The faster I go, the ‘behinder’ I get. My, my! 1
So hey, why not slow down and try something different?!
Otherwise there will be no catching up.
I suspect this adage signals more than meets the eye,
That could apply quite broadly, with the right discernment.
Let’s ponder this, and sip from wisdom’s cup.
Have you ever done something to the point of sheer exhaustion--
Work, clean, exercise, study, web surf, play games or instruments?
Afterward, how long did it take you to recover?
Mine took l-o-n-g-e-r than anticipated. Over exertion!
It took a while to learn not to be overly persistent,
And patiently to stay within wisdom’s corridor.
I learned patience is a key aspect of diligence,
Though on the surface, some might think they conflict.
With patience, many of us are not well-endowed,
Nor diligent enough to learn from our imprudence.
So I wondered…
On these points what do Bible stories depict?
And on them, what has The Lord Almighty allowed?
Paul affirms in everything, Jesus Christ is pre-eminent,
And He is the bodily fullness of The Godhead,
Must be results of Him sharing His ‘knowledge and wisdom fruits’.
And though we have used so much of it for evil,
Since Adam’s day, generation-after-generation,
He has generously shared -- precept upon precept,
Line upon line, here a little, there a little. 3
We, a little lower than God, receive …from perfection, 4
Yet with so much of it, we have been …grossly inept.
The astute among us will say, ‘It’s due to our sin nature’,
And who among us could dare argue with that?
Yet even among us who through life walk in His Spirit,
Everything that is good we do not consistently nurture.
In life, imperfection we all must combat.
Other than imperfections, are there other key facets??
Freedom of choice to me appears to be,
A major culprit that impacts our life quality.
With this freedom, The Lord endowed both angels and man.
We know how some angels used theirs violently.
And behold, we all have embraced their …‘God-bigotry,’ 5
And thus made freedom’s perfection something …other than.
Those angels, now demons, have been really smart,
In finding ways to make our freedom dumb.
I dub the results, Devils Undermining Mankind’s Best.
Yep, in their Free-D.U.M.B. scheme, we’ve all played our part,
Turning life on Earth into quite a slum.
But our collective madness The Lord God will soon arrest.
His pending Millennial Reign is His long-planned remedy,
To end how by both devils and man, freedom is abused.
For a thousand years, all devils will be locked away,
And no mortals will then be ‘free’ during this time, temporary. 6
With freedom, the more we learned, more dumbness we accrued.
Thus, The Lord will try something different …in His day.
…and I can hardly wait~
Can you?
1 An adage of unknown origin
2 See: Colossians 1:9-18, 2:3, 9
3 See: Isaiah 28 and Psalm 119 which includes 21 references to The Lord’s precepts to mankind.
4 See: Psalm 8:5. It is unfortunate that most versions of The Bible apparently misinterpret Psalm 8:6 to position mankind ‘a little lower than angels’, rather than ‘a little lower than The God-Elohim, Himself’. To confirm, compare the Amplified, Orthodox Jewish, and Young’s Literal Bible versions of this verse with several other versions. Man was created in God’s image. Angels were not. How would an accurate understanding of this pivotal verse likely impact your Christian faith and walk??
5 See: Working With Angels (Poem, Part 1)
6 See: A Forced Reconciliation (Poem) It is interesting that Zechariah 14:16-19 indicate during the Millennial Reign of Jesus, remnant groups of people in nations that will have attacked Israel (See: Revelation - Future Attacks in Israel). They will have a ‘choice’ to disobey Jesus’ command that they or their representatives attend His annual Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) in Jerusalem, along with Jews (get this) for a thousand years! If they disobey, Jesus promises to send droughts across their lands. Some choice, eh? For more, see: Armageddon (Series).