acronyms
- Grace Drip-rigation
- Grace Extended, Ended (Poem)
- Grace for Me, Justice for Thee (Poem)
- Grace Shed, Then Accounted (Poem)
- Grace, Friend or Foe? (Poem)
- Grace, Unlimited (Poem)
- Grace, Why So Long? (Poem)
- Gratitude, Un-targeted (Poem)
- Graves Re-purposed? (Poem)
- Great Nations Panoply (Poem, Video)
- Greatest Internship Ever
- Grief, a Thief (Poem)
- Grieving a Wrecked Marriage (Poem)
- Group Raptures - Timings and Types (Part 1)
- Group Raptures - Types and Timings (Part 2)
- Hacked, Hijacked or Hack-Proofed? (Poem)
- Had Jesus Been Aborted (Poem)
- Hades, Twice Robbed, Then Lobbed!
- Hand-In-Hand (Poem)
- Happy Birthday to YOU~
- Happy New ears
- Happy New Ears - Take 2
- Hastening the Return of Opposite Saviors
- He Wrestled with His Demons
- Heads-up, World! (Letter)
- Heart Expressions (Poem)
- Heaven's Animating Holy Scripts (Poem)
- Heavenly Conundrums (poem)
- Hey, Where Did Christmas Go? (Poem)
- Hey, You Already Have Everything
- Hiatus from Hades! (Poem)
- His Eyes Say It (Poem)
- Historical Countdown - 7 Biblical Ages of Human History
- Ho! Ho! Ho! (Poem)
- Holymon, Pokémon (poem)
- How Come?
- How Much Pride is Ok? (Poem)
- How the Mighty Have Fallen
- How to be Spirit-led
- How to Destroy an Economy (Poem)
- Human History Ages (Poem)
- Human Rights Repealed (Poem)
- Humans Rare on Earth? (Relative to the anti-Christ...
- Humans, Rare on Earth!!! (Poem)
- Humans’ DNA Hacked (Poem)
- Hup, 2, 3, 4! Hup, 2, 3, 4! (Poem)
- Hurt to Heal (Poem)
- i - Rebel
- I Am Not Their God (Poem)
- I Love How You Love Me (Poem)
- I Wish You Were 'Old' (Poem)
- I Won the Lotto (Poem)
- i-Solomon
- i-Turn
- i-Unqualified
- I, a Judge In the Making (Poem)
- I'll Draw All Men Unto Me
- I’ve Got the Keys! (Poem)
- Identity Crisis (Poem)
- If I Be Lifted Up (Poem)
- If My People Don’t (Poem)
- If You Were God
- If You Were King (Poem)
- Ignite the Fight
- Imagination Interrupters and Warrant (Poem)
- Imagination’s Trainer/Exerciser
- Imagine Doing This (poem)
- Imagine Gaza (Poem)
- Imagine Having What You Say (Poem)
- Imagine the Fight (Poem)
- Imagine Their Meeting (Poem)
- Imminent Eminence (Poem)
- In Such a Time as This? (Poem)
- In the Days of These Kings (Part 1, Invasion of Uk...
- In the Days of These Kings (Part 2, Jewish Migration)
- In the Days of These Kings (Part 3, Degrading Russ...
- In the Days of These Kings (Part 4, The UN-potent UN)
- In The Mouths of Two or Three Witnesses
- In vs. Of - A Prepositional Detour
- In What Way Did Jesus Die for Sins? (Q&A)
- Inauguration Day (Poem)
- Incense or Smoke? (Poem)
- Independence Day Ponderings
- Intercessory Repentance?! (Poem)
- Iron and Clay Won’t Mix (Poem)
- Is It Reigning Inside?
