
Hello and Welcome~

The world is blind to these SEVEN, pivotal facts:

1. The Bible communicates Heaven’s 'multi-millennial, strategic plan for humanity'.

2. There are SEVEN ages appointed for humanity.

3. We are nearing the end of the THIRD age, a pivotal turning point in this strategy.

4. A GREAT falling away from the Christian faith is predicted during the ending days of this THIRD age, as a result of backsliding and general lukewarmness among the heretofore faithful. Look around and this you will clearly see.

5. Biblical prophecies have been and remain seeds of human history.

6. Yet-fulfilled prophecies, unfolding apace, are worthy of diligent study.

7. Now is the time to get and stay on ‘the right side of Bible prophecy’.


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Fasten your spiritual seat belts!

Blind Faith in Trumpism? (Q&A)

See the Q&A Series here

Q: You say, ‘Faith is not based on what is seen, but on what is believed …without, and in spite of physical evidence. (Hebrews 11:1)’ Folks who believe in Trump’s ideology (Trumpism), cultural and racial supremacy, etc. have faith that they are righteous, despite evidence of his and their terrible misdeeds committed openly, in plain sight. So could [blind] FAITH be where the real issues lie? 


A: Thanks for your very pertinent question. I will do my best to answer it from a Biblical perspective.


I do not believe faith, per se, is on trial in this situation. Rather, it is the object of folks’ faith that should be, and is on trial. Throughout The Bible, The Lord admonishes us to live by faith in Him, His Word promises, His nature and character, more than anything or anyone else. Similarly, throughout The Bible and world history, only a precious few folks have demonstrated the ability, commitment and courage to do exactly this, and they generally paid high prices of various kinds for their faithfulness. The majority, however, rebelled against The Lord’s command, and many simply demonstrated errant understandings of what He requires. Though He held societal leaders (kings, priests and prophets) accountable for their errant teachings and role-modeling, when The Lord’s Grace expired (as it always does without repentance), most folks were caught in the grip of His judgments, and at times, and even righteous folks suffered collateral effects of their nations being judged, (See Jeremiah 29 for a letter The Lord inspired Jeremiah to write to Judean captives in Babylon. Daniel and friends became slaves in Babylon, yet they were favored and protected; Daniel was promoted to high positions in kings courts in Babylon and Persia, and Esther became the Queen of Persia after it conquered Babylon. See also: Collateral Damages or Blessings? (Poem))

Some within the so-called American ‘religious/political far right’ seem to believe (have faith) they are called to turn the tide of what they account as sinfulness across America by political or even violent means, and a few have proposed adoption of ‘Christian nationalism’, a quasi-theocratic approach to national governance. This they do with a blind eye or myopia on their own sinfulness. The concept of Christian nationalism in modern times clearly goes against what Christ called His believers to do and to be. In history, He only established one nation as a theocracy, ancient Israel, which later split into 2 nations (Israel and Judah). They failed in meeting their call, so He destroyed those nations via military invasions, and scattered a remnant of the peoples across the world, just as He had promised through Moses in Deuteronomy 32. [FYI, The Lord promises to regather Jews from across the world back to the promised land, and then to establish His own global theocratic kingdom, The Millennial Reign of Christ with His resurrected saints from across the ages of time. At that time, the whole world will be a theocracy!! Imagine that. For more on this, search this blog for that topic.]


Jeremiah 9:23-24 and Ezekiel 14:12-23 reveal The Lord’s promised judgments on to ANY land (not just Israel!) and people (not just Jews!) who demonstrate persistent, un-repented sinfulness. Comparing these verses with what He declared through Moses, in Deuteronomy 32, reveals very close overlaps. Thus, any cursory review reveals that world history clearly aligns with exactly what He promised! That’s the hard evidence (not faith) that human history is essentially the seeds and the fulfillment of Bible prophecies.

So what did Jesus call His faithful followers to be and do?

