
Hello and Welcome~

The world is blind to these SEVEN, pivotal facts:

1. The Bible communicates Heaven’s 'multi-millennial, strategic plan for humanity'.

2. There are SEVEN ages appointed for humanity.

3. We are nearing the end of the THIRD age, a pivotal turning point in this strategy.

4. A GREAT falling away from the Christian faith is predicted during the ending days of this THIRD age, as a result of backsliding and general lukewarmness among the heretofore faithful. Look around and this you will clearly see.

5. Biblical prophecies have been and remain seeds of human history.

6. Yet-fulfilled prophecies, unfolding apace, are worthy of diligent study.

7. Now is the time to get and stay on ‘the right side of Bible prophecy’.


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Fasten your spiritual seat belts!

Depression’s Lie (Poem)

Hook, line and ‘stinker’, we’ve bought into the devil’s lie:
‘No one cares, you don’t matter, God’s dead,
in Him there’s no breath!’
T’is the result of turning our backs on wisdom’s cry:
‘Embrace me for God’s favor; to reject me is to love death.’ 1

Without Godly wisdom, the lie goes un-perceived,
Thus for death, in all it’s various forms, we’ve cast our vote!
Depression’s fruits of the lie so long we’ve believed,
Oppression’s boots press on many poor souls, as devils gloat.

‘Fear not! Do not fear!’, iteratively says wisdom. 2
But we’ve drawn a thick line between fear and anxiety.
Thus, we prefer to look at life through a fool’s prism,
Not knowing it’s fear we embrace, antithetically. 3

In the midst of anxiety, tell me what you see.
There’s a hint, a focus on ‘me, myself and I’.
Therein lies the trick and trap of ole satan’s dark plea,
To let it be you, yourself that you magnify.

But there’s hope, if you only take time to discover,
Wisdom’s insightful Truth, and in Light to bask.
Then you will surely become God’s great ‘lie disrupter’,
And see depression is merely …fear’s dark mask!

Perceive the Truth that in depression is couched:
‘Press on!’ Never give up! Never give in!
Resist the pressures that against you are crouched!
As you learn to live by faith, in Christ, you’ll win!

‘Anxiety in the heart causes depression,
Ahhh, but a Good word makes the heart glad.’ 4
You will only escape fear’s very dark dungeon,
When by God’s good Word your heart stays clad.

Avoid the trick 'n trap!
Press on!
1 Ponder the calls and cries of wisdom in Proverbs 1:20-33 and 8:1-36.
2 Try using a Bible app (e.g., BibleGateway.com) to count how often this command appears in The Bible. Reading them contextually is a GREAT faith-builder and a cure for depression!
3 Rumination—or mulling over worries—is the biggest predictor of depression and anxiety, according to a large-scale British study published in 2013. It’sNot All About You!

Suicide: Mission Impossible (Poem)

Dead men are dying. 1
Strong men all lying.
Fake news is duping.
Devils are whooping!

‘Curse God and die!’ That’s what Job’s wife once said.
With no faith in God, she was spirit dead.
While righteous Job shunned his dead wife’s advice, 2
By it, folk today are very enticed.

To be, or not to be?, the famous question posed.
Words penned in the work, Hamlet,
that Shakespeare composed. 3
With growing suicides by which our land some blot,
To echoes of this question, they have answered, ‘NOT!’ 4

To Eve, satan asked, ‘Did God really say…..?’,
The question by which we’re still tricked today. 5
Beware questions in your mind you ponder.
Know if they’re from God or from our tempter.

To be, or not to be? What a naive question!
To see why, let us take some time for reflection.
Reading through God’s Bible book, this is what
you’re sure to see:
A living spirit you are, and forever shall you be.

An eternal spirit in God’s image you’re created,
To whom an eternal soul is equally allotted --
Will, intellect, emotions, imagination and mind,
All in a mortal body, temporarily assigned.

Like air escaping from a fully blown up balloon,
Like a caterpillar encased in its cocoon,
Death of your body will only your spirit release,
As your body awaits God’s eternal masterpiece.

His masterpiece: Your spirit to a body immortal assigned.
The only question then is, To which domain
will you be aligned?
‘Like angels’, in the resurrection Jesus said we shall be.
Two groups of angels there are now,
and forever will there be.

Now, one group is bound by satan’s prideful lies,
God’s enemy.
Then, it’ll be forever bound in a hellish domain, fiery!
The other group chose to resist satan’s pride;
from pride it’s free.
Note well: Pride is the first sin, tap root of sin’s
very broad tree.

To be, or not to be? What a deceptive question!
With which group to be aligned? Ahhh, that’s
the right question.
To this ling’ring question, your life will surely respond.
Trust me, it’s God’s question from which
you cannot abscond.

