A comparison of Russia’s 2 invasions of Ukraine,
and its predicted invasion of Israel
in Ezekiel 38.
When does history become…’history’? The apparent answer is after present events are in the past. But from the highest strategic perspective, history becomes ‘history’, when The Lord God either wrote the scripts of future events in His Scripture of Truth book, or spoke them as prophecy, directly or through His prophets. From His unique perspective, the past, present and future, are all NOW. From our human perspective, we …examine and echo the past, experience the present, and expect the future.
In this light, let’s consider whether and how Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, might correlate to its predicted coalition invasion of a future, defenseless, over-crowded Israel. This shocking prediction is gruesomely summarized in The Bible, Ezekiel chapter 38.
Ezekiel 38 is the second chapter in what I call, a prophetic trifecta -- three successive chapters that elaborate, in one place, MAJOR prophecies that are otherwise iterated across the pages and ages of the Bible, like strategic puzzle pieces scattered on a table. To me, this signifies The Lord's keen desire for us seriously to perceive these PILLARS of His Multi-millennial Strategic Plan for Humanity! To learn more about this trifecta, see: Missed Insights in Ezekiel (Series).
Click on the link below to access this eye-opening study. But before you click, please ponder this fact:
Years ago, scholars determined The Bible had an 80% prophecy-to-historical fact success rate. Since then, more of its prophecies continue to become verifiable, historical facts, and the extent and degree of many fulfilled prophecies, continues to expand and increase. Case in point: One twice repeated prophecy is of a major ‘falling away’ of Christians from their faith, many to the point of full apostasy, during the closing years of this current 3rd age of history. While this has been developing for years, it literally spiked across the post-Covid pandemic western world, with many reports of growing numbers of ‘nones’ – people across the west who no longer consider themselves Christian, or of any faith. Fresh reports of this occurred in the last week of February 2025. Another one is of exploding global lawlessness. Well~
First Ukraine, Next Israel's Terrain?!
A comparison of Russia’s 2 invasions of Ukraine,
and its predicted invasion of Israel
in Ezekiel 38.