Mark my words about the shortest sermon ever.
It will not be heard, and no preacher will be seen.
But across the world, it’ll be the most powerful!
To tell you all about it, I am very eager,
To describe in detail this sermon’s future scene,
And to explain and portray its awesome potential!
Imagine waking up one morning, tuning into the news,
To be greeted with unending reports of much shock and awe,
Of folks having suddenly disappeared, and graves burst open!
In those churches that remain, folks are ‘spilling over the pews’.
And everywhere else, folks are questioning their religions’ flaw!
They are all trying to make some sense of this …global omen.
By now, you may know I speak of the long-predicted rapture,
The ‘catching away’ of every bona fide Christ-follower,
Those who died, and those who were alive in history’s 3rd age.
This event will clear the way for the darkest ever figure,
The anti-Christ man, who’ll be endowed with satanic power.
To this, most folks will be blind, since to solve problems,
he’ll be sage! 1
So why will the rapture be the shortest, un-preached sermon??
Though l-o-n-g-predicted, it’ll happen in a nano-second.
As such, it’ll likely be a totally silent event.
Its ‘silent voice’ will echo throughout the ages to come:
"The Bible IS TRUSTWORTHY! Forsake other ‘faith’ notions!!!
Prepare for its coming predictions, no one can prevent!!!" 2
This event will signal the start of history’s 4th age.
Many folks who were fake Christ-followers in the 3rd age,
And some who were once ‘real’, but who extinguished their Christ-light,
Will be jolted to know, without them, ‘The Lord turned His page!’
LEFT BEHIND, they will have a clue of the coming rampage.
In their angst, many will renew relationships with Christ. 3
But in their rush, I intuit they won’t be alone.
Many religious-minded folks who ‘never knew’ Christ,
Who embraced strange faith notions never sanctioned by Him,
Will join in massive conversions, their sins to atone.
They will embrace Jesus, Who for their sins, paid the price. 4
My spiritual heart aches as I ponder this scene,
Knowing the price they’ll pay for their decision, postponed. 5
If only there was a way, in history’s 3rd age,
To help some un-believing soul, The Lord’s TRUTHs to glean.
Live life ‘in-LIGHT-ened!’ That’s my assignment ‘till I’m gone.
Are you ready for The Lord to turn His …‘ages page’?
Across the world,
precursors of the 4th age are apparent...
Please take time to read this companion poem:
Letter to 4th Age Christians (Poem)
1 See: The Rapture (Series), Human History Ages (Series), and anti-Christ (Series). In 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12, Paul infers a link between the rapture, and the revealing of the anti-Christ. It stands to reason that this event will have global repercussions …possibly much worse than climate change! Imagine the plethora, of intractable, global problems that will need to be addressed in every sector of life, after the rapture. I intuit the whole world, will be clamoring for an exceptional strong man to take control, globally. Voila!
2 See: 1 Corinthians 15:51-52. For serious Bible students, see: Is the last trumpet of 1 Thessalonians 4 the same as the seventh trumpet of Revelation?
3 See: Revelation 3:14-22, Audacious Christians (Series), especially Part 2, and Letter to 4th Age Christians (Poem). According to Revelation 7:9-17, many or most of these 4th age converts will be beheaded by the anti-Christ governance system.
4 See: Prayer of Salvation (Poem).
5 Again, according to Revelation 7:9-17, many or most of these 4th age converts will be beheaded by the anti-Christ governance system.