- Is Jesus God? (Part 4)
- Is Jesus God? (Part 5)
- Is Jesus God? (Poem, Epilogue)
- Is Jesus God? (Poem, Part 1)
- Is Jesus God? (Poem, Part 2)
- Is Jesus God? (Poem, Part 3)
- Is There Any Hope? (Q&A)
- It's the Economy? Stupid! (Poem)
- Jealousy, Zero-to-Max (Poem)
- Jerusalem - Practice Runs and Types (Poem)
- Jesus Needs Salvation (Poem)
- Jesus, The Lord God (Poem)
- Join Me in My Response to Corona Virus COVID-19
- Judging, Misjudged (Poem)
- Judgment Bar Absences (poem)
- Just Because (Poem)
- Just Follow the Script
- Justice Delayed Is (Poem)
- Keepsake Letter to a Pre-teen
- Kept In All My Ways (Psalm 91)
- Key Milestones
- Kingdom KinderKids (Poem)
- King-rise, People-fall (Poem, Part 1)
- L.E.A.R.N. (Poem)
- L.I.F.E.
- Lake of Fire: Is THIS the Man?! (Poem)
- Lake of Fire: Where? When?
- Lake of Fire: Why? (Poem)
- Laodicean Lackadaisicalness - Part 1
- Laodicean Lackadaisicalness - Part 2
- Laodicean Lackadaisicalness - Part 3
- Laodicean Lackadaisicalness - Part 4
- Laodicean Lackadaisicalness - Part 5
- Laodicean Lackadaisicalness - Part 6
- Laodicean Lackadaisicalness - Part 7 (Poem)
- Laugh in ADVANCE (Poem)
- Let Another Take His Place (Poem)
- Let the REAL Rainbow Nation Stand Up
- Let Us Prey (Poem)
- Let’s Get High (Poem)
- Let's Test the Tester
- Letter to 3rd Age Christians (Poem)
- Letter to 4th Age Christians (Poem)
- Life Behind the Scenes
- Life Cycle of Circumstances
- Life Happens from Inside, Out
- Life Insurance (Poem)
- Life is Like a Box of
- Life On Stage (Poem)
- Life Span - How Long?
- Life Span - Reconciling Two Voices (Poem)
- Life, Redefined and Redesigned (Poem)
- Life, Tripartite (Poem)
- Lights, Cameras, Action
- Live Your Life (Links to YouTube)
- Lives Effluent, from Lifestyles Affluent (Poem)
- Living Wirelessly - The Internet of ALL ___?
- Look at Me ...Then (Poem)
- Look, Bless and Break (Poem)
- Lord, Savior, Which First? (Poem)
- Lost Angels Not for Like-Angels
- Lost: Control of the Ball
- Lots of Spinning Going On (Poem)
- Love in Man's DNA? (Q&A)
- Love, Infallible (Poem)
- Love’s Seed (Poem)
- Lover of My Soul (Poem)
- Loving What He Loves (Poem)
- Make America GREAT (Poem)
- Making Decisions Right
- Man in the Middle
- Mark of the Beast (Q&A) - UPDATED!
- Marriage: A Threesome Experience
- Meditation is Like Blowing Bubbles
- Meekness Ain't Weakness! (Poem)
- Mentally Magnifying
- Mid-ages Musings (Part 1)
- Mid-ages Musings (Part 2)
- Mid-ages Musings (Part 3)
- Mid-Ages Musings (Part 4)
- Mid-Ages Musings (Part 5)
- Mid-Ages Musings (Part 6)
- Mid-Year Reminder: ReJOYce (Poem)
- Migrations, Ascensions and Descensions (Poem)
- Milk Toasted and Roasted (Poem)
- Millennial Casting Calls (Poem)
- Millennial Parallelisms (#1)
- Millennial Parallelisms (#2)
- Millennial Parallelisms (#3)
- Millennial Parallelisms (#4)
- Millennial Parallelisms (#5)
- Millennial Parallelisms (#6)
- Millennial Parallelisms (#7)
- Millennial Reign Job Description (poem)
- Millennial Reign Offices
- Mind Blowing, or Opening?
