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The world is blind to these SEVEN, pivotal facts:

1. The Bible communicates Heaven’s 'multi-millennial, strategic plan for humanity'.

2. There are SEVEN ages appointed for humanity.

3. We are nearing the end of the THIRD age, a pivotal turning point in this strategy.

4. A GREAT falling away from the Christian faith is predicted during the ending days of this THIRD age, as a result of backsliding and general lukewarmness among the heretofore faithful. Look around and this you will clearly see.

5. Biblical prophecies have been and remain seeds of human history.

6. Yet-fulfilled prophecies, unfolding apace, are worthy of diligent study.

7. Now is the time to get and stay on ‘the right side of Bible prophecy’.


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Fasten your spiritual seat belts!

Palestinian Immigration - A Proposed Concept (Part 1)


See the Palestine Immigration series here

See the Israel series here 

Listen to Siri audio version here

It is absolutely clear that The Lord promised to make Jerusalem ‘a cup of drunkenness’ for surrounding nations, and ‘a very heavy stone’ for the whole world. (Zechariah 12:1-4)


Ok, I say, since 1948, that box has been checked on His ‘to-do’ list. Do you agree?? And would you also agree it appears The Lord’s ‘cup of drunkenness’ notion has been considerably EXTENDED, across Israel, the Middle East, and …the whole world?! This appears to be the result of the so-called Palestinian issue.

But it is not so clear in The Bible how long such conditions would last. I made the mistake of ‘assuming’ it would last until He arrives to start His Millennial Reign. Lord knows, I HOPE I AM WRONG!!! 


From my nearly five decades of international economic development experience, I have learned pretty much anything can be strategically designed, and with the ‘right leadership, leverage, and proper monitoring and assessment framework, it can have a reasonable chance of being implemented, with relative success.


With the collective wisdom He has given us, I pray that all peace-loving international leaders, especially those across the Middle East, will FINALLY come together, and collectively determine to design, implement, carefully monitor and assess a plausible, sustainable solution to the Palestinian issue! I believe such may be within the world’s reach …NOW. The war in Gaza may well provide the world a unique, strategic opportunity to do this for the Palestinian issue, if - IF folks are willing to ‘think outside of their traditionally boxed mindsets’. 

I perceive one remote concept world, and especially Middle East regional leaders, should seriously examine is…

proportional immigration of Palestinians

into capable, receptive Arab nations, 

with pathways to citizenship.


I cannot imagine the gargantuan task of rebuilding Gaza from scratch, only to face the exceptionally strong likelihood of more, iterative rebuilding, given the strong likelihood of future Israeli-Palestinian conflicts and wars! Can you?!?! 

The world’s refusal to give serious consideration to the above concept, after 50 years of Israeli military occupation, too many armed conflicts and wars, may simply signal a preference for …more of the same. Retaining the Palestinian issue as a ‘global political football’ seems to be the world’s preference.

As a step of faithful obedience, I shared the above concept with President Joe Biden and key members of his senior foreign affairs teamTheir strong support for a two-states answer to this issue remains strong. That literally ‘flies in the face’ of The Lord God’s long-promised plan to regather Jews back to Israel, from all across the world, in preparation for the unique roles a Jewish remnant must play in His long-promised, pending, Millennial Reign. Fulfillment of His ancient promise began in May 1948, and continues to this day. He promised Jews would eventually FLEE to Israel, spilling over into Lebanon and Gilead, in northern Jordan, ‘until no more room is found for them’. To understand His very clear, written, strategic basis for these predictions, the broader context, and how it may unfold, please see: Israel (Series)

Yes, I fully recognize the notion of even remotely aligning global political action on any issue, contextually, with Biblical prophecies, seems ludicrous! Nevertheless, students of ancient Jewish history, and of The Lord’s past dealings with the ancient nations of Israel and Judah, will easily perceive His hand shaping/manipulating global events …to achieve His purposes, resistance to which is very evidently futile. 

Please join me in praying for the ‘right leadership’ from across the peace-loving international community, to be persuaded to perceive, and then seize upon the unique strategic opportunity the war in Gaza presents the world to resolve the Palestinian issue. This is only possible if - IF folks are willing to ‘think outside of their traditionally boxed mindsets’. 

Let’s believe for leaders ‘with the right stuff and heart’,

and for The Lord’s Hand to guide them.

He shapes the times, that shape …great leaders~


See: Who will pay for Gaza reconstruction?


  1. Are you out of your mind? Palestine belongs to Palestinians. Stop parroting Zionist non-sense. They will fight until they get their land back as they have done so in the past 75 years of occupation. The Palestinians are god's people.

  2. See the post, Palestinian Immigration (Q&A)


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