Our world is incredibly BUSY and NOISY.
Yet it’s easy to find places and times for quiescent solitude.
When we fail to seek such places and times,
Life has ways to thrust them upon us,
Likely at the most I convenient times.
‘Stillness of the night’, and ‘calms before storms’
may be such ways.
Though we focus principally on the busyness of our physical world, too few of us tune into the busyness of our spiritual world – the unseen world that spawns (generates and brings forth), then envelops ALL things physical. That world or sphere of reality, is likely also incredibly BUSY and, perhaps at times, quite NOISY. Though imperceptible to our eyes and ears, there, angels, holy and un-, busily execute commands of their masters, then oversee the unfolding, physical fruits of spiritual seeds they plant. But when things in that world ‘go quiet’, …..WATCH OUT! The Bible reveals, at such times, severe judgments from Heaven may well be pending. Talk about ‘calms before storms!!!’
At such times, the pertinent questions are, judgments against whom, and why?!’ The answers should be fairly easy to discern, but are likely generally missed. The Lord’s judgments (apart from chastisements of His righteous saints) are prepared:
(a) against us who have l-o-n-g been imperceptive to, and thus have abused His Amazing Grace; and
(b) in favor of His righteous (relatively attentive, obedient, not ‘Christianesque’) servants - His saints.
Of particular note are such ‘sounds of silence’ before what I perceive may be His 6 worst ever judgments on our world. I speak of His 6, global, age-transitioning judgments, summarized in Human History Ages (Series). I elaborate on these events in the video, Historical Countdown - 7 Biblical Ages of Human History. The first 2 of these events are historical. The next 4 are iteratively predicted in The Bible.
In the Mid-ages Musings (Series), I introduced and explored a plausible, 4-point, ramping-up pattern that, hindsight, seems to have served as precursors of the first 2 global judgment events. The first 3 points in this pattern comprise rapidly evolving societal trends that are easily perceptible to/by most people. The 4th point, however, is likely only perceptible to people who are spiritually alive to God, and ergo, attentive to His guiding voice in their lives. This 4th point is:
4. SILENCE from Heaven, whether dreaded or welcomed.
The Mid-ages Musings explores how the 4-point pattern might plausibly apply during the next 4, predicted age-transitions, i.e., from the 3rd-to-4th, 4th-to-5th, 5th-to-6th, and 6th-to-7th ages of history. Admittedly, it is challenging to imagine how/when silence from Heaven might apply during these transitions. Revelation 8:1 predicts silence in/from Heaven will factor in the transition from the 4-to the-5th ages, i.e., from the tribulation age, to The Millennial Reign age. It is most challenging to imagine whether/how/when silence in/from Heaven might apply in the transition from the 5th-to-6th ages, i.e., The Millennial Reign age, to the post-Millennial Age. The Mid-ages Muses series posits 2 scenarios, which I will review and expand on in Part 2 of this present series. Meanwhile, ponder this point to see if, to you, it stands to reason:
‘We who are blind to spiritual activity,
will be deaf to spiritual silence’.
Stay tuned