
Hello and Welcome~

The world is blind to these SEVEN, pivotal facts:

1. The Bible communicates Heaven’s 'multi-millennial, strategic plan for humanity'.

2. There are SEVEN ages appointed for humanity.

3. We are nearing the end of the THIRD age, a pivotal turning point in this strategy.

4. A GREAT falling away from the Christian faith is predicted during the ending days of this THIRD age, as a result of backsliding and general lukewarmness among the heretofore faithful. Look around and this you will clearly see.

5. Biblical prophecies have been and remain seeds of human history.

6. Yet-fulfilled prophecies, unfolding apace, are worthy of diligent study.

7. Now is the time to get and stay on ‘the right side of Bible prophecy’.


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Fasten your spiritual seat belts!

666, The Number of Man (Poem)

See the 666 series here

Here is wisdom; he that hath understanding, 
account the number of the beast;
for it is the number of man,
and his number is six hundred sixty and six.
(Revelation 13:18, Wycliff Version)

Since Apostle John wrote The Book of Revelation,

Many of us in Christian circles have been perplexed,

About the number, 666, in Chapter 13.

In most texts, it’s ‘the number of a man or person’,

Thus, folks think this number, the anti-Christ will reflect.

Strategically reading it, we’ll …‘see what’s unseen’.

Others think the reference is to our imperfection.

If 7 refers to an absolute perfection,

Then 6 refers to man as short of perfection.

We're a composite spirit, soul and body creation.

Because of sin, each part reflects contamination.

Thus, 666 best reflects our situation.

The word, count, in that verse could infer calculation.

Thus, many folks have focused on what to calculate?!’ 

Others concluded it’s not about a specific man,

But a reference to some kind of evil notion.

Even in the pending 4th age, folks might speculate,

And may still never come, this number to understand. 1

Into this broad, confusing mixture of opinions,

Herein, I will share a unique notion I perceive.

I do not seek concurrence. Please freely share your views.

Mine derive from insights about The Lord’s decisions,

Before creating us, then afterwardHe grieved.

He grieved that He made us. To destroy us, He refused. 2

Rather, He stuck firmly to His original plan,

His Multi-millennial Strategic Plan for mankind,

The apex of His entire, glorious creation!

The core is 6 historical ages in this land,

Before, to a new Earth, ALL of us will be assigned. 3

This could well be the first 6 in the ‘calculation’!

From this insight, a second likely 6 is derived,

Knowing our time on the new Earth will be forever,

Affirms our time there will be our final age. Voila!

Seven ages of a strategic plan certify,

A total of 6 age-transitions and ‘make-overs’.

This could well be the second 6 in the trifecta!

Over 7 months, The Lord gave me these 2 insights.

Then, 7 months later, He coupled them to a 3rd.

What I thought was a 4-point, age-transition pattern,

Missed a Bible-confirmed point – Heaven’s transitions height:

Namely, 6 resurrection/rapture-type events stirred!

Thus, to complete 6 such events, all of Heaven yearns! 4

Friends, that could well be the third 6 in the trifecta!

A strategic reading of The Bible divulges:

--To us, 6 unique ages on this Earth are assigned,

--With 6 age-transition judgments since the man, Noah,

--Preceded by 6 resurrection-rapture-type purges.

666, Heaven’s number appointed to mankind. 
(Not just to one man!!!) 

In both faith and humility, I share these insights,

As part of The Lord's ...'strategic thinking saints vanguard'.

I seek no concurrence, nor debates, but I welcome,

Any feedback and comments you may be led to write.

To receive more insights from The Lord, I’ll be on guard,

Per His Isaiah 28 policy dictum. 5


1 This refers to the predicted, 7-year, tribulation age during which The Bible affirms a strongman, the anti-Christ, will dominate world affairs. We are currently navigating the closing years of the 3rd Biblical age of human history, during which many strong men, and ‘wanna-be strong men’ are parading across the world stage. For more, see: Human History Ages (Series), and especially Historical Countdown - 7 Biblical Ages of Human History (w/Video).

2 See: Genesis 6.

3 See: Earth’s Next Versions (Series), and also Pick Your '666' (Letter).

4 See: Mid-ages Musings (Series), and also Bible Raptures - Types and Timings (Series)

5 SeeIsaiah 28:10 & 13.

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