Jesus only called His followers to be:

     (1) ‘preserving [spiritual] salt’ in societies that tend to rot, socio-culturally, under their weights of increasing sinfulness, and 

     (2) valid, demonstrable witnesses of His saving Grace to the onlooking, unbelieving world.


The notion is for us to demonstrably be exemplars of, and to share His life transforming Word, as opportunities arise. Our test (Jeremiah 17:10) is to do these things, and to TRUST/LEAVE THE RESULTS TO THE HOLY SPIRIT.


I believe most within the so-called American religious political far right tried this. It is possible that, not seeing results they desired within their own timeframes, many may have decided to 'take matters into their own hands', and to vie for significant influence over the political levers of our nation’s governance, something The Lord never called bona fide Christians to do. Many aspects of Trump’s life were reportedly despicable to them, socio-culturally, but they believed he could help to achieve their political objectives, so they reportedly ‘pinched their noses’ and voted for him, many twice!

Please see: Laodicean Lackadaisicalness - Part 7 (Poem) for a picture and discussion that captures this notion. The broader Laodicean Lackadaisicalness (Series) addresses what may well be the predicted state of the Church, worldwide, during the last days of this current age, the 3rd age of The Lord's multi-millennial strategic plan for humanity. Written in the closing years of the 1st century AD, Revelation 3:14-22, and 2 Thessalonians 2:3, on which this series is based, accurately capture the state of the Church, worldwide, today.


It is always helpful to remember in ALL things, even in our sinfulness, The Lord works out His independent will.

Bottom line: It appears many within the so-called American religious/political far right may have been deceived, thinking they could accomplish ‘The Lord’s Will’ via means other than those He specifically assigned to His followers. I believe the key relevant lesson is whenever we fail to keep our ‘eye on the right(eous) ball’, we will always/ALWAYS be tempted to focus on carnal ways and means to address the issues of life, including … a man, thus making him an idol.


I trust this adequately addresses your question. See also: The Big Lie (Q&A) and also Gas-lit (Poem)

Bible Prophecies, Seeds of History (Poem)

See the series here

Into world history, several friends are steeped.

From ancient-to-modern, they are well read.

Yet into The Holy Bible, most never peeped.


Thus, by The Lord’s wisdom, they are not fed.

Under their ‘carpets of life’, His wisdom they sweep.


Well into the future, The Lord’s prophets could ‘see’.

Whatever they ‘saw’, they both spoke and wrote.

He transformed their ‘word seeds’ into …‘world history’!


Future history shall be what they wrote.

Our faithless ignorance denies this mystery.


In the highest sense, The Bible, essentially,

Is all about prophecy, The Lord’s ‘business card’,

Proof He is exactly Whom He declares to be.


It is the equivalent of Heaven’s vanguard,

To be received and respected, eminently.


Here’s a thought I invite you to join me in pondering:

What if The Bible is a synopsis of a book,

In Heaven that’s not available for our previewing?


Into that Book, would you want to take a prolonged look??

It’s ‘The Scripture of Truth’, our history prophesying!!! 1


I suspect…

Since we cannot imagine the detailed contents therein,

The Lord ensured we could access …its essence,

But only when we approach it in awe, with discipline


That’s when The Holy Spirit gives us license,

To transcend ourselves, and perceive into …His dimension. 


Let’s reflect…

The Holy Bible may well be His chosen instrument,

To enable us into this essence to peer,

And see His heart for us, and our responses …so indolent. 2


To reveal to us, from Him how far we all veer,

Yet His longing for us all to return …is incessant.


Perhaps... as if to mirror The Scripture of Truth in Heaven,

The Bible whispers this core message to all humanity:

I, Jesus, AM The Lord God of and over all creation.

What I speak to, and inspire in My prophets is prophecy.

My Words ‘seeded’ history for all coming generations.


Can a tree bear fruit without a seed, and then roots?

Can a baby be born without a dad’s seed and a mom’s womb?

Can books reveal more than what their authors deduce?

What you see is 'My-story', when its rearward you peer & zoom.

I speak en avance, and history …is educed. 3


What I speak previews two broad paths humans may follow:

One is My path of righteousness which yields good results.

The other is of evil, when in sins you wallow.

Denying My word seeds will not change what fruit erupts. 

That just portends bitter pills in life you will swallow. 4



I implore you to open your ‘eyes’ until you can see,

The Lord’s ‘seeds’ in history’s fruits at which you peer,

Results of our choices between His two-path policy.

As you peer, may the roots of our choices appear,

And you realize history is fruits of prophecy.


1 SeeHeaven’s Animating Holy Scripts (Poem) and also Daniel 10:21

2 Indolent – slothful, lazy 

3 Human history is 'His-story' -- His predictions fulfilled of His two-path policy. En avance – French for in advance. Educe – to develop or bring forth.

4 Any honest and thorough correlation of The Bible with world history undeniably and emphatically demonstrates this point. Mankind is the intentional apex of The Lord’s creation. He has carefully embedded a prophetic choice for each of us to make in shaping our future history.

Gas-lit! (Poem)

A HUGE element of America’s electorate,

Was gas-lit by a deep, political conspiracy,

Structured to keep an errant president (their favorite),

In office for a second four-year term, illegally!


The plan, devised before the national election:

Let’s emphatically declare …’the election was stolen!!! 1

The plan counted on his supporters’ strong affection,

Even knowing of his past sordid and salacious actions.


Once enacted, the plan wreaked havoc across the nation,

And triggered a spate of lawsuits, brought by the candidate.

He lost all but one, but still, the conspiracy pressed on.

The plan then e-x-p-a-n-d-e-d with deeper lies served from his plate!


Weeks before the transfer-of-power was scheduled,

With his crew, this lame-duck president conspired to organize,

An armed mob attack on the U.S. capitol!! 2

The attack lasted hours. Many folks were hurt …and some died.


A year+ later, the hard facts of this plan are now revealed,

And many insurrectionists are having their ‘day in court’.

Since then, against the leaders, indictments have now been unsealed.

The wheels of justice turn more slowly, for …high level cohorts! 3


For most of us citizens, our minds are befuddled,

As to why they refuse to believe Truth that’s revealed.

And why by the lies and grift, they remain bedeviled.

It seems as if deep within them, the lies have congealed


Friends, by now, no doubt you are seriously wondering,

Why am I addressing this highly disturbing topic,

And how it related to topics I spend time pondering.

This story points to one that is far more catastrophic!!!


Long ago…

Another ‘president-type’ witnessed a key (s)election,

One that would depose him from his highly-desired position.

He, too, lost his (s)election that triggered great frustration!

And he, too, conspired to use lies as his …tools of persuasion.


His many supporters were all in on the deal,

And they agreed he would be their …‘best foot forward’.

So they then conspired how the (s)election to steal.

They planned how a key supporter could be cornered.


The plan: Feed this supporter info that was dubious,

On an issue not uppermost in the opposition’s mind,

But the Electorate would consider as dangerous.

Their plan worked, putting the opposition in an awful bind!!!


From that moment, all mankind was eternally doomed,

Because Eve had fallen for satan’s little white lie.
Adam lost ‘the god-role’ that for him
The Lord had groomed,

And to their sin, we, all their offspring are now allied. 4


Generation-after-generation, for unending years,

Devils have deepened and ex-p-a-n-d-e-d their scheme,

And just like our first parents, we’ve trusted their lying veneers.

So The Lord became a Man …and joined our team! 5


He developed a scheme that from every devil was cloaked,

To pay our full sin price, and redeem us to God.

Now to sin’s awful penalty, we don’t have to be yoked!!!

