
Hello and Welcome~

The world is blind to these SEVEN, pivotal facts:

1. The Bible communicates Heaven’s 'Multi-millennial Strategic Plan for Humanity'.

2. There are SEVEN ages appointed for humanity.

3. We are nearing the end of the THIRD age, a pivotal turning point in this strategy.

4. A GREAT falling away from the Christian faith is predicted during the ending days of this THIRD age, as a result of backsliding, general lukewarmness and outright apostasy among the heretofore faithful. Look around and this you will clearly see.

5. Biblical prophecies have been and remain seeds of human history.

6. Yet-fulfilled prophecies, unfolding apace, are worthy of diligent study.

7. Now is the time to get and stay on ‘the right side of Bible prophecy’.


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Fasten your spiritual seat belts!

Forever or Until Forever? (Poem)

See the Israel series here

Honestly folks! Anyone who thinks The Lord meant ‘for-evah’,

When He promised Canaan land to Abraham’s descendants,

Might have a serious case of Biblical myopia,

Or think He forgot about His next Earth’ developments’.


Please tell me, why ‘on Earth’ would He make a forever promise,

About something He created to not last forever?!

Can we agree that would be deceptive, and also pointless?

I cannot believe such would be approved …by His Father!

(That is, unless… See below.)


The promise The Lord first made in Genesis 13:15,

Is best understood in context of the 6 ages,

He planned for us here, then on a new Earth where we’ll reconvene. 1

Look, and you’ll see this plan across The Bible’s pages.


So let’s examine The Lord’s promise made to Abraham.

Though to him and to his seed, the land was ‘indeed given’,

They were too small, weak, and faithless, that land to ‘re-program.’

Thus, they failed to heed The Lord’s …‘qualifying conditions’. 2


Their continued sinfulness on the land would long be stymied!

Yet The Lord’s promise to Abraham, will ‘stand the test of time’.

It will only be fulfilled when, on Earth, Heaven is emptied,

That’s when all folks will know His …Millennial Reign paradigm. 3


In preparation for that GLORIOUS age of history,

In 1948, He bumped-up the protracted process,

Of drawing a few Jews back to the land of their ancestry,

The tiny part on which, The Lord’s laws, most Hebrews

had transgressed.


Now what, since Ezekiel 37 we can now trace??

And Zechariah chapter 10, verse 10, is nowhere in view!

Let’s wait for other predicted precursors to fall in place. 

For now, our thoughts about the promise, need to be re-construed!


Most versions of The Bible, perhaps except one,

Seem to stumbled on Genesis 13:15.

Read in the Young’s Literal and Wycliff versions,

The latter one ‘got it right’! That is what I glean.


Several times, The Young’s Literal version uses the phrase,

‘To the age’, which many versions translate as, ‘forever’.

But we need to slow down, and our ‘forever thoughts’ reappraise,

When this phrase is applied to things that, to this Earth’, refer.


The Wycliff version uses the phrase, ‘till into without end’.

Since the promise refers to the land of Canaan, in history,

Unless on the new Earth, that’s where new Jerusalem will blend,

That phrase means: until the forever age’ -- ‘until eternity.’ 


In my book, ‘until’ infers limited to the present.

As such, that promise to righteous Jewsexcludes eternity.

So how could our thoughts about this promise be …so errant??

May we all learn to perceive The Bible …strategically. 4


Exodus 19:6, The Lord’s ‘priestly people promise’,

Will finally be fulfilled during The Millennial Reign.

On the brand new Earth, might that be the forever practice,

Of righteous Jews, in the eternal Jerusalem ordained?? 5

Just to be clear, here's a summary of my points:

1. The Lord's promise of Canaan, applies to righteous Jews, 

not to unrighteous Jews. 6

2. Unless Canaan is also on the new Earth, His promise has a start and end point, i.e., from the start of the 5th age (The Millennial Reign), to the end of the 6th age of history (the ‘little while’ post-Millennial Reign age), before eternity begins.

3. For righteous Jews, The Millennial Reign may be a long practice session for their eternal priestly roles. 


1 See: Human History Ages (Series)Revelation 20:11-15, and especially Bible Raptures – Types and Timings (Series). The Lord’s plan is for all humans who will have ever lived (and possibly those who were conceived, but were never born) to be resurrected (if they died), and raptured in Heaven. YES!! Every human The Lord created will be raptured to stand before The Lord:

  (a) to give account and be judged for the life we lived, and the binary choice for whose spiritual kingdom we lived – The righteous Kingdom of God and Christ, or the sinful kingdom of satan; and

  (b) to receive our assigned, eternal destination on the new Earth He promised to create. Our disbelief won’t change His plan. To make the right(eous) choice, please see: Prayer of Salvation (Poem).

2 Obedience to His loving, righteous laws and principles, of which the Ten Commandments is the cornerstone.

3 Stymied from committing more gross sins, by being exiled from the promise land. Matthew 25:31, Mark 8:38, 2 Thessalonians 1:7, and Zechariah 14:5, 1 Thessalonians 3:13, and 2 Thessalonians 1:10iteratively appear to affirm/confirm Heaven will ‘be emptied onto Earth’! Imagine that! For more on this GLORIOUS eventuality, see: Imminent Eminence (Poem) and WoW, Earth Filled (Poem).

4 Most of us likely were taught to read and understand The Bible as a ‘religious book’. Applying my skills as a long-time, diplomatic and consulting international strategic planner (as The Lord gracefully instructed me to do in retirement), I now clearly see it really is His Multi-millennial Strategic Plan for Humanity, covering 7 pre-planned ages, of which (get this) over half of the initial 6 ages, are history! (Read between the lines!) The purpose of this blog is to share these concepts to help you to envision what I now see.

5 Join me in pondering the strategic questions posed in Part 2 of The Bride of Christ (Series).

6 Zephaniah 3 not only describes Judah before it went into Babylonian captivity. Some aspects of The Lord's description may very well apply to Israel today. Ergo, it should be instructive to read and ponder the last half of that chapter, to understand what He (a) will allow to happen to 'unrighteous Jews' during the (likely Russia-led, Ezekiel 38) 1st War of Gog and Magog, and later, (b) what He promises to do to 'unrighteous Jews' who will still be alive at the start of His Millennial Reign