Throughout The Bible, patterns are replicated,
Revealing what God loves, and what He has hated.
To the wise, spiritual insights are given.
So from patterns, let’s see what we can determine.
Patterns between Israel and The Church abound.
Some are clear, others are guaranteed to confound! 1
Patterns between ole Israel and her ‘neighbors’,
Should yield insights and lessons from …yester-years’ blunders.
Out of Egypt, ancient Israel was called,
‘Be separate from neighbors by Me appalled.’
But as into secularism she slipped,
Onto neighbors’ ways, she very tightly gripped.
From out of lands to which her remnants were driven,
A foothold in the ‘promised land’ Jews were given. 2
Secular, they had left that land, two nations …exiled. 3
Secular, they have now returned, one nation …compiled.
Before they left, the sins of their neighbors they’d adopted.
Thus, over time, God’s holy people had been co-opted.
Now that they’re back, nothing much has changed, as yet.
What you see in their neighbors, is what …God gets.
Secular is as secular does.
That is how the world is, just because.
But God promises His plan for Israel shall prevail,
His people, holy and separate, and all that entails. 4
Among all of Israel’s past sinful practices,
Was its reliance on unsanctioned alliances.
Military deals with powerful neighbors were struck,
When out of a pickle, by God she might not be plucked. 5
Egypt, Assyria and Syria were the nations,
To whom Israel looked for help -- fighting men and weapons.
By these affronts, God was incensed!
In His judgments, He wouldn’t relent! 6
Today the USA sits in …the alliance seat,
That was once occupied by this ole …3-nations suite.
In this seat, could she be keeping Israel estranged,
From Him who has said, ‘I AM The Lord. I do not change’??
He also said,
To them who bless or curse you, blessings or curses I will mete.’ 7
But were their alliances ‘blessings’ to that 3-nation suite??
Now is the time to …think the unthinkable.
Now is the time to …speak the unspeakable.
Throughout The Bible, patterns are replicated,
Revealing what God loves, and what He has hated.
For military alliances, Israel was upbraided,
And by The Lord’s severe judgments, she was later inundated.
All ‘Protect Israel at any cost’ pundits,
Please, let’s stop and reflect for just a few minutes.
God’s judgments for Israel’s ‘alliance bloopers’,
Did not just stay inside her national borders!
Out of the hands of all of her enemies,
God gave Israel deliverance trophies.
Only when in the hands of her enemies,
Did she repent of sins, and keep His decrees.
If we are content to sit in the seat of God,
Playing His declared role, by which folk have been awed, 8
Can anyone else here Him say:
‘Get out of My way, USA!’ ? 9
By the date, ‘Ezekiel 38’
The USA will be out of God’s way!!!
(See verse 13!)
Remember: His ways are not our ways...
One day, Israel will learn to ‘call and lean upon’
Jesus Christ,The Lord God, its rejected Messiah.
The Bible iteratively GUARANTEES this prophecy.
1 For examples, see Laodicean Lackadaisicalness (Series), especially Parts 4-6. Both groups are to be 'holy' or separate from worldly ways.
2 In May 1948.
3 The nations of Israel (10 northern tribes), exiled to Assyria, and Judah (2 southern tribes), exiled to Babylon.
4 See: Exodus 19:6 and Zechariah 12.
5 See: 2 Kings 7:6, 2 Chronicles 16:7-8, Isaiah 30:1-3 and Isaiah 31:3.
6 For example, see: Ezekiel 29.
7 See: Genesis 12:3. Recall, Ishmael, patriarch of the Arabs, was in Abraham’s loins when The Lord blessed Abraham.
8 Awed at His many recorded acts to protect and judge Israel.
9 Bible scholars have long pondered why no international military support to Israel is recorded in Ezekiel 38, the key chapter that predicts and outlines the rationale for, and outcome of the 1st War of Gog and Magog. Read it and ponder. (See: Revelation - Future Attacks in Israel) I perceive God’s major reason for the U.S. in our world today is the propagation of The Gospel of Jesus Christ, not the protection of other nations, including Israel, at any cost. If God, Who does not change, did not count Israel’s military alliances with Egypt, Assyria and Syria as ‘blessings to Israel’, it is unlikely that He counts the US-Israel military alliance as a ‘blessing to Israel’. Also, God despised, and therefore judged Israel's and Judah's reliance on their OWN weaponry to deliver them from attacks. (See: Ezekiel 33:26) It's high time to think the unthinkable and speak the unspeakable, less we, too, in the USA and other western nations, fall under His judgments. Finally, see: Hosea 1:7.