
Hello and Welcome~

The world is blind to these SEVEN, pivotal facts:

1. The Bible communicates Heaven’s 'multi-millennial, strategic plan for humanity'.

2. There are SEVEN ages appointed for humanity.

3. We are nearing the end of the THIRD age, a pivotal turning point in this strategy.

4. A GREAT falling away from the Christian faith is predicted during the ending days of this THIRD age, as a result of backsliding and general lukewarmness among the heretofore faithful. Look around and this you will clearly see.

5. Biblical prophecies have been and remain seeds of human history.

6. Yet-fulfilled prophecies, unfolding apace, are worthy of diligent study.

7. Now is the time to get and stay on ‘the right side of Bible prophecy’.


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Fasten your spiritual seat belts!

Historical Countdown - 7 Biblical Ages of Human History (w/Video)

View the video here

See the Human History Ages series here

See the Mid-Ages Musings series here

(The video does not repeat this text.)

The Bible is Heaven’s Multi-millennial Strategic Plan for human history that comprises 7 pre-determined ages, on 2 significantly different versions of Earth. This video presents a summary overview of these ages, where we currently are in navigating through them, and what we should expect during the next 2, relatively short ages of our history. 

Bottom lineAge-wise, we are close to the mid-point of The Lord’s strategy on this current Earth, BUT…years-wise, we have long passed the mid-point of His strategy for us on this current Earth.

Why is it important to understand this?

An increasing number of scientists opine humanity will someday have to establish colonies on another celestial body, when Earth can no longer sustain human life. Such views pre-suppose we will be on this planet for several more millennia. They may be based on the natural, eventual deterioration of all things physical, including planets, and possibly on nature's responses to how we have literally trashed the planet. Interestingly, these scientists may be clueless as to just how close they may be to the core message of The Bible, and its dramatic conclusion!

Whether they/we may believe it or not, we did not create ourselves, nor did we evolve from primordial matter, or animals. We are complex, unique, and wonderfully-created beings, designated in 'the god class', and designed to live the rest of forever. Our Creator, Jesus, The Lord God, designed us in His personal, tripartite image, namely, as immortal spiritsoul and body, to join in the rest of His AWESOME creation, joyfully loving and appreciating Him, and celebrating all His wonderful works for us and all other created beings, seen and unseen. 

Human sin changed that calculus. Though it could never change the immortality of our spirit and soul, it made our bodies subject to temporary physical death. To every human who will have ever been conceived, He promises a new, immortal body, to house our immortal spirit and soul, forever, on a promised, new, eternal, celestial body, also called Earth. 

Voila! Scientists got that last part ...kinda right! ;o)

This paints the context within which we exist in Heaven's blended time and immortality framework for us. Thus, in time-limited bodies that house our twin immortal parts, we navigate individually assigned periods of time (life) within The Lord's multi-millennial strategic plan for humanity, pending (a) our physical death *, and (b) His promised resurrection, to spend the rest of eternity in one of two regions on His promised, new Earth:

 1. Two MASSIVE glorified (incredibly lit-up) zones -- the new Jerusalem and surrounding nations, for all The Lord’s Saints, and 

 2. A MASSIVE damned zone, the eternally brimstone lit, lake of firefor all un-repentant sinners who will not have had a provenpersonalfaith-based relationship with Jesus Christ, The Lord God, known as The Unseen God in ancient times.

Overlaying His strategic plan onto human history, reveals a remarkable insight that most people totally miss:

Biblical prophecies 'seed' human history!

With this insight, it plausible to segregate Biblical prophecies into those that haveversus have not yet become historical facts. A cursory reading of The Bible reveals relatively few of its prophecies are in the second category. Moreover, segregating its ages-related prophecies, equips us to perceive and track its predicted ages-ending developments, with evolving socio-cultural trends and news reports from across the world. It also equips us to understand The Lord's promised/proven and declared/demonstrated tactics for responding to the spiraling of sinfulness, especially toward the end of each remaining age.

Rich blessings as you watch and ponder the key points in this video summary. I look forward to your comments below, and on my YouTube channel.

(The video does not simply repeat this text.)


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