
Hello and Welcome~

The world is blind to these SEVEN, pivotal facts:

1. The Bible communicates Heaven’s 'multi-millennial, strategic plan for humanity'.

2. There are SEVEN ages appointed for humanity.

3. We are nearing the end of the THIRD age, a pivotal turning point in this strategy.

4. A GREAT falling away from the Christian faith is predicted during the ending days of this THIRD age, as a result of backsliding and general lukewarmness among the heretofore faithful. Look around and this you will clearly see.

5. Biblical prophecies have been and remain seeds of human history.

6. Yet-fulfilled prophecies, unfolding apace, are worthy of diligent study.

7. Now is the time to get and stay on ‘the right side of Bible prophecy’.


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Fasten your spiritual seat belts!

Don't Wait-Wait. Tell Me

God has given to us Heaven’s treasure trove, ALL THINGS that pertain to living a godly life, pleasing to Him. This includes His:
-Son, Jesus
-Holy Spirit, with gifts
-Powerful Name
-Word choc full of incredibly powerful promises
-Kingdom citizenship and keys to His kingdom
-Insightful good/bad lifestyle examples
-His enduring patience
-His hope
-His triumph
-Strategic insight about our enemy and how to defeat him
…and so much more, both spiritually and physically

What else is left to give? How should this influence our prayers?

With this treasure trove, He only asks us to RENEW our stinkin' thinkin' to how His kingdom works and overwhelms anything in this physical world, and in doing so, to exercise His kind of overcoming faith when we encounter problems so we, too, can walk in Jesus' victory over things in this world. Thus, in His triumph (2 Corinthians 2:14), He leads us until it is time for us to leave this realm.

How well are we following His lead?

What more can He give to us when He has already emptied Heaven's banks and deposited ALL into us, into our spirit. We only need to learn how to release from within our spirit what He has deposited. Yet we talk and act as if all of this great treasure trove is minimal, compared to problems that come against us.

If He were to intervene when we plead, and we are hesitant or weak in deploying the incredible arsenal at our disposal, would we simply continue to expect Him to do what He has iteratively told US to do? Thankfully, He's much wiser than that.

There are many things God cannot or has elected not to do:
 1. Repent on our behalf for our sinfulness and disobedience
 2. Aggressively renew our mind to His kingdom principles and make us walk therein
 3. Release the power of His Word in our bridled tongue, bridled against continually professing His Word in faith, no matter what
 4. Respond to our fears, rather than to our faith
 5. Perform what/how He has ordained us to perform
 6. Develop our faith
 7. Bind devils who beset us
 8. Shield our tongues from satan's fiery darts
 9. Abide in Christ for us
10. Abide in JoY for us
11. Strengthen our spirit when we do not joyously abide in Christ
12. Discipline our imagination to magnify His Word and power over any problem
13. Block the effects/fruits of our fear-based words and actions
14. Pass His tests for us
15. Change evil, faithless belief systems that derive from wrongly-focused thoughts and imaginations

Let's examine our lives to see what and where we might add to this list.


Booty, Pre/Post Millennial Reign (Poem, Part 4)

 (See the series here)
What triggers a change of hegemon nations?

To hegemon/pax status, nations fight for promotion,
Not recognizing promotion comes only from God.
It’s He alone who ordains this coveted position,
Over which other nations salivate and are awed. 

As Sovereign, He calls forth nation paxes,
To subdue peoples and resources alike.
He’s called them to serve as His battle-axes!
They don’t need to know Him. They’re just called to strike! 2

About paxes, here’s a persistent pattern I‘ve noted:
Between two great wars, they have all been sandwiched!
Hegemon nation promoted, then later demoted.
To this, might there be a spiritual glitch??