His sacrifice for us exposed satan’s cruel fraud. 6


Too many of us still fall for those devilish lies,

And refuse to embrace Heaven’s greatest gift:

Salvation in Jesus Christ , God’s ‘eternal life prize.’

That’s like Americans who …give Truth short-shrift7


1 As summarized by Steve Bannon,  former campaign director for D.J. Trump

2 On January 6, 2021

3 Merrick Garland, U.S. Attorney General

4 In creating Adam in the presence of all on-looking devils, The Lord God ‘(s)elected’ him to be the god-equivalent on Earth, having full spiritual and physical dominion over this part of creation. Eve was his key supporter. satan and his imps, who had been deposed of their various angelic roles in Heaven, had been cast down to Earth, and likely thought of it as their new kingdom. I imagine they were shocked when The Lord created man, and then put him in charge of Earth! 

5 He became human through the virgin birth, foretold in a cloaked manner in Genesis 3:15.

6 His cloaked scheme was to inject Himself into Israel, declare Himself to be their Messiah (which He was and is), knowing full well they would reject and crucify Him simply because they grossly misunderstood prophetic timelines about His Millennial and eternal kingdoms. See: The Valleys Between the Peaks (Poem)

7 The millions of folks across our land who steadfastly believe the lie, …the 2020 election was stolen!

Through the Eyes of His Heart (Poem)

Hear, Heart, Fear, Clear, Dear, Early, Earnest, Forbear,

Eight words that are undeniably persistent,

As into The Word of The Lord we do peer.

To you, within each one, what word is most pertinent?


These words convey concepts with which

The Lord is keenly concerned,

Thus, in various ways, these concepts are reiterated,

As if to help ensure that by them, our lives will be governed,

And enduring blessings from Him will be reciprocated.


The pertinent word buried in these words is ‘ear’,

Thus, what we hear is the dominant concept on His mind,

So in life we learn, and then yearn Him to revere.

To suit these objectives, His Word is …uniquely designed. 1


     Hear conveys the concept of listening.

     Heart conveys the concept of perceiving.
     Fear conveys concepts of imagining.
     Clear conveys the concept of conceiving.


     Dear conveys the concept of blessing.
     Early conveys the concept of mortality.
     Earnest conveys the concept of testing.
     Forbear conveys the concept of mentality.


To what we tune our ears, physical, and heart, spiritual,

Determines which motivating voice we hear, fear or faith. 2

By the clarity of what we hear, we’re held accountable,

And our choice of whom and what we hold dear, we seal our fate.


The timeliness in which we learn reveals our wisdom level,

And diligence in applying it governs our success. 3

Resisting contrary voices and urgings from the devil,

Ensures from the presence of The Lord …we will not egress.


I hope you will treasure these key words and concepts I have shared,

To meditate and develop them very well in your life.

They’re a good summary of wisdom in His Word He’s declared,

Patiently over thousands of years, 66 ‘books’ to write. 4



Imagine… how would your life be, what would your ‘see’,

Perceive…  the many problems you would thwart,

If you keenly developed the ability,

To see life …Through Eyes of The Good Lord’s Heart.


1 The Lord revealed to Apostle Paul, ‘All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the saints of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.’ (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

2 Fear and faith are the same, exact spiritual force or energy, just working in opposing directions, and achieving opposite results. Since Hebrews 11:1 defines faith as ‘[spiritual] substance of things hoped for [desired], the [temporary stand-in] evidence of things not seen [invisible, not-yet manifested]’, think …what does this infer as a good, working definition of fear??

3 King Solomon, the wisest man in his day, put it this way, ‘Remember now your Creator in the days of your youth…’ (Ecclesiastes 12:1)

4 Peter declares, ‘And so we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts;  knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation, for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke [and wrote] as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.’ (2 Peter 1:19-21) If you think deeply, you will clearly see practically all of The Bible essentially …is prophecy, namely The Lord very early on declaring the concepts and principles by which individuals and nations should live to receive His bountiful blessings, and detailing the judgments that would befall us if we disobeyed. The rest of The Bible essentially brings to light and life exactly what He said! Ever considered that?