- Minding Your Cups (Poem)
- Mis-passed the Baton, Generationally?
- Missed Insights About Climate Change (Poem, Part 1)
- Missed Insights About Climate Change (Poem, Part 2)
- Missed Insights About Climate Change (Poem, Part 3)
- Missed Insights About Grace (Poem)
- Missed Insights About Isaiah 2:4 (Poem)
- Missed Insights About Revelation (Part 1)
- Missed Insightsw About Revelation (Part 2)
- Missed Insights About Revelation (Part 3)
- Missed Insights About the Ascensions (Poem, Part 1)
- Missed Insights About the Ascensions (Poem, Part 2)
- Missed Insights in Ezekiel 37
- Missed Insights from Jeremiah 9 (Poem, Part 1)
- Missed Insights from Matthew 27 (Part 1)
- Missed Insights from Matthew 27 (Part 2)
- Missed Insights from Revelation 20
- Missed Insights in Ezekiel (Poem, Part 1)
- Missed Insights in Ezekiel (Part 2)
- More Amazing than Grace (Poem)
- Music Themes (Q&A)
- Muslims and Jews Agree
- My Christmas Gift to YoU (Poem)
- My Duty to Warn (Poem)
- My Grace ABCs
- My Need and My Knee (Poem)
- My Parents ‘n Me (Poem)
- My Prayer Request (Poem)
- Myth Busting Time (Poem)
- NEWS FLASH: A Cubed Satellite is Coming
- NEWS FLASH: Real-time Intelligence Data Collection
- NEWS FLASH: Voting Season Extended
- Nighttime Light (Poem)
- No Devil, No Sin, Right?
- No Longer Just Clay (Poem)
- No Voice Insignificant (Poem)
- Now It’s Our Turn
- Occupying Forces (Poem, Part 1)
- Occupying Forces (Poem, Part 2)
- Old Testament Silence - Saints Like Angels? (Q&A)
- Old Testament Silence - The Origin of Devils? (Q&A)
- Omitted Fruit? (Poem)
- On ‘Retirity’ and ‘Eterniment’ (poem)
- On Angels and Deceptions
- On Trash Heaps of History (Poem)
- Once in Eon Time (Poem)
- Once Upon a Time
- One Portal, Two Directions
- Other Than Money
- Our 13th Anniversary!
- Our House, Seriously Divided
- Our Innate God-intention (Poem)
- Our Land-Minded God
- Our Lie-Stained Life
- Our Movie Trailer (Poem)
- Our Story
- Our Tongue: Axe and Revealer (Poem)
- Our Un-common Denominator on Earth
- Our Very Personal God
- Our World of Words
- Our World Today!
- Our World, Un-Moneyed (Poem)
- Out of My Way, USA! (Poem)
- Over My Dead Body (Poem)
- P.R.I.D.E. (Poem)
- Palestine Historical Context
- Palestinian Immigration - A Proposed Concept (Part 1)
- Palestinian Immigration (Part 2)
- Palestinian Immigration (Q&A)
- Paxes, God’s Axes (Poem)
- Peace on Earth? Hell No! (Poem)
- Peering and Perceiving
- Perceiving, Piercing Faith
- Perfect Game Plan for America (poem)
- Pick Your ‘666’ (Letter)
- PictuRest (Poem)
- Picturing Your Spirit - How? (Poem)
- Picturing Your Spirit - Why? (Poem)
- Picturing Your Spirit (Poem)
- Piercing, Dispersing Cloud Canopies (Poem)
- Pivotal Prayer Perspectives (Poem, Part 1)
- Pivotal Prayer Perspectives (Poem, Part 2)
- Pivotal Prayer Perspectives (Poem, Part 3)
- Please, Pray for Me (Poem)
- Pleeeese Answer, God (Poem)
- Polluter or Tree?