Dead men are still dying, shaking their fists
at God’s key question.
Thinking life they’re escaping, their eternity has begun!
The righteous, too, are dying, but to God
we remain ALIVE.
In death, all spirits survive. Thereafter, 
the righteous will thrive! 6

Please ponder my message seriously:
Since spirit we are, and ever shall be,
Here is a truth that is incontrovertible --
Suicide of a spirit is impossible!
1 Spiritually dead -- dead towards God
2 But he said to her, ‘You speak as one of the foolish women speaks. Shall we indeed accept good from God, and shall we not accept adversity?’ In all this Job did not sin with his lips. (Job 2:10) If a man dies, shall he live again? All the days of my hard service I will wait, till my change comes. (Job 14:14)
3 Prince Hamlet bemoaning the pain and unfairness of life, but acknowledges the alternative might be worse. Today, folk willfully embrace this alternative.
5 Genesis 3:1
6 And He said to me, “It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts. He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My son. (Revelation 21:6)

Life, Tripartite (Poem)

Believe me! Believe me!, to us known liars plead,
Thus to their word and promises many do heed.
To words of men, made in the image of God, we cling,
Yet to The Word of God, who made men,
some treat as nothing.

To whatever you cling, whether in pride or fear,
In our clinging, it’s God’s voice we cannot hear:
‘Let it go, to Me cling, with nothing above Me,
To that which you cling, you are its slave,
and not free.’ 1

For now, in this world’ we are certainly meant to be,
But if we’re of this world’, then in life we walk blindly,
Blind to things spiritual, blind and also deaf,
That’s spiritually dead, though alive with breath.

Dare you insult Him, Lord God Almighty,
By believing lies of His enemy,
Lies that you just can’t do without this or that,
Lies that only pin your faith to satan’s mat??

God designed life with two, not one, ‘womb experiences’.
Let's peek at their similarities and differences.
If each womb is a door designed by God Who is Sovereign,
Then of the second door,
what’s the most pertinent question?

Alone in Mom’s’s womb, we develop physically,
All the basics needed to engage our world, earthly.
As an embryo, to Mom’s uterine wall we ‘stick’, 2
Tethered by our birth cord in fluid amniotic.

Leaving this comfort zone with resistance and labor,
Into our new world, we’re ushered by our Creator.
Earth suit in tack, we’re now ready for life’s next stages.
Now in Earth’s womb, it’s our spirit that life engages.

God’s purpose in earthly life is to test and to develop,
Our soul and spirit that, for now, our bodies envelope.
Character traits (integrity, faith, honor…) are on His mind.
In Earth’s proving grounds, these traits, good/bad,
are revealed and refined.

No longer alone, and with much more on which to cling,
It’s easy to lose site of this through life’s tough grilling.
Once our character traits have been established
and are well known,
Into eternity we're born, one day to bow at God's Throne.

Body, soul and spirit, before Him we all shall stand,
To be judged for all our conduct in this earthly land3
There will be nothing on which we can then cling,
But Christ’s redemption song that angels can’t sing.

Since womb experiences are time limited and transitional,
God’s design for us to have two, reveals His
‘three life’ principle:
Life in vivo, in Earth, and in eternity,
Life tripartite, that we live sequentially.

Man -- created body, soul and spirit, in that sequence. 4
Life tripartite parallels this, and it’s no coincidence!
Believe me! Believe me!, to you I now plead.
Insights from this poem I hope you will heed.
1 Jesus answered them, ‘Most assuredly, I say to you, whoever commits sin is a slave of sin.’ (John 8:34)
3 And The Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being. (Genesis 2:7) But see: Creation, Reversed (Poem)
 4 Everyone, saints and sinners alike, will eventually be resurrected, FULLY ALIVE, in a promised, immortal body. The only question is in which zone on The Lord's promised new, eternal Earth will we spend eternity, the zone of nations inhabited by His saints, or the zone of the eternal lake of fire that burns with brimstone, and is reserved for every unrepentant sinner, every devil, plus death and hell. Don't just believe meSee: Revelation 20 - 22.

What Goes Up, Must (Poem)

There is an adage that is well renown,
That what goes up, must at some point come down.
It helps to explain somewhat graphically,
Sir Newton’s Laws of Motion and Gravity.

Gravity, Newton did not discover.
God’s rules it obeys He did uncover.
It was in full force from the beginning, most assuredly!
He just postulated about it mathematically.

What if something goes up, but by gravity isn’t bound,
But yet it most certainly will return to the ground?
Scratch your head and think just for a quick moment,
What has mass but ignores gravity’s warrant?

To some men of Galilee, an angel once said,
As they stood and marveled at the sight overhead:
This same Jesus, taken up from you into Heaven,
Will return in like manner, i.e., in the same fashion.*

To them and to many today this inspires hope,
Enabling us with trials of this life to cope.
But to make sure hope stays strong, without any doubt,
Here are some juicy details the angel LEFT OUT!

Cloud hidden, into Heaven Jesus did ascend,
And on a cloud, to us He promised to descend.
His ascent, a solo journey, only seen by a few.
His descent won’t be solo, and will be a worldwide view!

‘…And you will be with Him!’, that angel omitted to say,
To those men of Galilee on that very blissful day.
If Jesus is your Savior, and He is also your LORD,
You will be with Him as He unsheathes His victory sword!

Let this blessed hope feed your spirit and fuel your soul.
Do your best to keep it fresh; never let it grow old.
O’er all the world, for a thousand years He will rule,
Hey, doesn’t this give new meaning to the ole term, Yule?
* Acts 1:11