
Hello and Welcome~

The world is blind to these SEVEN, pivotal facts:

1. The Bible communicates Heaven’s 'multi-millennial, strategic plan for humanity'.

2. There are SEVEN ages appointed for humanity.

3. We are nearing the end of the THIRD age, a pivotal turning point in this strategy.

4. A GREAT falling away from the Christian faith is predicted during the ending days of this THIRD age, as a result of backsliding and general lukewarmness among the heretofore faithful. Look around and this you will clearly see.

5. Biblical prophecies have been and remain seeds of human history.

6. Yet-fulfilled prophecies, unfolding apace, are worthy of diligent study.

7. Now is the time to get and stay on ‘the right side of Bible prophecy’.


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Fasten your spiritual seat belts!

The Coming Lame Blame (Poem)

This poem reviews a trifecta of hasty Jewish immigrations
to the promise land:
two past events, and one more promised event.

The lame blame, our easy way out of any fix,

Our responsibility to duck and deflect,

And point an accusing finger to anybody else!

For some of us, blaming is our primary shtick.

When eyes are on our bad, to others we direct.

I wish satan and Adam had left this trick …on the shelf! 1

From paupers-to-presidents, sinners and saints alike,

Since Eden, by this trait the human race has been plagued,

And by it, the blamer is the first one who is fooled.

When times are tough, playing the blame game will always spike,

And those who’re gullible will be easy to persuade.

That’s when truth dies, and most deadly deceptions are fueled. 2

Pharaoh’s Egypt and Hitler’s Germany blamed Jews,

As by tough times their nations were severely squeezed.

The capitalists and communists blamed each other,

For their roles in lighting the hot-and-cold war fuse.

When a virus gave the whole world a new disease,

Some folk decided …another country to clobber! 3


The spirit of blame is alive and well,

Still reaping untold havoc all across our world.

But what we’ve seen in the past, and now see today,

Is just practice run for …the coming bombshell,

The great tribulation that The Bible heralds.

Imagine all the blame in that global melee!

Onto this God-rejecting world, He promises to send,

Judgments to destroy so much of all that we hold dear:

People, waters, animals, trees, grass, ships, moon, 

sun and stars! 4 

Spiritually, it’s satan’s kingdom He will upend,

But to perceive physical blame at that time austere,

Only takes a peek to see clues in history’s scars.

‘To regather all Jews into the promised land,

Into Gilead and Lebanon, til there’s no more room’,

Before all hell breaks loose, this is what 

The Lord has promised. 5

To achieve this, will flames of racism be fanned,

As when by harsh judgments the land of Egypt 

was doomed, 

And by a failed economy, Germany was menaced?? 6

Jesus defeated satan, then God raised Him from the dead,

And established a new covenant and new ‘promise land’:

Salvation in Christ for a new group called, The Church.

Unable to strike at God, satan struck The Church instead.

With The Church’s absence after The Lord’s 

‘rapture command’,

At whom do you think hurting folks, in blame will lurch??? 7

Friend, these three, clear, stark examples, historical,

May reveal a pattern that’s allegorical,

To make us ponder how God’s promises might be achieved.

When Jews were blamed in two nations hysterical,

They left in haste, in heated flames, prejudicial,

And again in haste they’ll flee, if Isaiah is believed! 8

But not too long after this, the picture shall flip:

In grace, the world will carry Jews to Israel,

Just as it helped them after Hitler’s blunder.

According to what’s written in God’s Bible script,

All Jews at that time will be considered ‘special’:

Treat them well, and with Jesus, curry favor!

Whether you may or may not agree, trust me on this, please:

Human nature is what it is, and will always be so,

And temptations to blame others for our faults shall remain.

To exploit this trait in us, devils have great expertise,

And in tribulation, they’ll be an even greater foe!

When the going gets tough, lame folks don’t get going.

They blame!


1 satan tempted Adam to blame Eve for his sinful disobedience. See: Genesis 3:12

2 Ponder this: Are you among the gullible?

3  The U.S. blamed China for the novel virus, Covid-19.

4 In his attempted coup d’etat in Heaven, Lucifer, who became satan, convinced a third of God’s holy angels to rebel. As a result, they forever became devils and demons, and have plagued us and our world since Eden. The Book of Revelation 13 times predicts God’s "one-third of A, B, C...X, Y, Z" judgments. See: Revelation 8 and 9. See alsoLost Angels Not for Like-Angels

5 See: Zechariah 10:10 and many other Old Testament affirmations of this promise. NB: At the publication of this post, Lebanon is an independent nation without an official government, and Gilead is a part of Jordan. What does this verse suggest to you, geo-politically?

