This post shares a 5-page review of core factors that led to the collapses of historical global hegemon nations, with a view to understanding:
1. Discernible patterns across the ages of human history,
2. If any, whether and how the U.S. might fit in, and
3. Whether there might be some key lessons to be derived for, and hopefully
learned by the U.S. and future hegemon nations.
This ChatGPT-aided review was prompted by my strong curiosity to understand whether the U.S. might be exhibiting generally similar, or uniquely different characteristics that historical global hegemon empires exhibited prior to, and during their sudden or protracted collapses. My curiosity was activated while researching and writing the Human History Ages topical series.
This review is based on:
a) The predicted succession of global hegemon empires, as revealed in chapter 2 of The Book of Daniel. This chapter addresses a strange dream Babylon’s King Nebuchadnezzar had about a year after his conquest of the ancient nation of Judah, and its capital, Jerusalem. The dream featured a massive statue of a man whose main body parts were of different metals, and whose feet and toes were a mix of iron and clay. History confirms this dream was prophetically accurate, as the statue's main body parts (from its head, to its toes) referred to the Babylonian Empire, the Medo-Persian ==> Persian Empire, the Grecian Empire, the Roman Empire, and current-day remnants of the Roman Empire (views on the composition of which are quite diverse).
b) Historical hegemonic patterns since the collapse of the Roman Empire. This part of history was represented in the dream by the statue’s legs of iron, ‘bleeding into’ the toes of mixed iron and clay, representing a mix of strong and weak nations.
There are similarly different views on the conclusion of King Nebuchadnezzar's dream -- the prediction of a final global hegemon government after the statue will be completely destroyed. I hope to write a post on these views.
As you read this review, notice the steady east-to-west trend of these global hegemon nations in history. Then join me in pondering what might come next - China, the predicted anti-Christ regime in the next (the 4th) age of history (if it will be global), or the promised Millennial Reign of Christ, which is iteratively predicted to be GLOBAL? After pondering this, read Daniel 2:44-45. See also: When Westward Becomes Eastward.
Please e-mail me with any comments or questions you may have on this review.
The Decline and Fall of Global Hegemons