- Ponder This... (Crucifixion and Reign of Jesus)
- Ponder This... (Denialists, Poem)
- Ponder This... (Dis-honorable ‘Honorables’)
- Ponder This... (First Resurrection, Second Death, ...
- Ponder This... (Heaven’s Human Citizen Groups)
- Ponder This... (No Scripture for This (Poem))
- Ponder This... (Re-populating Earth, Poem)
- Ponder This... (Ruts and Lies (Poem))
- Ponder This... (Since the Flood)
- Ponder This... (Water As We Age)
- Ponder This... (What’ So Amazing About Grace?)
- Ponder This... (Wild Beast Attacks)
- Ponderings
- Poor Me? So Poor?
- Poor, Chosen to be Rich (Poem)
- Positive Thinking Prayer (Q&A)
- Post-death Consciousness? (Q&A)
- Post-Millennial Parallelisms
- Power vs. Message (Poem)
- PRAISE Rather Than
- Prayer of Salvation (Poem)
- Prayer Moves the Hands
- Preparing Priestly People (Poem)
- Problems - The Trigger Source for Fervency
- Problems-to-Perceptions (Poem)
- Progressive Maturation
- Proof of Their Immortality (Poem)
- Prophecies Prove It’s Me! (Poem)
- Prophecy Seeds, History Heeds (Poem)
- Prophet for Whose Profit? (Poem)
- Prophetic Tunnel Vision (Poem)
- Pursuing Holiness (Poem)
- Putting a Face on Faith
- Raptures of Individuals
- Re-thinking the Big Bang
- Ready for Things Millennial?
- Realities vs. Actualities
- Recalibrating Our Focus
- Red Sea Parting Theories (Q&A)
- Reincarnation (Q&A)
- Rejoicing Is Just Releasing (Poem, Part 1)
- Rejoicing Is Just Releasing (Poem, Part 2)
- Rejoicing Is Just Releasing (Poem, Part 3)
- Removing the Façade: Transacting the Translation
- Report Card: Self-grading Faith NOW
- Reservists, in Service (Poem)
- Return-to-Sender Prayers (Poem)
- Revelation - Between the 4th and 5th Seals (Poem, ...
- Revelation - Future Attacks in Israel
- Revelation - Read It, Hear It, Keep It (Poem, Part 1)
- Revelation - Read It, Hear It, Keep It (Poem, Part...
- Revelation - Seven Bowls Poured (Poem, Part 1)
- Revelation - Seven Bowls Poured (Poem, Part 2)
- Revelation - Seven Trumpets Sound (Poem, Part 1)
- Revelation - Seven Trumpets Sound (Poem, Part 2)
- Revelation - The 6th Seal (Poem, Part 3)
- Revelation - The Book (Poem)
- Revelation - Unsealing the Scroll (Poem, Part 1)
- Revelation - Unsealing the Scroll (Poem, Part 2)
- Reward of the Wicked (Poem)
- Root Examination (Poem)
- Rotten to the Core? (Poem)
- S.C.I.E.N.C.E. (Poem)
- S.E.E.D. (poem)
- s’Up? (Poem)
- Salvation in the Millennium? (Part 1)
- Salvation in the Millennium? (Part 2)
- Sandwiching Problems
- Satan’s Preliminary Acts (Poem)
- Science Got the Sequence WRONG
- Searching for Love - A Better Way (Poem)
- Seeding Your World (Poem)
- Seeds of the Fruit of Obedience
- Seeing Each Other’s Rewards? (Poem)
- Seeing the Unseen
- Seven Myths About Evil (Poem)
- Seventy Years Since (Poem)
- Shake, Rattle ‘n Rule (Poem)
- Shields Up! Then Down (Poem)
- Shocking Reversals (Part 1)
- Sin, Full Grown (Poem)
- Sip, Dip, Dive or Thrive?
- Sirens Screaming (Poem)
- Six Days, Six Ages (Poem)
- Slain in The Spirit - Response to Tradition
- Slain in The Spirit - The Real Deal (poem) UPDATED!!!