First, hegemon nations subjugate others,
Then, later becoming prideful, it, too, is judged.
This is the result that always occurs,
When Jeremiah 9, verse 23 is shrugged. 3

There is one prime act that serves to reveal,
The great pride in this nation’s heart and soul.
God’s Grace to this nation is then repealed,
Then for judgment, this nation’s pigeonholed! 4

In response to this haughty, prideful act,
With God’s protective Grace having been withdrawn,
Wanna-be-hegemon nations react!
On the hegemon, sadly, curtains are drawn.

When a new hegemon nation arises,
Then the familiar cycle repeats itself.
Now let’s ponder how this epitomizes,
The last hegemon government that’s on ‘God’s shelf.’

A last, human, global government will arise,
That by a deceptive strongman will be led.
Pridefully, as God he’ll want to be recognized,
Triggering the next hegemon instead! 5

From Armageddon’s war, this hegemon will rise.
The Government of Christ Jesus, on Earth as God.
Pax Messianica, coming to tyrannize,
Tribulation survivors with His iron rod! 6

Friend, I hope you will believe, and not minimize,
This spiritual dimension of hegemony.
For nations and people alike, it’s summarized,
In Jeremiah 9, verse 24, succinctly.

When Grace protracted is met with our un-repentance,
Next events on the scene will be God’s judgment sentence.
Righteousness may thrive among some surviving remnants.
The cycle then repeats with growing indifference.
But let him who glories [boasts] glory [boast] in this,
that he understands and knows Me, that I am The Lord,
exercising (1) lovingkindness [Grace],
(2) judgment [justice], and (3) righteousness
[doing what He calls right] in the Earth
For in these I delight”, says The Lord.

NB: Note the order, then seeWhat’s Really Going On (…Inside).
This strategy applies to individuals, families, societies and nations alike.
Look for it, especially in your life and across history.

To B-R-E-A-K this cycle in your own life,
Embrace salvation in Jesus Christ.

1 For promotion comes neither from the east, west, nor south. But God is the Judge: He puts down one, and exalts/promotes another. (Psalm 75:6-7) A hegemon nation is one that practices hegemony, having dominant influence over other nations. Pax is a period of general/relative stability in international affairs under the influence of dominant military power, e.g., Pax Britannica or Pax Americana.
2 See: Jeremiah 51:20, Daniel 2 and Paxes, God’s Axes (Poem). The Bible reveals God’s pattern to use hegemon nations (e.g., ancient Israel, Babylon, Assyria and Persia) as His ‘battle axes’ to carry out His judgments against sinful nations whose (spiritual) ‘cup of iniquity’ was full or running over per Jeremiah 9:23-24.  Since all nations are sinful, He's left to use sinful nations to punish sinful nations.
3 Let not the wise man glory [boast] in his wisdom, let not the mighty man glory [boast] in his might, nor let the rich man glory [boast] in his riches…  In Habbakuk 1:11, God gives a clear example of the iniquity that always triggers His judgment. Often, the hegemon nation’s leader falls into satan’s trap of seeing himself, acting as if, and/or declaring himself to be a god, demi- or otherwise! The world has witnessed this in history, and this is exactly what the anti-Christ man will do! 
4 The prime act is the equivalent of a prideful sin that causes and nation’s or person’s ‘cup of iniquity’ to become full or run over. SeeMinding Your Cups (Poem)
5 Using this same, exact pattern, the short-lived government of the anti-Christ will trigger the 1st War of Gog and Magog (during the apocalypse), and the Armageddon War (that will end of the apocalypse and be followed by the Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ). During the anti-Christ's short global rule, he will mimic what satan witnessed Jesus, pre-incarnate, did in Ezekiel 9. Could this be the Genesis of the anti-Christ’s global ‘mark of the beast’ initiative?? Search this blog for Future Attacks in Israel.
6 The Armageddon War is described in Zechariah 14 and Revelation 19:11-21. It will signal the end of the apocalypse, and the start of the Millennial Reign age. Heads up! Jesus did not come to bring peace, but a sword (Matthew 10:34), and will return to rule with an iron rod. (Psalm 2:9, Revelation 2:27, 12:25 and 19:15). Since Earth will be re-populated during His thousand-year reign, all people born at that time will be under His iron rod rule, with NO DEVILS anywhere on Earth! See: Album 8: Finally! (Lyrics & Video).

