See the Letters series here
Dear World,
I AM Jesus Christ, The Lord God Almighty, Creator and Sustainer of creation. Your decisions to believe or disbelieve that, will never change Who I AM.
Decades ago, Marvin Gaye released the song, ‘What’s Going On’. In one phrase, he sang, ‘I’ll tell you what’s going on’. Did you ever notice he never did?? He didn’t because He, himself, didn’t know. To perceive the intricate complexities of ‘what’s going on’, is to know and understand the mysteries of God. That requires an attentive spirit, who is in-tuned and aligned with My Spirit. That’s because, as I revealed to Apostle Paul, ‘in My Father and Me, are hidden ALL the treasures of wisdom and knowledge’. In light of that, please know this: All the wisdom and knowledge that humanity has accumulated since I created Adam, have come from Me. It has been, and continues to be in accordance with what I revealed to My prophet, in Isaiah 28:10 &13:
Precept upon precept.
Line upon line.
Here a little, there a little.
Though I intended My ‘downloads’ to be used for righteous purposes, literally every generation has found many ways to use them for evil. Yet, in My Grace, I never stopped downloading increasingly complex insights to mankind. Rather, in My foreknowledge of how you would abuse them, I determined to integrate such abuse into my Multi-millennial Strategic Plan for Humanity, which is summarized in My Holy Bible.
My Plan is for 7 ages of history, comprising 6 ages on this current Earth, and a 7th, eternal age on the new Earth I promised Isaiah I would create. There, every human whom I will have created and endowed with spirit, will forever reside, either in My GLORY-lit zones, or in My lake of fire zone for those who will be eternally damned for rejecting My Grace. That new Earth is in the new heaven (universe) John ‘saw’ in the vision I gave to Him, as recorded in Revelation 21 & 22. It is also what Apostle Peter mentioned in His writings. Those who are spiritually wise among you, will quickly understand why I inspired three prophets to repeat this awesome promise.
So allow Me to do what Marvin Gaye did not do, and could never have done – to enlighten you about ‘what’s going on now’. It is summarized in one Bible verse, and is iteratively demonstrated across the pages of The Bible, as well as in the annals of history:
But let him who glories (boasts), glory in this:
1. That he understands and knows Me,
2. That I, The Lord, AM in the Earth, exercising:
a. Loving-kindness (protracted Grace),
b. Judgment (Justice), and
c. Righteousness (per My laws and standards),
for in these I delight.’ (Jeremiah 9:24)
This 3-point, persistent, protracted pattern is My response to age-related cycles of deepening, human sinfulness across the world. These cycles are triggered when generations in each age, increasingly yield to temptations from satanic forces who know much better than humans that, their time is short. They desire, and are dutifully achieving the sustainable deception of increasing numbers of humans, who will share in the ultimate judgement I have pronounced upon them. In light of this, these forces are working ‘feverishly’ to achieve their targeted results.
From 3 perspectives, they know their time is short:
1. They perceive the approaching ends of each of the ages on this Earth, 2 of which are now historical;
2. They perceive the approaching start of the 5th age – My Millennial Reign, during which I will have them all locked away in an inescapable abyss; and
3. They perceive the rapidly-approaching 6th age – the ‘little while’ period between the end of the Millennial Reign age, and the start of the eternal age. During the 6th age, they will launch their FINAL push to achieve their targets, and will make their FINAL, MASSIVE assault on all righteous things that will remain on the Earth after My departure. They also dread that age as it will presage their ultimate judgement.
My Plan predicts the rapid rise of a deceptive, global strongman, the anti-Christ, very early in the 4th age. This will be after My next global resurrection and rapture event for My faithful 3rd-age saints. In preparation for his advent, and also in My Grace to humans, I am allowing satanic forces to catalyze more nations’ electorates to push for strongman governments. They will be moderately successful in attacking major problems, including those triggered by the disappearance of millions of faithful Christians. I will allow these prideful strongmen and other ‘wanna be’ strongmen, to serve as ‘foretastes’ of the pending, exceedingly prideful anti-Christ man. Thus, these NATIONAL strongmen governments, will help to ease pending MAJOR transitions to back-to-back GLOBAL strongman governance systems – that of the anti-Christ, for 7 years, followed by Mine, for 1,000 years.
The grossly unrighteous words and acts of the anti-Christ man will trigger My 42-month-apocalypse, during the second half (42 months) of the 4th age. It will be My longest-lasting judgments on unrepentant, sinful people. It will be much longer than it took for the global flood to destroy similarly sinful people at the end of the 1st age. During the apocalypse, I will 'make humans rare on the Earth'! The apocalypse will close-out the 4th age of history, and usher in the 5th age – My Millennial Reign as The Righteous King of all the Earth. Every remaining eye will see Me returning to Earth, in my GLORY, with ALL My holy angels, and ALL My holy, immortal saints, who will then be GLOWING, just as I AM!!! 1 For a thousand years, we will take FULL CONTROL of every lever of human governance, worldwide. We will restore and enforce righteous relationships and resilient peace on the Earth – between every person, family, and nation; and among all animals, and between them and humans. Earth will be refreshed, physically and spiritually, similar to how it was before I drove Adam and Eve out of My Garden of Eden. Diets of both humans and animals will be restored to My original instructions. I will reverse the division of languages I triggered when the Tower of Babel was being built.
Finally, throughout My reign, there will be no satanic forces on Earth tempting people to sin. Nevertheless, human nature will naturally still be …sinful. That is why, in My Bible, My reign is called an iron rod reign. Given that, and in light of lessons from history, I will leave it to you to imagine how My iron rod reign might end, and the 6th age of history might begin. Mind you, My Bible sheds little light on that ‘little while’ age, leaving much to …your imaginations. 2
Jesus Christ, The Lord God
1 Matthew 25:31, Mark 8:38, 2 Thessalonians 1:7, and Zechariah 14:5, 1 Thessalonians 3:13, and 2 Thessalonians 1:10, iteratively appear to affirm/confirm Heaven will ‘be emptied onto Earth’! Imagine that! For more on this GLORIOUS eventuality, see: Imminent Eminence (Poem) and WoW, Earth Filled (Series). See: Earth’s Cloaked Satellites (Poem) for my perception of the plausible role of holy angels during The Millennial Reign.
2 To see what I imagine, search this blog for Mid-ages Musings (Part 5).