Who among us hasn’t been energized or bored by PowerPoint presentations? I’ve experienced both reactions. But what if we viewed history itself as a PowerPoint presentation—one designed to teach us key lessons and help us realign our lives?
The adage “history repeats itself” may not be entirely accurate. Instead, I intuit that clear spiritual patterns -- driven by both good and evil intentions -- recur across history! We are the target audience of these patterns. And since human nature remains largely unchanged across generations, we continue to make the same mistakes and fall into the same traps as our forefathers. Ergo, our collective failure to develop spiritual insight, keeps us from recognizing these spiritual patterns.
To address this, The Lord created and preserved His ultimate Power’s Point presentation—complete with clear, stark demonstration effects and core lessons, easily grasped by those who seek them. It’s called The Bible, and it’s chock-full of profound, repetitive spiritual patterns that shape human life on Earth.
Let's take some time to explore it as His loving Power’s Point presentation.
Click on the links below to access the posts in this series.
The Power’s Points (Poem, Part 1)
The Power’s Points (Poem, Part 2)
Concurrent Powers
The Power's Points (Poem, Part 3)
A Closer Look