
Hello and Welcome~

The world is blind to these SEVEN, pivotal facts:

1. The Bible communicates Heaven’s 'Multi-millennial Strategic Plan for Humanity'.

2. There are SEVEN ages appointed for humanity.

3. We are nearing the end of the THIRD age, a pivotal turning point in this strategy.

4. A GREAT falling away from the Christian faith is predicted during the ending days of this THIRD age, as a result of backsliding, general lukewarmness and outright apostasy among the heretofore faithful. Look around and this you will clearly see.

5. Biblical prophecies have been and remain seeds of human history.

6. Yet-fulfilled prophecies, unfolding apace, are worthy of diligent study.

7. Now is the time to get and stay on ‘the right side of Bible prophecy’.


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Fasten your spiritual seat belts!

The Sound of Silence (Part 2)


In my exploration of The Lord’s Multi-millennial Strategic Plan for us (The Bible), I’ve been reflecting on the fascinating periods of silence in/from Heaven. Such moments often precede periods of powerful punishments! When applied globally, they appear to signal pending age-transitioning judgments. Three such silent events are noted in Scripture, two of which are historical:


1. Two are historical -- in Genesis 6:21–7:1, during Noah’s preparation for the flood; and in Matthew 27:46, as Christ hung on the cross.

2. One is predicted in Revelation 8:1, when silence in Heaven occurs before the 7th, final seal on The Lord's scroll is opened, heralding the predicted 14 apocalyptic judgments.


While the notion of Divine stillness - a ‘calm before the storm’ - resonates with localized events throughout Scripture, its possible application to the end of the Millennial Reign (MR) age raises intriguing possibilities. This excerpt from Mid-ages Musings (Part 5), reflects my initial perspectives:


#4. Silence from Heaven (Dreaded or Welcomed) 

Logically, silence from Heaven cannot occur when all or most of Heaven will then be on Earth. I intuit two scenarios where ‘silence from Heaven’ might apply during the lead-up to satan’s kingdom being released back on Earth, at the end of The MR age.


1. Tolerating Growing Unrighteousness

The Lord’s gracious and merciful nature might allow unrighteousness to increase temporarily, much as He does today.


2. Strategic Withdrawal

There may be an interim period of silence as The Lord, His saints, and His angels depart Earth, preceding satan’s release. This could parallel the pause between Jesus’ 2nd, post-resurrection ascension, and the arrival of The Holy Spirit on The Day of Pentecost, or the silence during Noah’s ark-building in Genesis 6:21–7:1.

Misinterpretations About the End of the MR Age

A search for articles on the end of the MR age reveals a common assumption: that the release of satan’s kingdom is part of this ending. However, these interpretations seem flawed. Here's why:

Timing of Satan’s ReleaseRevelation 20:1–9 clearly state satan’s kingdom will not be released until the end of The Lord’s thousand-year reign, not during its closing years or decades.

Uncertain Duration of the 6th AgeThe Bible provides no clear timeline for how long the 6th age will last, or when the final rebellion (Revelation 20:7–9) will occur. After a millennium of peace with no mass protests tolerated under The Lord’s iron rod, global rule, and no military institutions or structures on Earth, satan’s forces might require significant time to take advantage of people's pent-up frustrations, and then muster a significant attack on Jerusalem.

A Quiet, Strategic Withdrawal


Approximately 90% of empires and kingdoms throughout history have ended violently, per ChatGPT. That's a sad testament about human nature, and especially the stubbornness of national leaders. How might this insight apply to the end of The MR age? Not for a moment would I suggest it might end in defeat. Instead, I now envision the following scenarios:

The Lord’s Strategic Rationale

The Bible indicates The Lord’s overarching objective isTo harvest small remnants of saints from each age, to whom He will show everlasting Grace. If/IF salvation as we know it ceases during the MR age, it might follow that believers during that age will need to have their faith tested and proven. What if the strategic purpose of releasing satan’s kingdom back onto Earth might be intended to provide this testing, and ergo facilitate The Lord’s separation of true saints from sinners during the final resurrection and rapture event?  Ponder why else would He reference His Book of [Eternal] Life if folks who will be resurrected and raptured to appear before Him at that time, are ALL sinners?? (See: Revelation 20: 11-15, and also Bible Raptures – Types and Timings (Series).)


Bait for the Final Rebellion
Isaiah 60 describes the wealth in, and glory of Jerusalem shortly after the start of the MR age. Over a millennium, this wealth will very likely increase dramatically, as people the world over seek to curry favors from Jesus. It may eventually become a lure for people whom satan’s forces will catalyze for the final rebellion noted in Revelation 20: 7-9. Ezekiel 38 and the respective invasions of ancient Israel and Judah by Assyria and Babylon, provide clear precedents for how The Lord baits/lures His enemies, both for their well-deserved judgments, and judgments of nations that are invaded.

Silence and Withdrawal
Silence predicted in Revelation 8 may mirror the calm before Armageddon, which will result in the end the anti-Christ’s reign during the tribulation age, and begin Christ’s reign in The MR age. Similarly, I envision a quiet, protracted withdrawal of The Lord’s erstwhile conquering forces as 'we' re-populate Heaven. * Our withdrawal might coincide with growing global frustrations, as humanity casts off The Lord’s restraints.


Divine Patience Perceived as Defeat?

If there will be silence from The Lord’s government, whether prior to, or after our departure from Earth, how might global populations perceive such silence?? Good riddance?! Humanity’s sinful nature has not changed since Adam. I intuit suppressed, pent-up frustrations from a long period of forced, iron rod righteousness, might erupt, and people might equate our departure as their win, our defeat, even before satan’s kingdom is released. Feel free to send me an email to share your thoughts on this point.


Biblical accounts of silence from Heaven often precede some kind of judgments. If/when perceived, they invite us to marvel at The Lord’s meticulous planning and exceptional patience with humanity. Every pause, every action, and every reset aligns perfectly with His strategic purposes, which will ultimately be fulfilled. Though silence may infer activity or inactivity, it often heralds The Lord’s most transformative handiworks.

Ponder this:

When do you/we typically sing the song, Amazing Grace?

I perceive it's sung mostly ...in tragedies,

as if that's when we think of it mostly.

Might that infer a type of abuse of His Awesome Grace?

How might He view such?


* Matthew 25:31, Mark 8:38, 2 Thessalonians 1:7, and Zechariah 14:5, 1 Thessalonians 3:13, and 2 Thessalonians 1:10, iteratively appear to affirm/confirm Heaven will be emptied onto Earth! If so, imagine that! Revelation 19 illustrates what these above verses predict. Some believers reportedly think Christ’s return to this current version of Earth will be forever. This is clearly contrary to Revelation 20, and also to The Lord’s promises (in Isaiah 65:17, 66:22, and Revelation 21 and 22) of a new, eternal Earth and universe. To be clear, this current version of Earth is temporary, folks. It wasn't created to be eternal. Ergo, as Heaven will apparently be de-populated to start the MR age, it will logically be re-populated to end of the MR age.