
Hello and Welcome~

The world is blind to these SEVEN, pivotal facts:

1. The Bible communicates Heaven’s 'multi-millennial, strategic plan for humanity'.

2. There are SEVEN ages appointed for humanity.

3. We are nearing the end of the THIRD age, a pivotal turning point in this strategy.

4. A GREAT falling away from the Christian faith is predicted during the ending days of this THIRD age, as a result of backsliding and general lukewarmness among the heretofore faithful. Look around and this you will clearly see.

5. Biblical prophecies have been and remain seeds of human history.

6. Yet-fulfilled prophecies, unfolding apace, are worthy of diligent study.

7. Now is the time to get and stay on ‘the right side of Bible prophecy’.


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Fasten your spiritual seat belts!

Are You Devils Due? (Poem)

Now that’s a question you’ve likely never been asked.

‘Hey, what is their due?’, I hope you’re now wondering.

To ask you this question, by The Lord, I’ve been tasked,

So you’ll ponder whom your lifestyle is seconding.

The Lord says He’ll reward us based on our life’s ‘works’. 1

Don’t think for a minute He only meant humans!

That applies to angelic and human networks.

And it includes devils who, from Light, have fallen.

Since all of creation serves The Lord’s purposes,

That includes satan and his huge devilish crew.  

So for devils, what might be The Lord’s directives?

They are the foes of His holy angelic crew.

Holy angels are dispatched to serve The Lord’s bona fide saints, 

And His Holy Spirit Who abides within us,

To draw within>>out of us, ‘Christ images‘ The Bible paints.

They help us to conform to Him - which is a must. 2

Everything that’s good and right, devils oppose!

And though, by holy angels, they are outnumbered,

Devils have much higher success ratios,

Because to them, we humans are tightly tethered. 3

Thus, in The Lord’s strategic calculi, 

With those whom devils will have earned, they’ll be rewarded:

Folks who rejected righteous stimuli,

Alive in the eternal lake of fire, warranted.


Here are my tips to avoid becoming devils’ just due:

1. Repent of your sins, and ask Christ, your spirit to renew. 

2. Study The Bible with like-minded folks who also do. 

3. Live life’s moments, as holy angelic rendezvous. 4


On which side of this divide are you?

Are you content …sitting in a pew??

Given devils’ success since their coup, 

To help save others, what will you do??

Attentive to The Spirit’s voice speaking within and through you,

And to your demonstrated obedience to His still voice,

Holy angels keep busy ensuring His results accrue! 

As you double-down obeying His voice, devils are devoiced!  5


1 Our spiritual works of righteousness or evil, and their significance to The Kingdom of God on Earth.

2 See: Angels on the Run (Poem), and Working with Angels (Series).

3 Let’s do the math: A third of all holy angels rebelled against Jesus, The Lord God. They lost their rebellion; were excommunicated from Heaven; and became devils and demons on Earth, where they witnessed The Lord’s creation of mankind. Subsequently, a rebellious contingent ‘left their proper domain’ (as spirits), became men, married women, and corrupted the human race. The Lord locked them away somewhere, likely as immortal men, reportedly in chains and darkness, pending His final judgment of them, all devils/demons, and every human whom they will have won over. Ergo, today, satan (ex-Lucifer) is left with less than the third of his original, rebellious crew. Yet this crew has been remarkably successful in learning, knowing, tempting, and deceiving humans since Adam! Only a minority of humans might eventually escape this damning cycle, by faith in the spell-breaking power of The Holy Spirit. Very likely, the overwhelming majority of all humans who ever reached The Lord’s ‘age of accountability’ (knowing right from wrong), will end up here. 

4 Continuous, moment-to-moment encounters. See: Prayer and Praying (Series)

5 Devoice – to render voiceless. Remember, holy angels don’t just serve you. They hearken to The Holy Spirit’s voice, both in Heaven and within you. Whenever you don’t perceive spiritual victory in your life, double-down on listening to, hearing, and obeying His voice, internally, so holy angels can get busy producing His results, externally! Otherwise, devils will continue working to ‘devoice’ The Holy Spirit within you! Practice and get GOOD at flipping the 'devoicing' switch on them!

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