
Hello and Welcome~

The world is blind to these SEVEN, pivotal facts:

1. The Bible communicates Heaven’s 'Multi-millennial Strategic Plan for Humanity'.

2. There are SEVEN ages appointed for humanity.

3. We are nearing the end of the THIRD age, a pivotal turning point in this strategy.

4. A GREAT falling away from the Christian faith is predicted during the ending days of this THIRD age, as a result of backsliding, general lukewarmness and outright apostasy among the heretofore faithful. Look around and this you will clearly see.

5. Biblical prophecies have been and remain seeds of human history.

6. Yet-fulfilled prophecies, unfolding apace, are worthy of diligent study.

7. Now is the time to get and stay on ‘the right side of Bible prophecy’.


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Fasten your spiritual seat belts!

Cascading Crises (Poem)

With the expression, double-edged sword, we are all familiar.

But a triple-edged sword’?! Now that’s a concept much fuzzier.

While triple-edged knives and daggers do exist,

The notion of triple-edged swords is …dismissed.


Though it’s apparently dismissed, physically,

This idea may exist, spiritually.

So let’s take some time, this enigma to ponder,

And perceive wisdom The Lord serves on His platter.


Biblically, references to ‘sword’ infer warfare.

One of four judgments The Lord persistently declares,

Against any land and its people’s persistent sinfulness,

When to repentance they exhibit pervasive slothfulness. 1


These judgments can relate …synergistically,

Triggering each other …symbiotically,

When to repent, people remain stubborn,

And errant ways they refuse to unlearn. 2


‘How does this link to the triple-edged sword notion?’

The answer relates to judgment augmentation,

That happens as collateral impacts kick in,

In response to people’s increasingly gross sins.


Only when, and as we cultivate The Mind of Christ,

Can we begin to perceive the escalating price,

Of the potential unfolding matrix,

Of His four cardinal judgment tactics. 3


For each one, perceive in your spirit:

     1. The sword blade that likely triggered it

     2. The sword blade of what it foments

     3. The sword blade of what it prevents


Like a land that has been severely bombed,

Crises then cascade to points well beyond,

The Lord’s declared, four disastrous sin-judgment tactics!

In effect, these four serve as His… judgment catalysts!


When you see cascading crises infecting a land,

Spiritually-minded folks this should understand:

It may very well be The Lord’s unfolding matrix,

Of judgments on it He has l-o-n-g  promised to inflict.


Ask yourself

‘How can I ensure I’ll be among the vigilant remnant,

Who survives collateral damages that are imminent??’

For in all His judgments, The Good Lord extends Grace,

For us who, by them, will shape-up and become chaste. 4


Then ponder:

When a land is facing cascading crises,

Of varying natures and intensities,

What are folks' governance propensities:

Democracies versus autocracies?? 5


Now understand why in me this is stirred:

Democracies won’t likely be preferred,

When The Lord’s tribulation judgments escalate.

Autocracies will then likely …proliferate!


So of this propensity, be forewarned, not surprised.

It’ll occur in the open, and will not be disguised.

Then into an evil one, these autocracies will conflate,

And everything righteous, the leader will seek …to abrogate. 6


1 See: Ezekiel 14:12-23. Everybody in the U.S. and around the world should MEMORIZE these four judgment henchmen since, throughout human history, by these we have been persistently plagued. These verses clearly unveil the spiritual reasons for such, taking the guesswork out of the equation. Yet, we have largely not been smart enough to figure this out! These are the exact same points The Lord revealed to Moses in Deuteronomy 32:23-25, thousands of years before revealing them to Ezekiel. Will we ever ‘get it’?!

2 Synergistically and symbiotically connote close interactions between similar or dissimilar things or events to produce greater or more significant impacts or effects

3 Paul affirms born-again, Holy Spirit-filled saints have been spiritually given The Mind of Christ. This gift must be received by faith, and then diligently applied to be activated in our lives. This happens as we study The Lord’s Word (The Bible), and work to apply to our lives His righteous principles revealed therein. This proves to the on-looking world that we belong to Him, and are not simply …Christianesque.

4 Chaste  clean, righteous, spotless, undefiled by Heaven’s definition.

5 Think: Absolute martial law is akin to an extreme, yet temporary autocracy. See: Anti-Christ (Series)

6 Abrogate – abolish by authoritative action. See: Degeneracy, Then Demise of Democracy (Poem) and especially Revelation 13 that signifies the predicted 3½ year global reign of the anti-Christ.