6 Both nations blamed the Jews for their woes. See: Exodus 12 and also Hitler’s Anti-Semetism: Why Did He Hate the Jews?

7 God promises His true saints will be immortals, not only  for a short time after the next predicted, global resurrection and rapture, but eternally. This will happen in two stages: during and after Millennial Reign. (Revelation 20 - 22) See: The Millennial Reign (Series), and also The Rapture (Series)). SeeAnti-Semitism (Poem) for an explanation of why/how satan persecutes Israel and The Church of true, not fake or Christianesque Christ-believers.

8 See: Exodus 12:11, 33, and Isaiah 49:14-26, especially verse 17. Also see the prediction Jesus made in Matthew 24:9 that all nations will one day hate Jews! Jews left ancient Egypt in haste. They left Germany in relative haste to become refugees in other European nations, then left for their own new state in 1948. God promises many Jews will once again flee in haste to the promise land before or possibly during the great tribulation. SeeBooty, Pre/Post Millennial Reign (Series). Those who remain elsewhere at the start of the Millennial Reign will be gracefully brought to the significantly EXPANDED Israel by Gentile tribulation survivors. Isiah 26: 20-21 and Zechariah 10:10 outline the pre-tribulation scenario for the Jews, and Isaiah 49: 22-26 and Isaiah 60 outline the post-tribulation scenario. The fortunes of mortal, righteous Jewish remnants (per Zephaniah 3:8) who will survive the apocalypse, will suddenly FLIP!!!

Heavenly Conundrums (poem)

Everybody wants to go to Heaven,

But nobody wants to die to get there.’

About Heaven, there’re some kinks in our thinking,

Points in our reasoning where we may stumble.

Like kinks in a chain, let’s call it, ‘kinked think-kink’.

Can you recognize your thoughts that seem muddled?

Heavenly conundrums...

  • Since evil will keep us out, we think ‘good’ will get us in. It won’t.
  • We all wanna go there, but fearfully resist getting in when our ‘ride’ shows up.
  • We love democratic freedoms, yet look forward to serving a global, iron-rod monarch!
  • We wanna go to Heaven, but all of Heaven plans on coming to Earth!
  • We rely heavily on Earth’ GPS to get us where we’re going, yet we shun Heaven’s GPS (God’s Prescription for Sin) to get us there.
  • We insist on knowing where we are down here, yet long to go where we don’t know, other than ...somewhere up there.
  • We anticipate Heaven, yet procrastinate in doing what it takes to get in.
  • We love Earth’s multi-colored rainbows, but are unaware of Heaven’s uni-colored rainbow.
  • We enjoy having sex, yet wanna go to where they’re having none!!!
  • We fear ghosts and spooky things, yet want to be filled with The Holy Ghost, and do what some regard as kooky things.
  • We want Heaven to wash our sins away, yet we’re grovel on Earth’s entertainment highway of every sin imaginable.
  • Heaven designed our spirit to be taught by our thoughts, yet we’re taught spirit is naught.
  • We imagine Heaven, yet we resist how Heaven imagines us!
  • We like beautiful and expensive gems, and understanding the meanings of names, yet Heaven promises us a name that no one knows but Jesus and us, written on a white stone.
  • We are easily bored doing the same ole things, yet we want to go to Heaven where we will be doing the same things, like praising and worshiping God, forever.
  • We enjoy changing our looks in many ways, yet Heaven offers us an un-changeable, immortal body forever, dressed in glory Light.
  • Some folks say, ‘I can’t imagine, and don’t wanna live forever’, yet Heaven says ...everyone will, saints and sinners ALIKE!!! 
  • Some folks say, ‘When you’re dead, you’re DEAD!’, yet Heaven says your soul and spirit will never die, plus, we’ll ALL get a new, immortal body to spend either in a glorified zone on a new, Eternal Earth, or in the damned, judgment zone - the eternal lake of fire. 
  • We say we want to go to Heaven, yet, just like Adam and Eve, we love ‘eating apples’ that will keep us out.
  • We live pretending money is our god, yet wanna die pretending God is.
  • On Earth, we insist on places having multiple emergency exits, yet want to go to Heaven that has only ‘One Way’ in.
  • We so enjoy our genders, and even try to switch sides, yet want to go to Heaven where there are NONE, and all humans there are called, ‘sons’.
  • We imagine a blissful retirement in Heaven, yet fail to imagine our likely real work in The Millennial Reign, co-ruling with Jesus an unruly world full of ‘great tribulation’ survivors and their offspring….for a thousand years! 
  • We live as-secular-as-secular-can-get, yet want to go to a place that is as-spiritual-as-spiritual-can-get. Imagine that!
  • We live on Earth as unholy as possible, yet want to be ‘wholly His’ in Heaven.
  • We trick, lie to, steal from, and protest governments down here, failing to realize we saints will be the government in The Millennial Reign! Thus, life now is our training ground
  • We shun and resist big government down here, yet fail to realize it is mere practice for the coming, biggest government ever, The Lord’s global, Millennial Reign, in which we will be His vassal kings. 

