Undoubtedly, PowerPoint is an outstanding invention,
A flexible aid to facilitate a speaker’s intention.
The quite catchy name triggers this question:
Pray tell, what’s the ‘power’ in PowerPoint?? 1
Ages before that app was developed,
There was a live version, points to bring-up.
Just for us, that version was well backed-up!
‘A live version of PowerPoint??’, you may be asking.
Yep, that’s right. And now, we’re the subjects who are acting. 2
Ponder that. You will see what I will be extracting.
Admittedly, it’s quite a novel concept to explore!
Viewing history as a live version of PowerPoint,
Might reshape insights about both the Power and the point!
Hang-in there with me. I’ll do my best not to disappoint.
First, let’s reframe the word, history, as a portmanteau.
That merges words or sounds, into a word that’s nouveau.
The word, history, clearly merges His and story. Ergo…
That sets the stage for a concept I hope you’ll grasp:
Jesus is The Subject of the 'portmanteau', ‘History’,
And He’s The Power behind the points being made. Compris?
Human life unfolding across the Earth is His story. 3
We’re not absolved of liabilities, as His ‘conscripts’.
Conscripts?? In a sense, we’ve all been drafted into life’s trip.
Foreknowing us, HE picked THE sperm that into Mom’s egg slipped!
If that surprises you, ponder the meaning of ‘ALMIGHTY’.
His conscripts in life are to learn, then follow His script.
So in His Power’s Point script for us, here’s the first tip:
On these two requirements, we ALL need to …‘get a grip!’
So pray tell, what are The Power’s Points??
They are to view life from His viewpoints,
Making sure Him we won’t disappoint.
He desires us to walk with Him Who sees what we cannot.
On His stage, we are to follow His manuscript,
Applying His Grace and resources with which we’re all equipped. 4
Yet, on all of His requirements, we’ve seriously slipped.
His slides highlight the right and wrong decisions of ancient lives.
His points are in His Bible, and they echo across the skies.
There, we see parallels between us, and what skies advertise! 5
They all reveal orderly circuits, birth, growth, death and chaos,
From birds and winged insects, to what the universe testifies.
Yet, among all these actors, we’ve been Graced to be the most wise.
Thus, from us, The Power has made sure
...His points are not disguised!
Un-woke to The Power’s Points, we shun warnings sent to us.
When warnings cease, and judgments come, everyone is anxious.
Though we’re anxious, to Him, our hearts mostly remain calloused.
As judgments ramp-up, ‘That’s apocalyptic!’, we ignorantly cry! 6
Politically, in some quarters, it’s cool to be ‘un-woke.’
Spiritually, The Power says, ‘It’s fools who stay ‘un-woke!!’
Fools deny and reject the matchless Wisdom in Words ...He coached. 7
See Part 2: Concurrent Powers
1 The name of this app infers an aid to convey points, powerfully, with effect.
2 See: An Audience of One (Poem).
3 The Bible iteratively affirms Jesus is The Creator and Sustainer of everything, both physical and spiritual. Ergo, He designed life to achieve His declared, strategic objectives, purposes, and desired outcomes. The Bible also affirms we are the apex of His creation. Imagine that, especially as you observe how we/you ACT. In Human History Ages (Series), I summarize, then delve into The Lord’s apparent overarching strategic objective for humanity, and identify where in His Multi-millennial Strategy, we are currently. Here's the video version.
4 The clear bottom line: All of creation, including you, is for and about Jesus, The Lord God Almighty. All beings, most of all we, the apex of creation, are to respond to the boundless Grace, Mercy and provisions He desires us to receive forever from Him. Period! But Scripture affirms, "The fool has said in his heart, ‘There is no God.’ They are corrupt, and have done abominable iniquity; there is none who does good." (Psalm 53:1)
5 Have you ever considered the many ways and extent to which what's happening across the universe, in seems to mirror what's happening across the Earth?? Ask ChatGPT. You'll be surprised!
6 I intend to address this point later in the series.
7 See: 2 Timothy 3:16-17 and 2 Peter 1:19-21.