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The world is blind to these SEVEN, pivotal facts:

1. The Bible communicates Heaven’s 'multi-millennial, strategic plan for humanity'.

2. There are SEVEN ages appointed for humanity.

3. We are nearing the end of the THIRD age, a pivotal turning point in this strategy.

4. A GREAT falling away from the Christian faith is predicted during the ending days of this THIRD age, as a result of backsliding and general lukewarmness among the heretofore faithful. Look around and this you will clearly see.

5. Biblical prophecies have been and remain seeds of human history.

6. Yet-fulfilled prophecies, unfolding apace, are worthy of diligent study.

7. Now is the time to get and stay on ‘the right side of Bible prophecy’.


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Fasten your spiritual seat belts!

Tribulation Age Journalists (Poem, Part 4, Jesus’ 1st Press Conference)

See the series here

Imagine the aftermath of the 1st Gog and Magog War and the Armageddon War...

That loud ECHO heard across the land of Israel,

Was the voice of Jesus and Company, invading Earth,

Signaling the start of a new age, His will to assert.

With one word, the invading soldiers dissolved, surreal! (Zechariah 14, Revelation 19)

Journalists embedded with this 5-army coalition, (Ezekiel 38)

Were spared, since against Israel, they did not fight,

But recorded and published the soldiers tough plight.

Now, what other role might they play in The Lord’s Earth invasion?

After the initial shock and awe has settled,

Might they be among those folks whom Jesus gives prominence,

In His first Millennial Reign global press conference,

His first words to all folks who against Him rebelled??

If you use your own imagination, so keen and vivid,

What do you perceive this press conference might cover,

As before this God-Man, folks the world over shudder??

Here’s my take. Let me know if some of your notions are listed:

To Christ’s Palace, tribulation journalists are called,

High and lifted up, some critical insights to gain,

With reporters from Israel, which is now a plain, (Zechariah 14)

To see and hear a global king Who is self-installed. (Luke 1)

Standing in awe, beholding a Palace not made with hands, (Ezekiel 40-47)

They gaze upon His exceedingly fierce countenance,

Then fall on their knees, in awe of His radiance, (Ezekiel 1, 8, Daniel 10, Revelation 1)

Before Him and His great entourage that around Him stands. (Zechariah 14)

An emerald rainbow around His Throne fills the room, and beyond. 1

His now calming voice greets and bids them to rise and be seated.

Then He proceeds with His message to the world He defeated:

Greetings all people of the world. A new age on Earth has just dawned.

I am Jesus Christ, The Lord God, Messiah of Israel. (Zechariah 12, John 19)

God, My Father, created all things, and all things We imbue.

He created them through, by and for Me, and that includes you. (Hebrews 1, 2)

He is Spirit. I am Spirit, flesh, bone, no bloodeternal. (Luke 24, Hebrews 7)

My faithful saints from across the ages are just as I am. (1 John 3)

Father dispatched Us to serve Him on Earth at this time.

For one-thousand years, I will be King, Father’s design, (Revelation 20)

Because you rejected My sacrifice for sins, Father’s Lamb.

(John 1, Revelation 5, 7)

The Christian Bible is indeed The Living Word of God. (Hebrews 4)

I inspired, and then sustained it over the ages,

To show you My love, and show you Me on its pages. (John 5)

You rejected it and Me. Now you’re under My iron rod!

To date, all prophecies of Me are fulfilled since Adam.

In their time, all remaining prophecies shall be as well. (John 19, Revelation 17)

And yes, Heaven is very, very real, and so is hell.

(Matthew 13, 25, Luke 16, Revelation 20)

Study My Bible to see what you missed, and what’s to come. (2 Timothy 2)

Governments at all levels are immediately dissolved. (Daniel 2, Isaiah 2, Micah 4)

My faithful saints will form and direct brand new governments, (Luke 19)

Reporting to Me, and to which I demand adherence.

At their discretion alone, select locals will be involved. 

Members of the tribulation government are no more. (Luke 19)

Earth has been cleared of all devils and demons. (Revelation 20)

I command the destruction of all weapons.

There will be no warfare, study of war or fighting corps. (Isaiah 2, Micah 4)

We will direct all disaster rehab work.

Soon you’ll note no animal or insect is a threat,

As they all revert to their first diet and mindset. (Isaiah 11, 65)

Thus, I will refresh and renew all the Earth. (Matthew 19, Romans 8, Psalm 104)

With Me on Earth, religions are not needed and are barred. (Isaiah 2)

All people of Jewish heritage: migrate to Israel! (Isaiah 26, 51, 60, 61)

To Jerusalem each year, all family reps must travel,

To join in My Feast of Tabernacles in My ‘vast yard’. 

(Ezekiel 38:5 - 6, Zechariah 12:9, 14:16 - 19)

After several millennia of sinfulness on Earth,

She will have a long and much needed break. 2

Your sins, therefore, We will not tolerate! (Isaiah 26)

Learn righteousness! Then take care all My commandments not to shirk.

My government will launch a global currency,

To replace disparate, failed, national, fiat currencies, 3

With clear links between righteousness and economies. (Zechariah 14)

Let’s be clear. My iron rod rule means no clemency!!! (Psalm 2, Revelation 2, 12,19)

With one pure language, I will soon reunite all people. (Zephaniah 3)

So don’t be shocked when this materializes.

You’ll perceive the harmony this symbolizes, (Genesis 11)

A unified Kingdom, over a united people. 4

In the coming days, We will have much more to share with you.
And in My next press conference, I will take some questions.

          Journalists and Reporters:

Receive this day’s pass to My Palace’s public sections.

By the way, how do you like My rainbow’semerald hue??

(Ezekiel 1, 8, Revelation 1)

Thanks for your attendance.

Friends, I hope you see in this series, my imagination,

How embedded journalists in promise land invasions,

Could aid Jesus' long predicted Earth invasion,

Starting His reign with a press conference …not a coronation. 

For more see: Revelation - Future Attacks in Israel.


1 See: wOw! Earth Filled! (Series) and also Revelation 1

2 A millennial sabbath

3 A hard money currency based on gold and silver See: Isaiah 60 and also Hard Money Policy. Many economies will likely have collapsed from the weight of the tribulation plagues, heavy migrations, and disaster-related economic and financial manipulations by the rich and powerful.

4 Reverting to life somewhat as it was pre-Tower of Babel. See: Genesis 11. There are some indications Earth may revert to a single land mass, making it easier to govern the tribulation remnant peoples and their off-spring who will be born during the Millennial Reign. 

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