Heavenly conundrums…

Go figure!

(Got any to add?)

The Womb of Water (Poem, Part 3)

In His Book, God conveys from many a perspective,

His multi-millennial, strategic plan,

To account for sins through Grace and Justice, corrective,

All sins committed by both devils and man.


His story of water, both physical and spiritual,

Is one often missed perspective on His vast plan.

We may miss meanings, thinking ‘everything is symbolical’.

Connecting the dots, this we clearly understand:


1.   In the beginning, God, in the person of Jesus Christ, hovered over dark waters, physical and spiritual, possibly representing the sinful angelic rebellion that stained Heaven’s articles of worship and the entire physical universe.

2.   He delivered Earth at her watery birth, as doctors deliver babies from watery wombs.

3.   With rivers, He watered her beauty from Eden’s glory.

4.   He later unleashed reserved waters from above and below to punish sinful man.

5.   Before His Throne in Heaven is a waterless, glass-like expanse, possibly/possibly a dry riverbed from which water used to flow, e.g., before the angelic rebellion, but no longer flows yet.

6.   During His Millennial Reign as King of Earth, water will flow from His earthly Throne in Jerusalem, Earth’s then capital which will be raised up high.

7.   After the Great White Throne Judgment, Heaven will be on a brand new Earth, and from the expanse before His Throne, pure, healing waters will (once again) flow across this new Earth wherein righteousness shall dwell …forever. Eden was the first prototype of this eventuality. The pending Millennial Throne will be the second prototype before the final version on the brand new Earth. Each prototype signifies He, Himself, is ‘the womb of water’, both physical and spiritual. Spiritually-speaking, water from Him represents Him as the source of all life.


What points do you ponder about water, physical or spiritual,

in God’s multi-millennial plan for man?

I have one more to ponder…

Gratitude, Un-targeted (Poem)

Like me, have you noticed a growing phenomenon,

Of gratitude that does not a grantor champion?

What’s really going on with gratitude or gratefulness,

That never specifies the giver who showed graciousness?!


Wherever something has been stolen, there’s always a thief,

Triggering within the owner a sense of loss and grief.

So could there be a gift without a gift-giver,

Or graciousness received without a grace-extender?


Generalized gratitude and gratefulness should be withstood.

When un-targeted, such insults givers who to us showed good.

When by another’s goodness we have been subsidized,

We should always ensure the giver is recognized.

Heads up!

God is the Giver of every good and perfect gift,

But because He’s not visible, we give Him short-shrift. *

Yet for many, whenever life makes them fretful,

Troubled thoughts turn their hearts to things …spiritual.


Can you see how onto insults, more insults we pour,

Because of un-targeted gratitude in our core??

Of course, indeed, it’s always good to be appreciative.

Even better when of gift-givers we’re …explicative.


So whenever from your mouth or those of others,

You hear some ‘un-targeted gratitude errors,’

Words that only speak of gratitude  ‘in general’,

STOP! Ask to whom, specifically, are you grateful?


Let’s help folks do a better job connecting the dots,

Cleansing from our gratitude blemishes and dark spots.

Let’s ensure in gratefulness, givers are respected,

And erase from our lives …gratitude, un-targeted.



* Every good and perfect gift comes from God above…

  (James 1:17)

Still, I'll Rise (Poem)

Our DNA encodes the desire to live,
Yet our steady march to death is prescriptive.
Physically, we’re just made of dirt, water and clay.
Yet we do all we can to delay that fateful day,

That’s the limit of what many understand.
With that, they’re content, and seek no ‘other hand’.
Folks say in life, only two things are certain:
Death and taxes. That’s such a narrow version!

As across our world righteous lights shine far less bright,
And evil reaches unimaginable heights,
Thoughts turn to what happens when someone dies.
In strong faith, to this I reply …I’ll rise.

The Bible iteratively attests,
Strong, innate desires beating in our breasts.
To live forever, that was God’s original plan,
Even in eternity past, before time began. 1

Created in His image, spirit, soul and body,
Some think the spirit and soul can die, but that’s folly.
Our bodies are merely a draft copy,
About this, The Bible is not foggy. 2

From the oldest down to the youngest,
The most righteous and the most wicked,
To each, a permanent body is promised,
Thus, from every grave, there will be a harvest. 3

Confronting the eventuality of my demise,
I believe more than only what I see with my eyes.
And what I believe, for you I summarize:
Graves are God’s waiting room. When He calls …I’ll rise.

The key decision we each must make,
Is when and to what shall we awake?
To all, a binary­ choice God has appointed.
Re. other notions, folks will be disappointed.

The first is to rise for Christ’s Millennial Reign, 4
Then remain with Him where GLORY shall never wane.
The second is to rise for His White Throne Judgment.
In the lake of fire, most will be cast for torment. 

