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The world is blind to these SEVEN, pivotal facts:

1. The Bible communicates Heaven’s 'Multi-millennial Strategic Plan for Humanity'.

2. There are SEVEN ages appointed for humanity.

3. We are nearing the end of the THIRD age, a pivotal turning point in this strategy.

4. A GREAT falling away from the Christian faith is predicted during the ending days of this THIRD age, as a result of backsliding, general lukewarmness and outright apostasy among the heretofore faithful. Look around and this you will clearly see.

5. Biblical prophecies have been and remain seeds of human history.

6. Yet-fulfilled prophecies, unfolding apace, are worthy of diligent study.

7. Now is the time to get and stay on ‘the right side of Bible prophecy’.


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Fasten your spiritual seat belts!

A One-World Order and Government? (poem)

       See the Parade of Global Hegemon Nations series here

There's lots of talk and angst about a coming so-called one-world government and religion within the next decade. I refer to the UN's Agenda 2021 (sanctioned in 1992), which has now morphed into Agenda 2030 (to be sanctioned at the September 2015 UN General Assembly; "Transforming Our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development."), plus the USG’s Prophecy Project, meetings of the so-called Illuminati, alleged attempts to use massive semi-global trade agreements as a means of reshaping the world order, worldwide anarchy that could result from a much talked-about debunking of the U.S. dollar as the world's reserve currency, the Pope's call for a one-world religion, etc., etc.

Let's take a few moments to put all this talk and angst in their proper, Biblical perspective. The prophetic books of Genesis (in part), Ezekiel, Daniel and Revelation give one internally consistent, thematic message, so read them as one book, written by One Author -- The Spirit of God who 'moved' these men to write what they wrote. (This applies to the entire Bible, by the way.) Also, read the news of current events within the context of God's plans revealed in these books, i.e., with the The Lord’s 'end game' in mind. (The Lord is Jesus, pre- and post-incarnate.)

A clear message is there have been successive attempts at a one-world government, all aimed at usurping the laws of God and advancing the pride of mankind, beginning with Nimrod and his Tower of Babel in the plain of Shinar where Babylon is located (The Book of Genesis, chapters 10 and 11). The Lord interrupted Nimrod's prideful plan in order to force mankind to obey His instruction to scatter and multiply over the Earth. He subsequently allowed the first ‘one-world’ government in the same geographic area (Babylon), headed by King Nebuchadnezzar. Both men were ruled by the spirit of pride, which God hates as it is anti-God.

Since then, successive attempts at worldwide governments have been predicted and permitted. (See the interpretations of King Nebuchadnezzar's dreams, given by The Lord, through Daniel, in The Book of Daniel, chapters 2, 3 and 4.) Each actual or attempted worldwide government has, in a way, advanced The Lord’s unfolding plans for mankind. Note how these governments have geographically marched "westward". (See the post, When Westward Becomes Eastward
Once these nation governments became so morally vile and full of pride, they fell from their lofty roles in the world, and the baton was passed along. 

The above sequence will continue until "there is no remedy"-- no more Grace to be extended by God. This pattern is revealed in Genesis 6 and 7, and in 2 Chronicles 36:16. Before reaching this point, Genesis 15:16 demonstrates just how long God's Grace can be extended to sinful, unrepentant people. Here, God explained to Abraham his unborn descendants would be in a foreign land for ~400 years because "...the iniquity (sinfulness) of the Amorites is not yet full."

Once Grace runs out on human governments, there will be two more one-world governments -- one headed by the anti-Christ (for 7 years following the rapture or catching away of the Church), and one headed by Jesus Christ (for 1,000 years -- a millennium). This will be followed by a bifurcated eternity experience -- heaven and hell, respectively for those who accept Christ’s payment for their sins, and those who reject Him. This is that one, pivotal decision about which life on Earth comes down to. In sum, human life is a series of personalized tests to prompt you to make your one decision.  

Here is the key point relevant to current events: Since the anti-Christ's reign will be very short (only 7 years) compared to typical lengths of governments, it seems logical that the necessary basic governmental structures required to govern the world will have already been put in place by the time he is revealed. Thus, he will only need to take over existing, basic structures, and will likely not have to create them from scratch. The Bible reveals he will accomplish this via deceit. (Daniel 8:25)  Thus, it should be no surprise that the United Nations' Agenda 2021, Agenda 2030, and all other emerging global governance strategies are all marching toward this eventuality. The overarching impetuses of this movement are the responses of socio-politico-economic networks to mankind's gross mismanagement of Earth’s resources, the physical environment, and our global financial systems. Their responses address global poverty, income inequity, unsustainable development, loss of bio-diversity, and deteriorating security. 

Interestingly, their responses may seem honorable and to be headed in the right direction. The Books of Daniel and Revelation clearly reveal, however, only a one-world government will be powerful enough to set things aright. satan will have his final attempt at it via the anti-Christ’s reign, but the only government that will succeed in addressing these and a host of other ills will be the one to be headed by Jesus Christ, and administered by His faithful followers (‘The Church’ of born-again, resurrected believers) who, by then, will be fully immortal according to 1 Corinthians 15:52. (For more on this diplomatic and administrative corps, see: Yea, Even in This 'n This 'n That and also The 4th DoA (Poem, Part 6 - Millennial Job Description)
In fear we cringe; all this talk about a one-world order;
A new currency to debunk the once mighty dollar;
A global religion spoken of by the Pope.
Fears threaten our confidence and dash our hope.

An angel told Daniel in chapter 12, verse 10,
None of these things will the wicked understand.
So if things some end-time things seem to baffle your mind,
Check to see if you may be ‘of the wicked kind’.

Life's about ONE decision you'll make, it's a must!
Whether it's in God or your prideful self you'll trust.
If you trust in God, it's Jesus you will embrace.
But if you trust in self, you will forfeit God's Grace.

You see, our time in this life is so very limited.
A new world order IS coming; it'll be unlimited.
God loves you, and He's giving out passes.
Get yours, then read His Word with ‘new glasses’.

One-world government? Don't let your heart be troubled.
Learn to be at peace, and to Jesus be snuggled.
Then don’t let a rock take your place
In our God’s great big Hall of Praise!

If you are His, and He is also yours,

You’ll be with Him when He reaches Earth’s shores! 

Don’t fret about that 7-year one, so short in history. 

Rather, prepare for THE one that’ll bring to Earth blazing GLoRY!

Agenda 2030 adopted today, September 25, 2015: