See the series here
In Part 1, I introduce my perception that Gog, a name mentioned in three sections of The Bible, may very well be satan’s top general, responsible for facilitating every evil rebellion satan conceives against The Lord God, and righteousness on Earth. Since their rebellion in Heaven, the number of their cohorts has been reduced in response to what many did to trigger the global flood. So, with a severely constricted number of devils and demons, this duo has been leveraging humans, and especially national leaders, to join in successive rebellious plots against The Lord and righteousness on the Earth. Let’s continue…
The Roles of National Leaders
In Playbook for the anti-Christ (Series), I explain how national leaders across history may have learned from, and attempt to repeat previous, successful leadership styles and strategies used by predecessor national leaders in history. In Seat of Wickedness (Series), I explain how it appears satan’s core strategy has been, and remains, to target and influence these national leaders to play pivotal roles in every major rebellious plot he has designed against The Lord and righteousness. It seems reasonable that this strategic approach might have been warranted since:
(a) Angels were not created as reproductive beings. Thus, satan’s crew was initially limited to the third of holy angels who had engaged in his failed coup attempt in Heaven.
(b) When The Lord scattered pre-flood human populations across the Earth (at the Tower of Babel), this likely presented a major ‘coverage challenge’ to satan and Gog.
(c) When the post-flood human population began to grow, this coverage problem grew exponentially, because The Lord had taken out of commission those demons whose actions had eventually triggered The Lord’s decision to send a flood to wipe out all people and land animals. (See: Humans DNA Hacked (Poem), and also 2 Peter 2:4 and Jude 6.)
Facing these mounting challenges, I imagine satan and Gog may have decided to double-down on their strategy to focus on, tempt, and catalyze national leaders, to trigger major rebellions against The Lord and all things righteous on Earth. Motivating successive generations of national leaders to repeat past, apparently successful leadership strategies, may have been a ‘winning approach’, especially when those leaders failed to perceive cloaked factors that helped to achieve past successes.
And Today??
The world is in shock that President Trump seems to be ‘cozying up’ to President Putin in their aggressive negotiations to end Russia’s 3-year effort to invade Ukraine, on terms that might be favorable to Russia! This is a major shift away from long-term U.S. foreign policy toward Russia. So, let’s keep our keenest eye on how these developments will unfold.
In light of the above overview, this is what I perceive.
Ezekiel 38 is in the middle of a prophetic trifecta The Lord has given to humanity to ponder, study, and derive lessons to which He intends us to align our lives accordingly. This trifecta:
A. Predicted, in Ezekiel 37, the reconstitution of the nation of Israel, combining what was two separate, ancient nations (Israel and Judah), into one unified, modern nation, with a competent military force. This prediction became historical on May 14, 1948, 77 years ago. Selah…
B. Predicts, in Ezekiel 38:
o A dramatic loss of Israel’s defensive capabilities at a time it will be exceedingly over-crowded, with people spilling over into N. Jordan and Lebanon (See: Zechariah 10:9-10), and
o A multi-national invasion on the cusp of The Millennial Reign age. This invasion is predicted to be led by Gog, who will be influencing the then leader of ‘the country in the far north’, presumably far north of Israel. That country is unmistakably, The Russian Federation. Ezekiel 38 names other nations that will join Russia. (For more, see: A People, Un-walled (Series) and also Missed Insights in Ezekiel (Series).
C. Predicts the nauseating consequences of this failed invasion, and how Israel will respond during the first few years of The Millennial Reign age, the predicted 5th age of human history.
Immediately after Russia’s second invasion of Ukraine (2022), I ‘connected the dots’ to Ezekiel 38. It seemed to me the only way Russia, ‘the mighty bear’, would need help from nations that are currently much weaker than Russia, militarily and economically, would be if Russia, in the future, will have been significantly militarily degraded. Shortly after reaching that conclusion, NATO announced its strategic objective for aiding Ukraine: To degrade Russia, militarily. (See: Degrading Militaries (Poem)) Not long after that, the U.S. announced its strategic objective for aiding Ukraine: To degrade Russia, economically. Voila!!!...
That is until Donald Trump was elected to a second term as U.S. president. Perhaps lacking spiritual insight, and failing to perceive how many strongman governance approaches in history have failed catastrophically, he may be ‘following the script, the playbooks, of many failed national leaders in history. If so, he might inadvertently be cozying up to Gog. Thus far, he seems to be ignoring the many wise voices that warn his push to end the war on terms that might be very favorable to Russia, will likely enable Russia to ‘re-group and re-attack’, perhaps on a broader scale, in the future, just a it did 8 years after its 2014 invasion of Ukraine!
The Bible gives us a few hints that the equivalent of satan’s capital (Revelation 2:12-13), has shifted over time, perhaps in response to the shifting seats of power among the human population. (See: The Seat of Wickedness (Series)) It does not appear to hint where this seat might be currently, but a good guess might be over the currently most powerful nation, the U.S.. America has certainly played a leadership role in advancing much across the world that Heaven considers sinful and unrighteous! Ezekiel 38 may provide us a BIG hint of where satan’s seat of wickedness will be on the cusp of The Millennial Reign age!!
Alas, given The Bible’s whopping 80+ percent ‘prophecy-to-historical success rate, I have strong faith to believe and trust The Lord will continue to unfold HIS strategic approach to bring about the remaining set of predictions in His prophetic trifecta.
Blessings and we watch and ponder, together…
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See: First Ukraine, Then Israel’s Terrain?!,
my insights comparing:
Russia’s 2 invasions of Ukraine,
with it’s predicted invasion of Israel.