God has made our choice simple, not complicated,
Requiring child-like faith in Him, inculcated. 5
Embrace His blissful first choice, that’s what I advise.
Either way, my Friend, with or before you …still, I’ll rise.
1 ‘He [God] has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end.’ (Ecclesiastes 3:11) FYI, time is relative to the rotation of a planet or other rotating, universal body.
2 The Bible iteratively attests this. Here are my favorite confirmations:
‘Do not marvel at this; for the hour is coming in which all who are in the graves will hear His voice and come forth—those who have done good, to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of condemnation.’ (John 5:28-29). NB: He says doing good starts with being born again, accepting Jesus as Savior and Lord. Good works/deeds alone will not get you into Heaven, but they most certainly can keep you out‘For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first.’ (1Thessalonians 4:14)
‘And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, some to shame and everlasting contempt. Those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament, and those who turn many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever. Many shall be purified, made white [righteous], and refined, but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand.’ (Daniel 12:2-3,10)  Reader, do you understand?
4 See: Millennial Casting Calls (Poem). The prediction that The Lord will consult His Book of [Eternal] Life means not all who rise for The Great White Throne Judgement will be cast into hell. See: Why the Millennial Reign Age (Part 3)
5 ‘Then Jesus called a little child to Him, set him in the midst of them, and said, “Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.’ (Matthew 18:2-4)

The Womb of Water (Poem, Part 2)

The Sequence

Ahhhh, water. For all life, it’s a necessity,
Playing key roles at the start of creation,
Perfectly orchestrated by The Almighty,
And featured as a prime, end-time attraction!

Throughout The Bible, He gives us many clues.
Connecting some dots between these two ends,
He desires us to imagine and muse,
What He has planned for us whom He calls, ‘Friends’. 1

He asked Job about the wombs of the sea and ice.
Voila! That’s a missed perspective on things so mundane,
Raising our imaginations to brand new heights,
And inviting us to think on a much higher plane. 2

In His plan, water features distinctively.
This He’s revealed to us sequentially.
Yet we are prone to miss it instinctively,
Failing to perceive His analogy.
Here’s the sequence:
Our intro to God is catalogued,
As over the face of the dark deep, He hovered.
Earth was then formless and waterlogged,
Like babies in the womb by water are covered. 3
He delivered and brought forth Earth from its watery pit,
Then He picked a spot to plant a garden.
There He created a river that into rivers split.
Thus, parts of Earth were watered …from Eden. 4
The global flood was waters’ next major scene,
Out of deep fountains much water gushed,
And rain from Heaven poured as was never seen.
In death, all but a few souls …were flushed.
In His lengthy, strident cross-examination of Job,
God asked him about the wombs of the sea and ice, unknowable!
To Ezekiel a futuristic vision He showed:
Temple water flows, then a healing river that’s uncrossable. 5
One day, Jerusalem will be raised up, physically.
And from it, living waters will then flow across the lands.
This is the vision Zechariah saw, prospectively!
That’s when Jesus will issue His …Millennial commands! 6
To John, two water-like views in Heaven were shown:
--The first, a sea of glass, appearing like crystal,
Before which The Lord God Almighty is enthroned.
--Then a crystal-like river flowing, unequaled. 7

A sea of glass?! Now that’s quite a conundrum!
That’s what he saw in his ‘Throne introduction’.
Rivers flow when there is no key restriction.
And that’s what he saw in his ‘tour conclusion’.
Both of John’s views are connected to God’s Throne.
The first was then current; the second futuristic.
To perceive the meaning, to speculation we are prone,
But could there be clues that are highly pedagogic? 8

What if the sea of glass is simply the dry riverbed,
In which the spirits of saints will one day stand,
Becomes the flowing river, with God’s Throne as waterhead??
Connect the dots and see what you understand.

Yep, God is telling us a story about water,
Water physical and spiritual, that we’ve ignored.
About water, He desires us to be much wiser,
From creation, to sinfulness, to righteousness restored.
Stay tuned for Part 3, The Conclusion
1 God’s friends are saints who are born-again into His Kingdom through faith in, and obedience to Jesus Christ.
2 See: Job 38:8,29
3 See: Genesis 1. In the womb, human babies float in amniotic fluid, composed of water from the mother, and urine from the baby. As they develop, they drink this fluid.
4 See: Genesis 2:10-14
5 See: Job 38:8,29 and Ezekiel 47. God conveys sources of water that are unique to our thinking.
6 See: Zechariah 14:8-10
7 See: Revelation 4:6, 15:2 and 22. Interestingly, Ezekiel 1:22-26 and Exodus 24:10 are similar references to a crystal expanse during Jesus’ pre-incarnate visits to Earth.
8 Pedagogic, relating to teaching, e.g., a teachable moment