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The world is blind to these SEVEN, pivotal facts:

1. The Bible communicates Heaven’s 'multi-millennial, strategic plan for humanity'.

2. There are SEVEN ages appointed for humanity.

3. We are nearing the end of the THIRD age, a pivotal turning point in this strategy.

4. A GREAT falling away from the Christian faith is predicted during the ending days of this THIRD age, as a result of backsliding and general lukewarmness among the heretofore faithful. Look around and this you will clearly see.

5. Biblical prophecies have been and remain seeds of human history.

6. Yet-fulfilled prophecies, unfolding apace, are worthy of diligent study.

7. Now is the time to get and stay on ‘the right side of Bible prophecy’.


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Fasten your spiritual seat belts!

Tribulation Age Precursors: Roads Beckoned, Then Taken (Poem)

All across our post-pandemic world, I perceive,

Some roads folks are on, ‘pent-up’ stresses to relieve.

Stresses from what, in the pandemic, they could not escape,

Now that the pandemic is over, they seek to undrape.

In achieving their ‘stress relieving objective’,

They are hell-bent on being very effective!

You won’t find these roads in any landscape, physical.

They’re visible in contexts, ‘socio-cultural’.

Folks who transit them are from two groups, very distinct,

And neither group realizes that it’s been hoodwinked!

Though they know the roads they traverse have consequences,

They just focus on …‘beneficial counterpoises’. 1

The first road taken

This is the road we humans typically traverse.

It’s the one road on which most folks will never reverse!

I call it The Lord’s Grace-to-Judgment Freeway.

It’s our usual route, our sinful forte.

The pandemic restricted its usual traffic.

But now on this freeway, traffic is HEAVY and BRISK! 2

On the surface, it so very clearly appears to me,

The pandemic amplified desires to live sinfully.

In ‘sins catch-up mode’, the whole world now seems to be,

Exceeding their pre-pandemic sinful degrees.

But there’s one thing they are ALL blind to, spiritually,

As they brazenly pursue their sin-subserviency! 3

The Lord’s strategy in dealing with all of humanity,

Is initially to extend His Grace, with longevity.

Grace, leading to repentance, that’s what He intends.

But when this approach fails, its Judgments He then sends:

Four judgments henchmen, including various pestilences.

GLOBAL PANDEMICS are the quintessence of pestilences!!! 4

For folks in whom The Lord’s intention was not realized,

Pray-tell, what’s in store for them who are so …sin-patronized,

With post-pandemic lifestyles greatly …sin-radicalized?!

It seems their wickedness is brazenly romanticized.

These folks have ‘…fallen into the Hands of The Living God.’

After a bit more Grace, they’ll know His most harsh judgment rod. 5

Other roads taken

The Covid pandemic shuttered so much of societies,

And many churches, some with questionable profundities.

Then, when it was over, life quickly bounced back! – Hurray!

But many churches had seen …the height of their heydays.

There were many reports of congregational shrinkages,

Facilities repurposing, and pastoral leakages. 6

It became increasingly clear many Christians had turned,

Off Believers’ Broadway, onto Reprobate Road, church-spurned.

This trend likely began long before the pandemic,

As with darkening culture, folks began to frolic.

As debates increased about pandemic church attendance,

The Lord exposed what was hidden in hearts in abundance. 7

Post-pandemic, many of these folks then became,

More lukewarm, so onto Laodicean’s Lane,

They turned, and headed straight to Temptations Turnpike,

Where they were free to remove their cloaks called, ‘Christ-like’.

On Fed-up Freeway, with devils they would rendezvous.

Then they ended-up on Apostasy Avenue.

Many of these folks may have never perceived,

Or may have lacked the faith to really believe,

How faith-filled ‘prayers move The Hand that moves the world’,

As, in patience, we wait to see His will unfurl.

Thus, discontented with their faith, they became,

Then decided to shift into …the ‘nones’ lane. 8

They’re living lives in …overt faith-denunciation,

Just as Paul’s warned of …end-of-age tergiversation.

That comports with The Lord’s letter to Laodiceans,

Folks who became lukewarm, worthy of regurgitation!

Thus, they are a key precursor of the end of this age,

A key signal The Lord’s about to …turn His ages page!’ 9

One day I saw how aggressively,

Some neighbors had pruned their shrubbery.

They did this in anticipation of good Spring rains,

That’ll be followed by desert heat, when growth is restrained.

Could that be what The Lord is doing,

Aggressive, age-ending, church-pruning???

(If so, WoW!!!)

The Lord had shown me that Christians in the tribulation age,

Will include some former 3rd age Christians who would re-engage. 

They’ll miss the rapture of authentic 3rd age saints.

Then they’ll see the anti-Christ, and face his constraints!

They will be in the first multitude that was seen by John,

Folks who will be beheaded after the anti-Christ’s dawn! 10

Now, they boast as a ‘none’, or of their political prowess.

Then, they’ll boast in Christ, ready to pass The Lord’s martyrdom test!

They’ll be joined by new, 4th age saints who were

faithful in false faiths’, 11

But who were swayed-to-switch, and resist the anti-Christ man’s baits!

That’s what I ‘see’ of these ex-saints today who will transition,

To the next age of history, the age of tribulation.

I ‘see’ them on roads, not knowing their destination,

Turning here, then there, joining devils’ delegations.

With every mile, right and left turn, further from Christ they stray,

Not perceiving the next rapture is closer day-by-day! 12

If only they knew, on The Lord’s map, they’re at a key juncture!

Leaving Him at this time, they’re making a colossal blunder!

To you, dear Readers, I offer, and hope you’ll heed my caution:

Avoid Reprobate Road where The Lord’s dis-favor is certain!

Don’t go near Apostasy Avenue! It leads f-a-r from Grace!

Keeping straight on Yahweh’s Way, together we’ll see The Lord’s face.

If you know some folks who think backslidden life is sublime,

Who, by apostasy, are hoodwinked, please send them this rhyme.

Apostasy Avenue

Believers’ Broadway

Fed-up Freeway

Grace-to-Judgment Freeway

Laodicean’s Lane

Reprobate Road

Temptations Turnpike

Yahweh’s Narrow Way

Now you know the 8 named roads in my list.

Of my rhyme, they help to capture its gist.

I hope you’ll ponder on which road,

You have sown seeds from your heart’s load. 

When they sprout, to you, their fruits will beckon.

Then we’ll find out …which roads you’ll have taken.


1 Counterpoise - a factor, force, or influence that balances or neutralizes another.

2 See: Matthew 7:13-14.

3 In John 8:34, Jesus said, ‘Most assuredly, I say to you, whoever commits sin is a slave of sin.’

4 See: Four Judgment Henchmen, Explained, and also Grace, Why So Long? (Poem).

5 SeeHebrews 10:31See alsoThe Reluctant Judge (poem).

6 See web search results for: What happened to churches after the pandemic?

7 See: Psalm 33:13-15, and especially Proverbs 4:20-23 (CJB). See also: Heart Expressions (Poem).

8 See web search results for: Who are the nones?

9 Tergiversation – backsliding, backslidden. See: The Lord’s letter to the Laodicean church, and also: Human History Ages (Series).

10 See: Audacious Christians (Series), esp. Part 2, and Missed Insights from Revelation 20.

11 See: The Shortest, Most Powerful Sermon, Un-heard (Poem).

12 See: The Rapture (Series).

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