- Sleeping Giant on the Earth?
- Smothered by Forgiveness
- So Delightfully Yours (Poem)
- So Intelligent; Equally Deceived
- Solomerica (Poem)
- Sowing Gospel Seeds (Poem)
- Speed Dating, Sped Up? (Poem)
- Spiritual Junk Food
- Spiritual Mindedness
- Spiritual Warfare (Poem)
- Stewed and Spewed (Poem)
- Still Willing, He Is (Poem)
- Still, I'll Rise (Poem)
- Stopped In His Tracks (Poem)
- Strongman You Want? Strongman You’ll Have! (Poem)
- Stuff ‘n Status Protection (Poem)
- Stuffing Fun In
- Suffer Little Children to Come to Me?
- Suicide: Mission Impossible (Poem)
- Super-seeding Faith or Otherwise? (Poem)
- Tag, You're It (poem)
- Taking Turns
- Tale of Two Saviors
- Ten Steps to GREAT Christian Faith
- Tests, Trials and Temptations (Poem)
- That Day - This Day (Poem)
- That They Be One (Poem)
- That’s JUST-T’IS
- The 12 Him’s of Christmas (Poem)
- The 4th Delegation of Authority (Poem, Part 1)
- The 4th Delegation of Authority (Poem, Part 2)
- The 4th Delegation of Authority (Poem, Part 3)
- The 4th DoA (Poem, Part 4)
- The 4th DoA (Poem, Part 5)
- The 4th DoA (Poem, Part 6 - Millennial Job Descrip...
- The Best Promissory Notes
- The Bible, So Unique (Poem)
- The Big Lie (Q&A)
- The Bride of Christ (Part 2, Questions w/o Answers)
- The Bride of Christ (Poem, Part 1)
- The Bride of Christ (Poem, Part 3)
- The Case for Parables
- The Coming Lame Blame (Poem)
- The Curse on Canaan (Q&A)
- The Cutting Edge of Goodness
- The Day That Was
- The Days of Elijah (Poem)
- The Façade of Scarcity
- The Final Nuclear-type Effects
- The Fruit of Faith
- The Ghosts of Sins Past (Poem)
- The God-Imagined Life (poem)
- The Goshen Effect (Poem, Part 1)
- The Goshen Effect (Poem, Part 2)
- The Goshen Effect (Poem, Part 3)
- The Goshen Effect, Grand Finale (Poem, Part 5)
- The Goshen Effect, Personalized (Poem, Part 6)
- The Goshen Effect, Post-Millennial (Poem, Part 4)
- The Great Pretender
- The J-519 Life (Poem)
- The Just Shall Live by GRACE
- The Lake of Liars (Poem)
- The Last Soul
- The Lord's Strategic Bifurcations (Poem)
- The Lord’s Strategic Plan (Poem)
- The Lord’s Word to Rev. John T. Davidson & Family
- The Love Walk vs. Strife?
- The Master’s Piece (Poem)
- The Me You See (Poem)
- The Messenger and The Message (Poem)
- The ONE Key for Israel's Safety and Security
- The Ought in Drought (Poem)
- The pH Scale - Extended? (Poem)
- The Power of Proceeding Possibilities
- The Power’s Points (Poem, Part 1)
- The Power's Points (Poem, Part 2)
- The Power's Points (Poem, Part 3)
- The Real S__hole (Poem)
- The Reluctant Judge (poem)
- The Remnant Among Us
- The Rest (End) of the Story
- The Seat of Wickedness (Part 1)
- The Seat of Wickedness (Part 2)
- The Seat of Wickedness (Part 3)
- The Seat of Wickedness (Part 4)
- The Shortest, Most Powerful Sermon, Un-heard (Poem)
- The Sinflammation - Sinflation Tailspin (Poem, Par...
- The Sinflammation - Sinflation Tailspin (Poem, Par...