Cascading Crises (Poem)

With the expression, double-edged sword, we are all familiar.

But a triple-edged sword’?! Now that’s a concept much fuzzier.

While triple-edged knives and daggers do exist,

The notion of triple-edged swords is …dismissed.


Though it’s apparently dismissed, physically,

This idea may exist, spiritually.

So let’s take some time, this enigma to ponder,

And perceive wisdom The Lord serves on His platter.


Biblically, references to ‘sword’ infer warfare.

One of four judgments The Lord persistently declares,

Against any land and its people’s persistent sinfulness,

When to repentance they exhibit pervasive slothfulness. 1


These judgments can relate …synergistically,

Triggering each other …symbiotically,

When to repent, people remain stubborn,

And errant ways they refuse to unlearn. 2


‘How does this link to the triple-edged sword notion?’

The answer relates to judgment augmentation,

That happens as collateral impacts kick in,

In response to people’s increasingly gross sins.


Only when, and as we cultivate The Mind of Christ,

Can we begin to perceive the escalating price,

Of the potential unfolding matrix,

Of His four cardinal judgment tactics. 3


For each one, perceive in your spirit:

     1. The sword blade that likely triggered it

     2. The sword blade of what it foments

     3. The sword blade of what it prevents


Like a land that has been severely bombed,

Crises then cascade to points well beyond,

The Lord’s declared, four disastrous sin-judgment tactics!

In effect, these four serve as His… judgment catalysts!


When you see cascading crises infecting a land,

Spiritually-minded folks this should understand:

It may very well be The Lord’s unfolding matrix,

Of judgments on it He has l-o-n-g  promised to inflict.


Ask yourself

‘How can I ensure I’ll be among the vigilant remnant,

Who survives collateral damages that are imminent??’

For in all His judgments, The Good Lord extends Grace,

For us who, by them, will shape-up and become chaste. 4


Then ponder:

When a land is facing cascading crises,

Of varying natures and intensities,

What are folks' governance propensities:

Democracies versus autocracies?? 5


Now understand why in me this is stirred:

Democracies won’t likely be preferred,

When The Lord’s tribulation judgments escalate.

Autocracies will then likely …proliferate!


So of this propensity, be forewarned, not surprised.

It’ll occur in the open, and will not be disguised.

Then into an evil one, these autocracies will conflate,

And everything righteous, the leader will seek …to abrogate. 6


1 See: Ezekiel 14:12-23. Everybody in the U.S. and around the world should MEMORIZE these four judgment henchmen since, throughout human history, by these we have been persistently plagued. These verses clearly unveil the spiritual reasons for such, taking the guesswork out of the equation. Yet, we have largely not been smart enough to figure this out! These are the exact same points The Lord revealed to Moses in Deuteronomy 32:23-25, thousands of years before revealing them to Ezekiel. Will we ever ‘get it’?!

2 Synergistically and symbiotically connote close interactions between similar or dissimilar things or events to produce greater or more significant impacts or effects

3 Paul affirms born-again, Holy Spirit-filled saints have been spiritually given The Mind of Christ. This gift must be received by faith, and then diligently applied to be activated in our lives. This happens as we study The Lord’s Word (The Bible), and work to apply to our lives His righteous principles revealed therein. This proves to the on-looking world that we belong to Him, and are not simply …Christianesque.

4 Chaste  clean, righteous, spotless, undefiled by Heaven’s definition.

5 Think: Absolute martial law is akin to an extreme, yet temporary autocracy. See: Anti-Christ (Series)

6 Abrogate – abolish by authoritative action. See: Degeneracy, Then Demise of Democracy (Poem) and especially Revelation 13 that signifies the predicted 3½ year global reign of the anti-Christ.

