Seeing history as ‘PowerPoint presentations’,
To us who’re living in subsequent generations,
Might seem somewhat strange to some of you.
Yet we know, in life, not much is new.
We who’re attuned can now perceive,
Patterns in history most can’t conceive.
Aligning our lives to what we ‘see’,
Gives us an edge to live life fear-free.
What other books exceed The Bible’s ability,
To demonstrate a core, consistent theme so clearly,
Spanning from creation’s birth, to its predicted demise,
With powerful, repeating patterns, readers to advise?!
Its 66 books, each in chapters and verses,
Into one thematic presentation merges:
Jesus created us, with Him to fellowship,
Yet we yield to forces who bucked His stewardship.
Though they rebelled, their judgment has been delayed
Time to see whom among us, they will have swayed,
To join in their protracted rebellion,
And share in their eternal revulsion.
In The Old Testament, apart from the first book written,
These forces are concealed, but in The New, the plot thickens! *
There, they are revealed, their vile game plan is exposed!
There, we learn of their judgment The Lord has imposed!
The Bible’s core points are clear and formidable,
With clear demonstration effects, historical.
Its patterns are intended to be predictive,
Though our responses to them is so dismissive.
Stay tuned for Part 3
A closer look
* The New Testament reveals what the Old Testament conceals -- except for the Book of Job, the oldest book of Scripture. What is first concealed, and later revealed, is the presence and relentless workings of satan and his crew of demons and devils, who ceaselessly pursue humanity. Their ultimate objective: To ensnare as many souls as possible, condemning them to share in the extreme judgment The Lord has decreed upon them for their rebellion, namely, eternity as fully sentient, immortal beings, trapped in an inescapable lake of fire, burning with brimstone (sulfur’s stench included!).
If satan and his crew are fully aware of their inevitable fate -- as confirmed in Revelation 20, 21, and 22, shouldn’t YOU be, too?? And more importantly… shouldn’t you take every step possible to AVOID sharing in their end?!