Then The Lord put forth His hand and touched my mouth,
and The Lord said to me: ‘Behold, I have put My words in your mouth.
See, I have this day set you over the nations and over the kingdoms,
to root out and to pull down, to destroy and to throw down, to build and to plant.’
Jeremiah 1:9-10
From my careers in international economic development, Christian blogging, and music, I have learned the importance of focusing on the end goal of any initiative or long-term strategy. Without a clear goal and meaningful interim targets, implementation suffers, and results may be disastrous.
Applying this approach to history, I see implementation is not the issue—because Jesus Christ, as Sovereign Lord, is in complete control, ensuring successful implementation of His Multi-millennial Strategy for Humanity. The Bible provides interim targets that signal progress toward His ultimate goal. It even offers glimpses into His detailed book of history, referred to in Daniel 10 as The Scripture of Truth. (See: Heaven’s Animating Holy Scripts (Poem).) Having strong, abiding faith in His ability to execute His plan, combined with developing insights into His interim targets, allows us to discern the avenues He is using to achieve His goal.
Sovereignty Over Nations
As Sovereign Lord, Jesus reigns over all nations—raising them up and bringing them down according to His strategic plan. If we consider the parade of global hegemon nations and their successive leaders as interim targets, what might we discern about the paths He is taking toward achieving His end goal? (See: (See: The Decline and Fall of Global Hegemons.)
Most national leaders, in their pride, may have thought they were in control. Time and again, however, The Lord has demonstrated otherwise—using them to accomplish His interim targets, often unknowingly. His ultimate goal is clearly summarized in Revelation 20, 21, and 22. I encourage you to study these passages closely, because your personal place in that future is assured!
An AI-assisted review of key national leaders across history reveals a rather clear pattern: national leaders frequently learned from their predecessors (both within and beyond their nations). I imagine their reviews of past leadership styles constitutes a type of 'playbook'. The review makes a rather striking point: Though subsequent national leaders have access to truckloads of historical insights from their predecessors, they consistently failed in two major ways:
- They apparently did not fully grasp the pivotal factors behind their predecessors’ successes.
- Thus they repeated the major mistakes of past leaders.
While the Bible does not name every significant leader in history, it does document the rulers of ancient Israel and Judah and select Gentile leaders. Most critically, it provides the title and describes the character of the penultimate global leader who will rise to dominate the 4th age of history (the tribulation age) before Jesus returns to establish His Millennial Reign (the 5th age of history). This penultimate human leader, called the anti-Christ, is referred to in Revelation as ‘the beast’—likely because of his brutal approach to world affairs, and his predicted, massive slaughter of Jews and Gentiles who embrace Jesus during that the tribulation age.
The Lord’s Plan in Full View
We in this 3rd age of history are privileged to have:
- Knowledge of, and insights about His predicted 7 planned ages of human history, of which we are currently close to the end of the 3rd age
- Clarity about His 6 planned, age-transition judgments
- His strategic goal (contextually summarized in my Historical Countdown video)
- His set of interim targets and prophecies, sprinkled throughout The Bible, the last MAJOR one of which was achieved in May 1948, with the re-establishment of Israel
- His set of precursors that will signal the approaching end of this current age
- His parade of global hegemon nations (NB, we are the tail end of this predicted parade!)
- A vast record of His dealings with key nations, from which we are expected to derive and apply key lessons
- His title and character of the anti-Christ, the final global human leader in history
- His horrible, pre-announced judgment awaiting this man and his prophet (prime minister?), apparently being the FIRST humans who will be cast into The Lord’s eternal, brimstone-lit lake of fire, well over a THOUSAND YEARS before any other sinners will be cast therein, along with every devil, hell and death.
- The assurance of His Holy Spirit and angels to back us up in our fight of faith and for righteousness!
What a treasure trove of historical and prophetic data! The Lord desires His saints to ponder, perceive, and persuade others about what we discern—so that they may walk in His light, rather than in fear and darkness. As I ask in my video,
‘What more could He give us?!’
>>More importantly, what are we (you) doing with all that He has given to us (you)?<<
Stay tuned for Part 2
Trump's 'Tentable' Role in This Playbook
(a portmanteau)