- The Sound of Silence (Part 1)
- The Sound of Silence (Part 2)
- The Speaking ARKifact (Poem)
- The Theory of What?
- The Truth Rejection Effect (Poem)
- The Ugly Who?
- The Virgin Birth (Poem)
- The War in Gaza
- The Weed and Sequoia Seed (Poem)
- The Weightier Choice
- The Whipping Post (Poem)
- The Womb of Water (Poem, Part 1)
- The Womb of Water (Poem, Part 2)
- The Womb of Water (Poem, Part 3)
- The Zombie Next Door (Poem)
- Then They Will Know (Part 1)
- Then They Will Know (Poem, Part 2)
- There Is a Way
- There's an App for Even That
- They’re Always On (Poem)
- Things of Mine (Poem)
- Things We've Glamorized (Poem)
- Things, Things (Poem)
- This Christmas Seed (poem)
- This is How He Does It (Poem)
- This Polytricks Season (Poem)
- This Side of Hell's Gates (Poem)
- This Unity vs. Dis-unity?
- Thought-King Choices (Poem)
- Through the Eyes of His Heart (Poem)
- Throw the Bums Out! (Poem)
- Tips to Understand The Bible
- Tit-for-Tat (Poem)
- To the 3rd and 4th Generations (Poem)
- To You, Do I Stink?
- Today's Exigency Short-Circuited (Poem)
- Top 10 Reasons for Crises/Tragedies (Part 1)
- Top 10 Reasons for Crises/Tragedies (Part 2)
- Top 10 Reasons for Crises/Tragedies (Part 3)
- Top 10 Reasons for Crises/Tragedies (Part 4 )
- Tough Week Ahead?
- Tracing Our Roots (Poem)
- Transformational Terror Tactics (Poem)
- Transformative Power of Prayer
- Tribal Conflicts (Q&A)
- Tribulation Age Journalists (Poem, Part 1)
- Tribulation Age Journalists (Poem, Part 2)
- Tribulation Age Journalists (Poem, Part 3)
- Tribulation Age Journalists (Poem, Part 4, Jesus’ ...
- Tribulation Age Precursors: Deepening Darkness (Poem)
- Tribulation Age Precursors: Degrading Militaries
- Tribulation Age Precursors: Have You Noticed?? (P...
- Tribulation Age Precursors: Honey, Then Vinegar (P...
- Tribulation Age Precursors: Lawlessness (Poem)
- Tribulation Age Precursors: Lebanon Meltdown? (Poem)
- Tribulation Age Precursors: Moral Compass, Flipped...
- Tribulation Age Precursors: Roads Beckoned, Then T...
- Tribulation Age Precursors: Russia-Iran Defense Pa...
- Trick for Defeat (Poem)
- True Lies About Heaven and Hell (Poem)
- True Lies: Devils are in Hell (Poem)
- True Lies: God is Dead or Never Was (Poem)
- True Lies: Life is Short (Poem)
- Trust Transitions (Poem)
- Truth-to-Power Speakers
- Truths, Though Inconvenient (Poem)
- Tuning in to God's Voice
- Turn Them Over to satan?
- Turning Down the Lights (Poem)
- Twice Commissioned Officer
- Two Bold-faced LIES! (Poem)
- Two Earths, Two Songs (Poem)
- Two Outsiders Speak, Greatly (Poem)
- Two Prayer Challenges (Poem)
- u-Jesus, i-Jesus (Poem)
- Un-Binding the Strongman (Poem)
- Un-Doomed (Poem)
- Un-hearing Ears (Poem)
- Un-marked? (Poem)
- Unblocking Imagination’s Power
- Uncloaking Reality (Poem)
- Uncloaking Substance
- Unconditional Respect Oxymoronic?
- Understanding Eden (Part 3 - Summary)
- Understanding Eden (Poem, Part 1)
- Understanding Eden (Poem, Part 2)
- Unprecedented (Poem)
- Utility in Futility (Poem)
- Valleys Between the Peaks (Poem)
- Voting the Lesser of Two Evils (Q&A)
- Waiting (Poem)
- Want Life and Honor?
- Wanted/Needed: A Rod of Iron
- Warnings Unheeded (Poem)
- We ‘n Trees
- Weak Peg > Stronghold
- Weakest Link or Crumbling Brick?
- What Do You See?
- What Does it Take?
- What Goes Up, Must (Poem)
- What Happened to WWJD? (Poem)
- What If? (Anti-semitism, Poem)
- What If? (Subsequent Creations)
- What Is The Gospel? (Poem)
- What is This Picture Worth? (Poem)
- What Original Bible Diet? (Q&A)
- What Spirit We Are Of (Poem)
- What’s Glory? (Poem, Part 1)
- What’s Glory? (Poem, Part 2)
- What’s Glory? (Poem, Part 3)
- What’s Glory? (Poem, Part 4)
- What’s Holy Got to Do With It? (Poem)
- What’s in a Name Anyway?
- What’s Really Going On (…Inside)
- When Church Hurts (Poem)
- When Grace and Judgments Fail (Poem)
- When Lions Ate Straw
- When Right is Left (Poem)
- When Truth is Slain (Poem)
- When Westward Becomes Eastward
- Which AI for You?
- Which Bible Books to Read First? (Q&A)
- Which Bible Version and Understanding? (Q&A)
- Which Route for You?
- Which Voice Merited? (Poem)
- Who is Mightier? (Poem)
- Who Jesus Is
- Who They Gonna Call?
- Who Wants to be a Star?
- Who's Winning?
- Why and How to Always Pray (Poem)
- Why Evil? (Poem)
- Why Jews Rejected Jesus (Poem)
- Why Pray The Word?
- Why So Much Focus on the Future? (Q&A)
- Why Such Bible Confidence? (Q&A)
- Why the Millennial Reign Age? (Part 1)
- Why the Millennial Reign Age? (Part 2)
- Why the Millennial Reign Age? (Part 3)
- Why? (Q&A)
- Will We Inhabit Other Bodies? (Poem)
- Wind-Graspers, Chasers and Catchers
- Woo Woo Hooey!! (Poem)
- Working With Angels (Poem, Part 1)
- Working With Angels (Poem, Part 2)
- Working With Angels (Poem, Part 3)
- Working With Angels (Poem, Part 4)
- World's on the Brink!
- Worst of the Worst (Poem)
- wOw! Earth, Filled (Poem, Part 1)
- wOw! Earth, Filled (Poem, Part 2)
- Wrong Foundations of Marriage > Broken Home
- Ye Are gods! (Poem, Part 1)
- Ye Are gods! (Poem, Part 2)
- Ye Are gods! (Poem, Part 3)
- Yea, Even in This 'n This 'n That
- Yep, It’s Biblical (poem)
- You Ready for This??
- You, A Prodigal, Too?
- You, Almighty (Poem)
- You, Anew (Poem)
- You, Divinely Designed (Poem)
- You, in God's Hall of Faith?
- You're Gifted (Poem)
- You're Gonna Say, 'Yes!' (Poem)
- You’re Seriously Deceived If… (Poem, Part 1)
- You're Seriously Deceived If... (Poem, Part 2)
- You're Seriously Deceived If... (Poem, Part 3)
- You(r) Tube: You, Exposed (Poem)
- Your Faith Career (Poem)
- Your Heart's Scepter (Poem)
- Your Heaven IQ (Poem, Part 1)
- Your Heaven, IQ (Poem, Part 2)
- Your Heavenly Bank Account (Poem)
- Your Kingdom Résumé (Poem)
- Your Life, A Poster
- Your Salvation Status (Q&A)
- Your Secret Name, Known
- Your Tongue, Your Ladle
- Your Victor’s Roar (Poem)