Lord, I was the one You once sought and saved,
And from sin’s shackles, to set free.
Your 99 didn’t envy me,
Because like me, they too, had mis-behaved.
Now back among Your 99,
I’m very glad to be found.
No longer blind, from sin unbound,
I’m feeding on Your Grace, divine.
Finally, I think I ‘get it’,
Your only way I can stay free:
Storing Your Word inside of me,
So I’ll be led by Your Spirit.
But when with sin, I get infected,
By Your Word inside, I’ll be chastened,
Then by Your Love, I’ll be forgiven.
Lord, that’s Your plan, till I am perfected.
To ALL Your sheep, both new and old,
This core lesson, I will impart,
Seeds I will sow, in stubborn hearts,
All across Your growing sheepfold.
Here is a lesson I have learned:
Sharing lessons enables me,
To keep them fresh, inside of me!
That way, by sin, life’s not upturned!
Your Loving Hand, guides back to Grace,
Those who are Yours, authentically.
Those who are Yours, conditionally,
Deceive themselves, in this life’s race.
Now, back in Your flock, I heed Your voice,
Aware of risks, from straying away.
It’s Your voice, that enlightens my day.
Obeying, my heart and soul rejoice.
To my fellow sheep, on The Lord’s path,
Embrace my lesson in your heart,
So from His path, you won’t depart,
And thus, you’ll avoid sin’s ...promised wrath.