Woo Woo Hooey!! (Poem)

‘I consider that’s a bunch of woo woo hooey!’ 1

That’s the sentiment of a non-believer friend,

Who thinks anything spiritual is …phooey,

Not worth the time or effort that, on it, folks spend.


And you know what? He has a lot of company,

Folks who firmly believe to life, there’s nothing more,

Than that which we experience, consciously.

Any notions of more, some folks really abhor!


Yet, as secularists, these folk cannot deny,

That on many prophetic points, The Bible ‘got it right!’

Some historical facts on which we all rely,

Began as prophetic seeds, sown in hearts that were …upright. 2


In the fullness of time, from these seeds, fruits burst forth,

And manifested the things or conditions …pre-revealed,

Some hundreds, and even thousands of years before!

Ahhh, that’s evidence of power from a realm …that’s concealed!


‘Show me some evidentiary proof!’, the skeptics insist,

When some notions of yet-fulfilled prophecies arise.

To connect prophetic fruits to such notions, they resist.

Though on history they rely, their faith it doesn’t advise!

 Tsk, tsk, tsk...


Prophecy is The Lord God’s calling card,

To a world largely skeptic that He even exists!

It’s fulfillment is proof that should discard,

Any and all of our doubts that linger and persist.


But so very sadly, it doesn’t.

And folks who insist on holding onto their doubts,

Of this they are not cognizant:

Even their stubborn doubts are …prophetic fruit sprouts!!! 3


Friends, beware if you, like my friend, may think,

All spiritual notions are …woo woo hooey.

To un-fulfilled prophecies, you’re a key link:

Fruit soon cast down after …reaching your apogee. 4


1 Superstitious, irrational, non-sense beliefs or practices

2 Consider the countless prophecies about Israel, both ancient and modern. (Deuteronomy 4, 30, Isaiah 66:8 and Israel becoming a nation stateSee also: The Lord’s predicted judgment tactics He uses against persistent sinfulness in any land. (Deuteronomy 32, Leviticus 26 and Ezekiel 5 and14). The Bible is undeniably jam-packed with innumerable historical facts, prophecies fulfilled. 

3 These folks don't even realize they, themselves, are fulfilling prophecies! See: 1 Corinthians 2:14, 2 Peter 3:3-4, 2 Timothy 3:1- 17 and 4:3, Jude 7 and 18

4 As ‘in the fullness of your time’.

Degeneracy, Then Demise of Democracy (Poem)

The Bible is likely the oldest historical record.

As Heaven’s conception of creation, it was reserved,

And as its strategic slate for ‘man-king’, it was preserved.

Read with an open mind and heart, this is clearly observed.

It’s preservation is courtesy of Jesus Christ, The Lord. 1

The first king recorded therein is a man named Nimrod.

He governed major parts of the post-flood population,

When there was only one language for communication,

On Earth that had been divided by the inundation.

The Lord ended his reign, and scattered the people abroad. 2

Since then, there have been many kings and rulers across the Earth,

And after them, various forms of governance have emerged.

In these, the last days, something distinctly unique has occurred:

From history’s funnel, two broad governance models emerged:

Democracies and autocracies compete to prove their worth.

Democracies – governance by, for and of ‘the people’,

Though definition of ‘the people’ has varied wildly!

Autocracies – governance by the will of one, tightly.

Between the two, the differences are stark, shockingly! 

The struggle between these is epic; today, it’s frightful!

But as the world transits these scary and troubling times,

It is democracies that are facing challenges severe.

America lauds itself as ‘democracy’s pioneer’,

But history shows she just had a …‘democratic veneer!’

Now, for her democracy, there are worrying signs. 3

Like all other democracies the whole world over,

Challenges are escalating, both within and without. 4

For us who know what The Lord’s strategic plan’s all about,

We understand what, from this, He says will soon, one day sprout:

To an evil, global government, we’re inching closer.

