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The world is blind to these SEVEN, pivotal facts:

1. The Bible communicates Heaven’s 'Multi-millennial Strategic Plan for Humanity'.

2. There are SEVEN ages appointed for humanity.

3. We are nearing the end of the THIRD age, a pivotal turning point in this strategy.

4. A GREAT falling away from the Christian faith is predicted during the ending days of this THIRD age, as a result of backsliding, general lukewarmness and outright apostasy among the heretofore faithful. Look around and this you will clearly see.

5. Biblical prophecies have been and remain seeds of human history.

6. Yet-fulfilled prophecies, unfolding apace, are worthy of diligent study.

7. Now is the time to get and stay on ‘the right side of Bible prophecy’.


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Fasten your spiritual seat belts!

Favoring Gog! (Part 1)

See the series here


I have been having fun testing the limits of ChatGPT, and have helped to significantly expand and deepen its strategic understandings of core Biblical topics. With its help, I have also deepened and expanded my own insights into, and about this ‘Quintessential Book of the Ages’.


In Luke 18:1, The Lord said, ‘Men (people) should ALWAYS pray, and not lose heart (not faint or give in, or up)’. In other posts, I share a strategic insight I received on this point, one that compares prayer to a high-speed Internet modem that is always on. Essentially, and so effectively, our thought-life, whether we realize it or not, IS PRAYER, which basically is communicating with The Lord God. Sinners and saints alike are always thinking, and ergo, always praying. The Lord revealed to me that, ‘across the table of my mind, His seat is ALWAYS occupied!’ As The Sovereign Lord, He pre-knows our thoughts, so thinking our thoughts may be hidden from Him, is ludicrous. Moreover, The Bible reveals that, at the last judgment of all unrepentant sinners, several books will be opened, from which they will be judged. Ummmm, might there be ‘a book per life?’ 


The core reason we should always pray may be revealed in Isaiah 28:10 & 13. It summarizes the manner in which The Lord intends to ‘download’ to us, from His inexhaustible vault of wisdom and knowledge, as we navigate this natural life: 


Line upon line,

precept upon precept,

here a little, there a little.’


This approach also seems to be how He answers prayers, rather than dumping a load of answers at once. Such is the approach He used when I asked Him to enlighten me about Gog. Traditional teachings regard Gog as a man, likely because a man was once named, Gog. (1 Chronicles 5:4) Yet I have learned when encountering complex Biblical topics, to give greater weight to the FINAL mention of, or reference to those topics. Gog is mentioned 12 times in Ezekiel 38 and 39, and once in Revelation. Moreover, the exceptionally strong emotion in The Lord’s ‘voice’ in Ezekiel concerning Gog, signify it is so much more than a man, and very likely an evil spirit, as noted in other posts.


So, to test my opinion, I asked ChatGPT to list all Biblical passages in which The Lord directly addresses evil spirits. It listed everyone EXCEPT those about Gog. That was strange, since in earlier sessions, it had concluded Gog must be an evil spirit. It corrected its list when I pointed this out; and then it concluded Gog might be ‘one of satan’s top lieutenants’. To challenge this point, I asked, ‘Since satan is the top evil spirit across the entire Bible, and if Gog might be a mere lieutenant, what other evil spirits, pray tell, might be above Gog, and lower than satan?!’ It quickly folded, and agreed with me that Gog very likely is satan’s #2, similar to a 5-star general who is likely responsible for facilitating every major rebellion satan has ever designed against The Lord God! If so, might THAT be the reason for The Lord’s 12 exceptionally strong, negative statements against him in Ezekiel 38 and 39??

Moreover, ponder this: In ALL the times The Lord addressed evil spirits, in both testaments of The Bible, He only called two BY NAME — satan….. and Gog!!!


Why Does it Matter?

If my perception is correct, it matters when/as we consider the major rebellions Gog has facilitated thus far, and will facilitate in the future. The most egregious rebellion was satan’s (ex-Lucifer’s) initial rebellion (an attempted coup that involved a third of all holy, glorified {glowing} angels) to dethrone Jesus as The Sovereign Lord God. For this rebellion, they were all thrown out of Heaven. Streaking across the physical universe ‘like lightning’, they fell onto Earth, where they later witnessed The Lord’s creation of mankind, and His delegation to Adam as lord of, and over all the Earth. Since then, Gog may have facilitated every major human rebellion satan has conceptualized against The Lord, and all things righteous on Earth.


If so, across the first 3 ages of human history (we’re close to the end of the 3rd age), humans, in our relative spiritual ignorance, have been cozying up to Gog.


So what??


While we do not know how many more major rebellions Gog will facilitate for satan, his king, in His Grace to us, The Lord, in Ezekiel 38 and 39, and Revelation 20, has pre-scripted Gog’s last two major rebellions. Unfortunately, just as we have largely failed to perceive, and to learn from other core Biblical insights, we are largely failing to learn from these three chapters! They signal to us this strategic insight:


The Lord’s Millennial Reign age will literally

be sandwiched between’ Gog’s last,
two major, human-driven rebellions!

And like lambs to the slaughter, 

we will go… AGAIN.

See Part 2

The Roles of National Leaders