Rejoicing Is Just Releasing (Poem, Part 3)

(See the series here)
How to ReJoYce?

The Bible affirms it’s God’s clear intent,
For us to receive when-ever we pray,
For things from Him to us already sent:
Spiritual seed through our heart’s doorway. 1

‘What’s the doorway to the heart?’, you may ask.
Like watered seeds that develop deep roots,
Imaginations in which our minds bask,
Take root in our heart, and then send out shoots.

Concern with our hearts’ evil imaginations,
Was a factor in God’s watery destruction. 2
So let’s be diligent in learning the lessons,
And thus correct our ‘prayer ---> receiving’ disfunction.

Believing we receive when we pray,
Is to all of us quite a challenge,
When circumstances always betray,
God’s Word that devils seek to expunge.

But to this challenge God gives a tip, strategic,
One that accentuates a simple choice.
It is a plan illustrated in this tactic:
Abide---> Full Joy---> Angelic Envoy---> EnJoY!

Abide: To comply with, obey, follow, conform to.
In Him, Jesus Christ requires us to always abide,
Him, fully filling up our imagination’s view,
Even when, by circumstances, His Word is belied. 3

Full JoY: Exuberance, elation, and gladness of heart.
It’s not mere happiness from things circumstantial.
Thinking on God’s good nature and graciousness - that’s our part.
Full JoY keeps faith strong, with blessings consequential. 4

Angelic Envoy: Representative messengers.
They are dispatched, just like folk on missions, diplomatic,
God’s ministers, doing spiritual maneuvers,
Based on Words from Him and you, and on their giftedness shtick. 5

EnJoY! To take delight and have pleasure in.
While the world says, ‘Seeing is believing’,
We know that with believing we should begin.
Believing per God’s will leads to enjoying. 6

If our words and actions do not belie,
Our declared faith in God’s faithfulness and promises,
Then He will surely, faithfully supply,
All our needs according to His higher purposes.

Abiding in Jesus makes JoY functional.
Receiving when we pray becomes feasible,
Thus activating God’s works angelical,
Uncloaking His blessings streams, enjoyable.

>>Rejoicing releases God’s prayer-answer sequence.<<
1 See: Mark 11:23-26
2 See: Genesis 6:5-8, 8:21 and Luke 1:51
3 See: John 15
4 See: Psalm 16:11, John 15:11, 16:24 and Acts 2:28
5 Shtick, one’s special talent, interest, or area of activity. The Bible reveals a rank and file of angels as well as demons (fallen angels), each with appointed giftings and powers to serve (angels) or to deceive (demons). See: Who is Mightier (Poem)
6 See: 1 John 5:14-15

Rejoicing Is Just Releasing (Poem, Part 2)

(See the series here)
Why Should You ReJoYce?

Tell me, if JoY could be weighed on some kind of scale,
For which of these two things would your JoY weigh more:
Things for which you prayed, that are still ‘behind God’s veil’,
Or His answers that’ve ‘washed up on your life’s shore’?

According to God’s Holy writ,
It’s by faith we should live out our Earth tenure.
If to Him we aim to submit,
It would help to have some kind of faith measure.

It’s our words and corresponding actions, outside,
That reveal the height, width, weight and diameter,
Of all that we say we really believe, inside.
So let’s consider them as our ‘faithometer’.

Here is a question that may just befuddle:
To faith, is there a measuring unit?
God’s not silent on this question pivotal.
His key answer is JoY in your spirit. 1

If faith reveals your confidence in God’s promises,
Then your JoY unseals your confidence, in exuberance.
Joy counters tendencies to slip into faithlessness,
And perfumes confidence with a spiritual fragrance.

