(See the series here)
Gold, silver, livestock, clean water, etc.
History shows a recurrent theme of world powers,
About how each one has climbed to the top of the heap,
One nation lording it over some or all others.
Winning a war, into hegemon status they sweep. 1
To victors go spoils or booty of war,
Spoils that help to reimburse the costs,
To help them brighten their ‘hegemon star’,
And help ensure its tenure as ‘boss’.
Ever wondered why it’s military conflict,
That over time has consistently played this role?
Is there a better way a power can be licked,
To seize the coveted nation promotion goal?
Is it just our war-mongering nature,
That ensures with wars history is replete,
Or perhaps a spiritual picture,
That can give us a perspective more complete?
Possibly the first war that was recorded,
Was started by angels whom lucifer jawboned,
To depose God, an act highly misguided!
Thus, war in all God’s creation was ‘heaven grown!’ 2
Since things have a beginning, middle and end,
To waring conflicts, there will be a finalé.
Since for power and spoils in wars we contend,
What will the power and spoils of the last war be?
Just like other world power experiences,
Between conflicts of war, the final will be sandwiched. 3
The power sought will be that which mesmerizes,
But to deceptions the spoils of conflict will be hitched.
Towards the end of the Great Tribulation, pending,
The basic sustenance of life will be waning,
The results of God’s judgments on an age that’s ending, 4
People desperate to fill their bellies, bloating!
As in Egypt in pre-exodus days,
When from plagues the land of Goshen was spared, 5
Thus The Lord’s Promise Land may well be saved.
The 1st Gog/Magog attack would thus be dared! 6
Imagine food, water and necessities of life,
Mostly destroyed elsewhere, says The Book of Revelation,
God’s judgments for the sin of rejecting Jesus Christ.
Could this launch the predicted, unlikely coalition?! 7
Into this battle, The Lord Jesus Christ, will intervene,
Signaling the start of His promised Millennial Reign.
Ezekiel 38 and Revelation 19.
To the victor goes the booty! Then GREAT wealth He’ll gain! 8
After His reign, the mother of all wars will loom.
Just as the first war was waged by devils’ deception sting,
They’ll trigger the last war, as many folks will fume,
Over the huge booty given to Him as the worldwide King! 9
Ponder what we humans have done and one day will do,
For the sake of power and booty, which is plain ole stuff.
For stuff that comes from dirt, people and nations we’ll screw.
So now you know why of wars, we just never get enough!
1 Hegemon is a country that practices hegemony -- leadership, predominance, domination or expansionism by one nation over other nations.
2 See: Isaiah 14:12-15
4 A predicted time of global persecution, trial and great distress before the arrival of Jesus Christ to rule the world for a millennium
5 See: Exodus 10:23, 8:22-23, 9:4-7, 9:26, 10:23, 11:7, 12:13 and 14:5-3. Isaiah 26:20 hints Israel may be relatively protected in the great tribulation. The Goshen Effect (Series) explains why ancient Hebrews were only protected during the last 7 of 10 plagues in Egypt.
6 The Bible predicts three future attacks in Israel: