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The world is blind to these SEVEN, pivotal facts:

1. The Bible communicates Heaven’s 'Multi-millennial Strategic Plan for Humanity'.

2. There are SEVEN ages appointed for humanity.

3. We are nearing the end of the THIRD age, a pivotal turning point in this strategy.

4. A GREAT falling away from the Christian faith is predicted during the ending days of this THIRD age, as a result of backsliding, general lukewarmness and outright apostasy among the heretofore faithful. Look around and this you will clearly see.

5. Biblical prophecies have been and remain seeds of human history.

6. Yet-fulfilled prophecies, unfolding apace, are worthy of diligent study.

7. Now is the time to get and stay on ‘the right side of Bible prophecy’.


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Fasten your spiritual seat belts!

Playbook for the anti-Christ (Part 2)

In Part 1, I introduce the concept of a 'type of playbook' national leaders likely consult to study and reflect on leadership patterns and strategies their predecessors throughout history successfully applied. And get this: Even if successive national leaders to not intentionally study past leadership patterns and strategies, be sure that satan and his crew will do their part to introduce these in the hearts and minds of leaders, especially as leadership challenges emerge. 

I refuse to believe the notion that 'history repeats itself'. Rather, it seems clear to me that humans are easily manipulated by satanic forces, to respond to temptations in the same, exact ways our ancestors responded. That gives us the sense that 'history repeats itself', but it's merely us, due to our general spiritual ignorance, falling into the same traps in which our ancestors fell. 

Since the Bible predict the anti-Christ will be the final human global leader, it is safe to presume he will not only benefit from successful and failed strategies ALL predecessor national leaders will have had.

Trump’s Role in the Big Picture

Donald Trump survived an assassination attempt and a failed assassination plot. He claimed God spared him for a purpose. That statement is likely true—otherwise, he would be dead! But what might that purpose be??

Let’s frame a plausible answer in light of Jeremiah 9:23-24, my favorite passage:

Thus says The Lord: ‘Let not the wise man glory [be proud] in his wisdom, let not the mighty man glory in his might, nor let the rich man glory in his riches; but let him who glories glory in this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am The Lord, exercising lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness in the Earth. For in these I delight,’ 

says The Lord.

The Lords’ sequence is clear:

  1. Lovingkindness (long-term grace)
  2. Judgment (for justice)
  3. Righteousness (the intended result of judgment)

Historically, as Sovereign Lord over all of His creation, it is apparently He Who mandated the U.S. to lead rebuilding of global economic and political systems following a series of His massive, global judgments in the early 20th century. These judgments included:

  • Two world wars
  • The Great Depression
  • The Spanish Flu pandemic
  • The rise and fall of fascist and communist powers

According to The Lord’s declared strategy and tactics, it is safe to conclude these judgments followed long periods of Grace, during which sinfulness increased worldwide. Without adequate repentance and lifestyle changes, judgments were inevitable, just as they are NoW! However, The Lord always preserves a remnant who is expected to learn and apply lessons from what they observed and personally experienced. Sadly, history reveals how we quickly forget lessons learned—falling back into old patterns of sin, egged on by demonic agitation and temptations.

The U.S. faithfully carried out its ‘rebuilding leadership mandate’, and by October 2025, the global institutions it helped to establish will have endured 80 years. Meanwhile, in May 2025, modern Israel will turn 77 years old. Israel and Judah have been, and remain key targets and indicators in ALL The Lord’s strategic moves and dealings with humanity, Biblically, 7 represents spiritual completion—so what, pray tell, in Israel and/or across the world might possibly be completed this year?? 

Now, in early 2025, Trump and his administration are aggressively:

a) dismantling and downsizing major parts of the bloated U.S. federal government,

b) eroding respect for its foundational Constitution, 

c) threatening to disrespect for the judicial decisions that thwart the administration's objectives,

d) threatening and bullying many long-term, faithful allies of the U.S.

e) and purportedly laying the groundwork for a race to establish a human colony on Mars (!), and

f) planning to lift the debt ceiling requirement and push through another major tax cut legislation in the face of a near $40 trillion federal debt and a possibly string of future annual budget deficits. 


As the most powerful U.S. president ever (due to recent Supreme Court decisions), and leader of the only current global hegemon nation, Trump’s actions will apparently have massive global repercussions. We are already witnessing such effects, and they will likely increase, both in frequency and intensity.

For years, an increasing coalition of nations has pushed for a new world order and a new reserve currency to replace the U.S. dollar, or minimally, a set of other currency options to manage global trade. This group—BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa)—has now expanded to 10 member nations and 12 partner nations. The U.S. has resisted this movement, but Trump’s ‘America First’ policies might unintentionally accelerate it. Watch closely as his actions potentially embolden competitor nations, hastening the shift toward a new world order.

Daniel 2:44 indicates we, as noted above, are at the tail end of The Lord’s predicted parade of global hegemon nations. However, that particular chapter omits mention of the predicted rise of the anti-Christ global leader during the tribulation age, perhaps because that will be an unusually short ‘age’-- 7 years per Daniel 9.

The Anti-Christ’s Playbook

Since national leaders have apparently learned from their historical predecessors across the world, it is logical to expect the final, global human leader, the anti-Christ man, will similarly study 'playbooks' of all predecessor national leaders. ChatGPT confirms that, throughout ALL of history, U.S. presidents—especially in the past 8 decades (the modern era), have likely been the most powerful national leaders ever! See its summary review here. Serving in a ‘quadfecta’ government—a Republican-led Senate, House of Representatives, Executive and Supreme Court— Trump will have been the most powerful of all past U.S. presidents, and ergo, the most powerful man in global history, at lease to-date! Ergo, Trump’s playbook should naturally attract the anti-Christ’s keen attention, whether Trump is successful ….or not.

More importantly, The Bible predicts that man will be endowed with satanic, miracle-working powers, allowing him to manipulate and deceive the entire worldImagine that. For additional context, see The Seat of Wickedness (Series) and anti-Christ (Series)

Final Thought

As history approaches the transition into the short 4th age, it is crucial for us to discern how present national leaders across the world, especially in the U.S., might fit into The Lord’s unfolding, sovereign plan. His patterns are clear and plain to anyone who looks for them. He’s clearly ‘on the move’. Are we (you) attentive to how He’s moving?