Today’s autocratic governments are merely prototypes,

Of the one predicted to be welcomed on the world’s stage,

When by The Lord, all democracies will have been upstaged.

And in this shakeout, don’t think autocracies will pervade!

They won’t!!!

But in the time of crises, which is the best governance type??


Rather, a new one will emerge, led by …the son of satan,

A fellow who’ll masquerade as a demigod.

(A feeble attempt to mimic ‘The Son of God’)

Horribly gas-lit, the world will fall for his fraud.

That is until The Lord, Son of God, launches His invasion. 5

For the time being…

Each democracy will follow itspath of degeneracy,

As every conceivable restraint, folks will cast-off,

As did ancient nations when at righteousness they scoffed,

And all The Lord’s warnings and judgments, they all rebuffed.

Autocracies will increase, then merge to one, that’s what I perceive. 6

Soon afterward, a monarchy-of-monarchies will arise,

Like the world has never known: 

Jesus on His global Throne,

On Earth, righteousness then honed,

Ensuring of the downfall of many, and hopes of …the wise. 7


1 Man was created to be gods or king-like lords of Earth, spiritually lording over (as in militarily occupying) evil forces that were kicked out of Heaven. Jesus actually confirmed what David wrote under the inspiration of The Holy Spirit, namely, we are gods. See: Psalm 82:6, John 10:35, and Ye Are Gods (Series)

2 See the story of Nimrod in Genesis 10:8 and 11:1-9. Some Bible scholars and scientists alike believe Earth was once a single land mass, and will someday return to this state. See: Genesis 10:25 and 1 Chronicles 1:19 (pre-flood super-continent?) See also: Isaiah 2:19-21, 13:13, 24:18-19, Ezekiel 38:20, Joel 3:16, Haggai 2:6, 21, Luke 21:6, Hebrews 12:26, and Revelation 16:18. Might the predicted global earthquake during the great tribulation (the apocalypse) reunite the continents?? 

3 It is well known that America’s Constitution did not originally apply to women, slaves and original Americans. Slaves were counted as 3/5 of a whole person. SeeThree-fifths CompromiseAlso, the civil rights of women were severely restricted.

4 America is more divided currently than any time since its Revolutionary War. Extremist politics and cultural wars are literally tearing the country apart. Democracies across the world are suffering similarly. Internally, the greatest challenges to American democracy, the touted ‘leader of democracies’, may be the extent to which a large segment of her population was horribly gas-lit by, and steadfastly believed ‘the big lie’ that the 2020 presidential election was hacked, plus a variety of outlandish conspiracy theories. Years on, the country is still reeling and dealing with the after-effects of this extreme event. Democracies the world over are challenged by strongmen governments hungry for more power over people who are ‘free’, and especially for more territory from which to extract increasingly scarce natural resources. Imagine the wars that might erupt over lunar natural resources! I often wondered whether Bible references to ‘the moon turning to blood’ might be a veiled reference to bloody wars that may be fought there. See: Joel 2:32, Acts 2:20 and Revelation 6:12.

5 See: First and Second Comings (Poem) and A One-World Order and Government? (poem).

6 Consider the stark transition righteous Job experienced, as recorded in Job 28 and 29. These chapters encapsulate the ‘righteousness-to-degeneracy path’ down which all humans tread whenever we cast off all moral restraints, and lose all shame. Sadly, personal freedoms that all democracies accentuate, quickly translate into freedom from everything The Lord calls ‘righteous’. The results are always/ALWAYS mounting sinfulness that is guaranteed to attract His most harsh judgments, culminating in loss of nation status, or much worse! To the wise, caveat ! (Latin for ‘beware’)

7 This is the long-promised Millennial Reign of Jesus as global King, along with His then resurrected, im-mortal saints from across the ages, a topic extensively explored in this blog. See: Daniel 12:2-3, Millennial Reign (Series), and Millennial Parallelisms (Series).