
Hello and Welcome~

The world is blind to these SEVEN, pivotal facts:

1. The Bible communicates Heaven’s 'multi-millennial, strategic plan for humanity'.

2. There are SEVEN ages appointed for humanity.

3. We are nearing the end of the THIRD age, a pivotal turning point in this strategy.

4. A GREAT falling away from the Christian faith is predicted during the ending days of this THIRD age, as a result of backsliding and general lukewarmness among the heretofore faithful. Look around and this you will clearly see.

5. Biblical prophecies have been and remain seeds of human history.

6. Yet-fulfilled prophecies, unfolding apace, are worthy of diligent study.

7. Now is the time to get and stay on ‘the right side of Bible prophecy’.


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Fasten your spiritual seat belts!

Human Rights Repealed (Poem)

Listen to Siri audio version here

Across all the ages of human history, 1

Across every nation and in all people groups,

For more rights, there have been cross-generational fights,

Folks hungry for relief from ‘under-privileged plights’,

Selfishly imposed by powerful nincompoops,

Who, to keep the status quo, fought aggressively. 


Imagine all the ‘human rights’ that have been won,

And those for which fights across the world are still being fought,

Fights that brought us to the status quo across the world today,

Nascent demands for rights that cause more societies to fray,

Facing stiff resistance by folks ready for the onslaught!

So I ask, ‘What is The Lord’s human rights notion?’


The Lord only gives us two rights, inherently.

To every human they are freely given:

--The right to live righteously,

--The right to live sinfully.

From these, other 'human rights' are determined’.

Thus, we derive such other rights …'ambitiously'.


Please tell me, if The Lord gives us other rights,

Like those we Americans call ‘inalienable’, 2

Why does He allow governments to deny us them,

Since governments derive governing powers …from Him?

Of His ‘given rights’, wouldn’t He rather be …custodial,

Especially in a world where ‘might makes right’?!


Moreover, all throughout His Word, The Bible,

There are countless examples where He, Himself,

Denied LESS rights to some, yet to others, GAVE ‘rights addenda’,

Based on their righteous status or His strategic agenda!!

This He did openly, and also in stealth.

To folks’ ‘rights’, He’s been protective and baneful.


Nestled somewhere around the two rights He gives to us,

Are His dual guarantees of Grace and Judgments:

--Grace for time to get and stay on His righteous track,

--And Judgments to punish us when Grace He retracks.

When His Grace we abuse, His Judgments we warrant.

His Judgments are tempered, but His Grace is bounteous. 3


Ponder this...

His Love command facilitates our right to live righteously.

‘Love others as ourselves’ is His enabling foundation.

Imagine our lives on Earth …if only,

This was our motive rather …than money.

Thoughts of getting or keeping our rights would not cause frustration.

The links between rights and wealth cause us to live life stingily. 


About The Lord’s rights that all humans receive,

An imminent event is on the horizon.

It will not impact us saints who sinfulness abhorred.

It will halve these two rights whenLove, Himself, is onboard!!!

Heads up! That’s a 50% rights reduction!!!

That’s a ‘future fact’, not just what I perceive.


It’ll be when on Earth is where Jesus as God dwells,

Supported by His saints and angels -- Heaven’s worth! 

If you haven’t heard of it, or know where you’ll be when it occurs,

I recommend you ‘bone up on it, and learn its precursors.

Of rights at that time, there will be …a major dearth!

Folks will have the right to live righteously, or else!!! 4


You who self-deceive with notions of rights by God given,

Take time to read The Bible to see what it predicts.

Learn of its invitation for you to be here at that time,

To help clean up the Earth from folks’ senseless ‘I have a right’ grime. 5

With an open mind, see what about rights it depicts,

So you will be ready when, on Earth, The Lord’s reign beckons. 6


1 We are currently transiting the 3rd of 7 ages of human history. See: Human History Ages (Series)

2 Inalienable - not transferable to another, not capable of being taken away or denied, not alienable 

3 See: Jeremiah 9:23-24, and also What’s Really Going On (…Inside)

4 See: The Millennial Reign Age (Series). This will be the 5th age of human history, during which The Lord Jesus will rule the whole Earth with a rod of iron. That’s so much more than a global strongman, because He is the visible image of Father God’, Who is Spirit. This age will follow the tribulation age, during which the anti-Christ, a spiritual son of satan, will have a global rule of wickedness. The contrast between these two ages will be blazingly stark!

5 The Lord’s saints from the previous ages of history will have been resurrected, raptured into Heaven, and will return with Him to serve as His global governance and righteousness enforcement teams across the world. I'm hoping to see you there!

6 If you might be inclined to dis-believe this incredible Bible prediction and promise, please consider The Bible’s ‘batting average’ of past predictions that became historical facts. In human terms, it’s literally near perfect! Only a few future predictions remain to materialize.

1 comment:

  1. I agree! So what determines that idea? We in America have a constitution that notes God-given rights. But they are really constitutional rights or rights we as humans have given to ourselves! But I agree with your assertion that we having only two God-given rights - the right to live righteously and the right to live sinfully.
    This is a really well written poem, one of my favorites as it explains the concept very well, one I never thought about! You’ve got me thinking!


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