Promise Believed…
In ages past, a promise clear:
A Kingdom comes, One’s Reign draws near.
A babe was born, to be a King.
His life cut short! A brutal thing!!
Then from the grave, ALIVE AGAINI!!
The Kingdom left to His 12 men.
Now nations wait, and Earth holds fast,
Till ALL is judged, and peace will last.
Stage 1: The First Flame…
A Holy Fire, a sacred claim.
In hearts redeemed, The Lord’s Truth sown.
A Kingdom built, by faith alone.
God’s plan unfolds His timeless dream:
His Church withstanding devils’ schemes.
That’s us who in The Lord delight,
His Son’s Kingdom of faith, not might. 1
Stage 2: A Stone-Grown Mountain…
From chaos wrought by judgments due,
Earth’s 5th age will come into view.
All lands will quake, all walls fall down!
Authorities shall be cast down. 2
A stone will strike both ‘iron and clay’.
Nations will fall, to clear the way.
Christ’s and saints’ Millennial Reign,
Will cleanse the Earth of sinful stains. 3
Stage 3: A Grand New Earth…
T’was long foretold, by hearts embraced.
Earth’s 5th age just a mere foretaste.
A new Earth shaped by His command,
The one He long ago pre-planned.
No tears, no pain, no stains of sin.
All Day, all Right. No night, no end!
It’s Glory-lit, as John showcased!
We, The Lord saints, with angels Graced. 4
Promise Achieved…
Through hearts redeemed, His Reign began,
Our faith, His might, will ever stand.
From The Lord’s Throne, His Grace will stream,
The final phase of Heaven’s dream.
Friends, this promise, He says is TRUE.
It’s for us who, in life …He knew.
If you don’t know Him as Lord and King,
Please, get to know Him, before death rings. 5
1 This refers to the current 3rd age of our history, the church age. See: Human History Ages (Series).
2 See: Ezekiel 38:18:23.
3 See: Daniel 2. The stone may symbolically refer to the pending apocalypse, casting down all authorities, and paving the way for the Mountain, referring to The Lord’s long-promised, global, Millennial Reign, with all His saints. For more, see: Millennial Reign (Series).
4 See: Earth’s Next Versions (Series).
5 See: Prayer of Salvation (Poem).