JoY renewed ensures your faith stays s-t-r-o-n-g,
Amidst life’s challenges that surely will beset.
One challenge devils love to prolong,
Is this song they sing, ‘You haven’t gotten it yet! 2

The it in this, their favored song whooped,
Is the answer to your prayer, manifested,
By this song, carnal minds will be duped,
And of Christ’s JoY, your life will be divested.

If you may hear this ole song looping in your ear,
Here’s a tip to keep your JoY strong so it won’t fade:
Sing this song ALOUD, so you and devils can hear:
‘I believe I received God’s answer when I prayed!’

Here’s why…
Jesus says, ‘Whatever things you ask when you pray,
Believe you receive them [then], and you will have them.’
When you pray, receive. Both are present tense, I say!
You’ll then have future manifestations from Him. 3

In this pronouncement, Jesus has forever married,
All our asking to receiving.
Since in Christ to us all things are already rallied,
Then receiving is …just releasing! 4

Our carnal mind screams out, IT I’ll have, when IT I get!,
Till then we beg and hunt, and go about in want.
Inside pressures building, they seek the easiest outlet.
Rather than resist, we then join in devils’ taunt!

To you does this sounds familiar??
We’ve all been there - fruits of un-renewed, carnal minds.
But we are to be ‘peculiar’,
With no despair when with God’s Spirit we’re aligned. 5

When His advice we decide to refuse,
We’ll embrace this devils’ song as our own thought,
This thought will then be lit with devils’ fuse,
And by their fiery darts, our tongue will be shot! 6

At this point, our angels may be aghast,
At the words streaming from our mouth …faithless,
Progress to our prayers they had amassed,
May now be discarded. It’s now …useless. 7

It won’t be long that on our words spoken,
We will soon act.
Voila! Words and corresponding action,
Our faith’s been hacked!

It is by faith God says we should live,
In this, His command and promise are combined.
But devils’ darts seek tongues captive.
The power of life and death therein is enshrined. 6

Keeping our heart, mind and mouth full of JoY,
Is our best ‘faith insurance’ and ‘attack defense’,
And activates our angelic envoy.
>>Rejoicing releases God’s prayer-answer sequence.<<

Carnal minds say, ‘Seeing is believing!’
Faith says, ‘Believing comes first, then seeing!’
God says, ‘To Me, rejoicing is pleasing.’
So stay in JoY, your key to receiving!’
See Part 3
1 See: John 15:11 and 16:24. The Bible gives us some clues to how critical these must be to God:
--Joy is mentioned 192 times: 127 times in 41 of its 66 books (22 books of the Old Testament, and 65 times in 19 books of the New Testament)
--Rejoice is mentioned 238 times: 179 times in 44 of its 66 books (29 books of the Old Testament, and 59 times in 15 books of the New Testament)
--Joy and Rejoice are mentioned together 33 times: 23 times in 15 of its 66 books (9 books of the Old Testament, and 6 times in 6 books of the New Testament) (NKJ Version)
2 Whooped to the childhood taunt, Nyah nyah nyah nyah nyaah nyah!’ See: Wikipedia
3 Meditate on and visualize Mark 11:23-26.
4 In Christ, ALL things (as spiritual seed) to us are ALREADY given that relate to living a quality, Godly life, His seed to be planted, cultivated and harvested. Meditate on Romans 8:28-32, 2 Peter 1:3-4 1, 2 Corinthians 9:8,1 Corinthians 2:10, Timothy 6:17, Philippians 4:13 and Psalm 57:2.
5 But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own peculiar [special] people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous Light… (1 Peter 2:9) See also: Titus 2:14
6 See: Proverbs 18:21, James 3:1-12 and Ephesians 6:14-18
7 ‘Bless the Lord, you His angels, who excel in strength, who do His Word, Heeding the voice of His Word.’ (Psalm 103:20)  See also: Psalm 104:4. By staying in faith and JoY, we give voice to His Word.