
Hello and Welcome~

The world is blind to these SEVEN, pivotal facts:

1. The Bible communicates Heaven’s 'Multi-millennial Strategic Plan for Humanity'.

2. There are SEVEN ages appointed for humanity.

3. We are nearing the end of the THIRD age, a pivotal turning point in this strategy.

4. A GREAT falling away from the Christian faith is predicted during the ending days of this THIRD age, as a result of backsliding, general lukewarmness and outright apostasy among the heretofore faithful. Look around and this you will clearly see.

5. Biblical prophecies have been and remain seeds of human history.

6. Yet-fulfilled prophecies, unfolding apace, are worthy of diligent study.

7. Now is the time to get and stay on ‘the right side of Bible prophecy’.


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Fasten your spiritual seat belts!

Mid-ages Musings (Part 5)

See the Mid-ages Musings Series here

See the Human History Ages Series here

Throughout history, and life, in general, the beginnings of significantly impactful events, are always much more attention-grabbing than their conclusions. That’s just how life is designed. The Bible has quite a lot to say about The Millennial Reign of Jesus, especially the slow run-up to this history-shifting event, its final arrival, and what it will entail. Interestingly, only one thing is included about just after it ends, i.e., that satan (presumably meaning his entire kingdom of devils) will once again be released on Earth, after being locked away in a bottomless pit for a thousand years. Ergo, we can only speculate how/whether The Lord’s apparent 4-point ages transition pattern might or might not apply to the ramp-up to the apparent, global, ages-transition judgment that will usher in the final age, the post-Millennial Reign age. I regard the release of satan’s kingdom back on Earth, as that global judgement. (Revelation 20:1-3).

Following is what I speculate about how that pattern might apply.

5th-to-6th Ages (Millennial Reign age, to post-Millennial Reign age)

1. Humanity’s ‘cup of iniquity overspilling its rim’

In the middle of the 2nd and 3rd ages of history, there were massive rebellions against long periods of monarchal rule across the world! These rebellions resulted in the fall of many monarchs. One such revolt led to the American Revolution. From a spiritual perspective, these were rebellions against the (then), God-sanctioned mode for human governance. As you ponder whether allowing the results of these rebellions may have been His ‘direct will’, versus His ’permissive will’, please take a moment to consider this insightful perspective

The Lord will re-institute this exact form of governance

across the entire world during His Millennial Reign!

Imagine that… 

We humans reject everything He desires! We readily embrace sinfulness and wickedness. He wholeheartedly and steadfastly rejects such, in favor of His definition of 'righteousness'. What a sad testimonial of us. Given this human proclivity, I speculate the closing centuries or decades of His Millennial Reign, could potentially be the 2nd time people …physically reject Jesus! Imagine that!!! Jews across ancient Judah violently rejected Him for claiming to BE ‘The Son of God’. Folks born late in The Millennial Reign age will not have experienced the apocalypse, and many might even become ‘apocalypse deniers, similar to today’s holocaust deniers. Might many in those generations reject Jesus, their global KING, for actually demonstrating He IS The Son of God, appointed and anointed by Father God to be The Lord God, Almighty?! If so, that would be a major case of ...history repeating itself’!

Consider this:

a. In Psalm 2, David, the second king of ancient Israel, prophesied about The Lord ruling the nations with a rod of iron. 

b. The Book of Revelation thrice affirms Jesus will, indeed, rule the world with a rod of iron (i.e., His Word), so no one who disobeys, will escape His judgment, possibly to be administered across the Gentile world ...by us, His then immortal, glowing, Gentile saints!

c. Historically, iron-fisted governments end with massive rebellions by the oppressed multitudes! Could such happen with The Lord God and all His saints on Earth, literally GLOWING, and demonstrating our unlimited powers, powers that might possibly constrained …by Grace?? Here's the basis for my question.

In Exodus 33:18-23, Moses worked up the nerve to ask The Lord, ‘Please, show me Your GLORY.’ The Lord agreed, and later did so, while proclaiming/heralding His Name and Character before Moses: [On that mountain, there was no one to ‘herald’ Him, so He did it Himself!]


The Lord, The Lord God,

merciful and gracious, longsuffering,

and abounding in goodness and truth,

keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity, transgression and sin,

by no means clearing the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers

upon the children, and the children’s children

to the third and the fourth generations.

[The latter 2 points were changed a few centuries later…]

This proclamation reflects His core Nature. Reluctant Judge that He is, I intuit even during His lengthy iron rod rule, He might be somewhat gracious and merciful, tolerant of mankind’s foibles and sins ...to some extent. Moreover, He knows ‘the end of our story’ -- eternity in either His glorified or damned zones on the new, eternal Earth. Thus, He is in no rush to judge us. So yeah, I can easily perceive how mankind’s ‘cup of iniquity’ might spill its rim towards the end of The Millennial Reign age. Can you??

2. Righteousness on Earth figuratively ‘hanging by a thread

For a millennium, The Lord, all His saints, and all His angels, will enforce righteousness, globally. Even with all devils locked away, the human proclivity to sinful rebellion will very likely remain exceptionally strong, and might manifest more towards the close of this age. 

The love of money and wealth (raw greed) have always been satan’s choice temptation for folks to sin. Isaiah 60 gives us a hint of the massive amounts of wealth that will accumulate in Jerusalem, and across the greatly expanded Israel, during the Millennial Reign age. It will come from folks across the world, trying to curry The Lord’s favor for everything imaginable, and then some! Jerusalem, then the global capital, and seat of His Throne, will quickly and sustainably become the richest place on the planet!!! Imagine the jealousy, resentment and raw greed that might build-up, century upon century, even though this will be a golden age for every aspect of life on Earth!

Jeremiah 9:23-24 lay out The Lord’s 3-point strategy for dealing with us: long-term Grace, short-term Judgments, hopefully culminating in our Righteousness. Problem: our righteousness is typically short-lived, if it is achieved at all!! As the world careens toward the end of this current (3rd) age, there is growing evidence that The Lord's judgments seem to have no effect in prompting our repentance and desire for righteousness. Since pestilence is one of His chosen judgment instruments, consider how the Covid 19 pandemic ended with explosive criminality, as folks aggressively caught-up on their wickedness following the global shut down, and as previously-faithful Christians, LEFT THE FAITH, just as Paul twice predicted, and warned of increasing apostasy during the closing of this 3rd age! So we are right on schedule! 

So what might happen as (a) the apocalypse and the Armageddon War eventually become a faint memory, or are forgotten altogether, and (b) wealth continues to accumulate in Israel at a fast pace?! As folks lose their respect, awe and tolerance for monarchal rule, I suspect we Gentile saints, possibly assigned to rule over Gentile nations, could then ‘be in for a rough ride’ in our efforts to police and ensure righteousness on Earth! Imagine that... 

For more about righteousness on Earth in that age, see: Salvation in The Millennium (Series).

Ponder this: The Bible confirms The Lord will come with ALL His saints and ALL His angels (Zechariah 15:5Matthew 25:31, and 1 Thessalonians 1:17). Perhaps strategically so, it does not say ALL shall remain here with Him throughout the thousand years! So might there be a phased transition of some of His saints and angels back to Heaven (i.e., possibly to the new, eternal Earth) as the close of the Millennial Reign approaches, and as righteousness across the world might steadily degrade?? Recall, The Lord left Earth some time after Adam and Eve sinned, as sinfulness began to spread.

3. Certain precursors (pre-conditions) reaching their fullness

The Bible’s two declared timelines of a full millennium, might well be the primary or only condition (precursor) to reach its fullness, signaling the end of that age. These two precursors are, for a thousand years, (a) Jesus will be on the Earth with all His saints and angels, and (b) all devils will be locked away. Period. Let me know if you are familiar with other Bible-based signals of the end of The Millennial Reign age, as distinguished from anything about the ‘little while’, post-Millennial Reign age.

4. Silence from Heaven (dreaded or welcomed!)

Logically, there cannot be silence from Heaven when all or most of Heaven is on the Earth. I intuit two possible scenarios in which there might be ‘silence from Heaven’ in the ramp-up to the release of satan’s kingdom back on Earth:

1. Either The Lord’s core graceful and merciful nature, noted above, might, for a time, tolerate growing of unrighteousness in the world (just as He is doing in our time), or

2. There might be an interim period of silence as and after The Lord, all His saints, and all His angels depart Earth preceding satan’s release. This could parallel the pause between Jesus’ 2nd ascension, and the arrival of The Holy Spirit on The Day of Pentecost, or the silence during Noah’s ark-building in Genesis 6:21–7:1. 


The Lord is strategically persistent,

and generally consistent!


See Part 6,

the conclusion of this rather unique series.