While we think of Christmas as Heaven’s Baby Gift to the world,
Who would grow up, then one day Heaven’s Salvation Gift unfurl,
There’s a BIG missing link in this line of thought,
One about which most of us are never taught!
Only late in life did I even discover,
The overarching gift from this Gift’s Designer.
For millennia, Heaven’s mysteries were enshrouded,
In life stories, poetry and prophetic codes …that wowed!!!
Heaven’s Baby Who on Christmas was born,
And was wrapped in swaddling clothes to keep warm,
Was our key to enable us to perceive and then apply,
The code to know Heaven’s strategic modus operandi.
To apply and then understand much more with this code,
I am richly blessed with insights that to me have flowed.
So The Lord prompted me with you these insights to share,
And as I did, to keep you, known and unknown, in prayer.
Now over a decade has quickly flown by,
And not once has The Good Lord failed to supply.
So this Christmas, I thought it would be good to emphasize,
Strategic insights that in my spirit He catalyzed.
With nearly 1,000 posts in this ministry blog,
And more to develop in my list of ‘insights backlog’,
I trust this list may inspire you, in all candor,
To enhance your own study discipline ardor.
If/as you do, please remember with me to share,
Some of your eye-opening insights here and there.
As The Lord told me when to not sharing I was prone,
‘Son, insights you gain from Me are not for you …alone.’
Themes and topics I have explored…
4 Eden types
6 Goshen Effect types
7 plausible ‘elect groups’
3 ways Jesus was ‘lifted up’
4 strategic judgment tactics
4 – 5 possible pending raptures
A 3-point strategy for humanity
4 historical rapture experiences
7 Christian fitness self-test areas
10 top reasons for crises/tragedies
World evangelization in the tribulation
7 strategic tips to understand The Bible
Plausible reasons why Jesus used parables
How to achieve fervency in your prayer life
The real meaning of being ‘slain in the spirit’
4 birthdays Heaven desires for each person
How the number of demons tempting us was cut
4 insights how to work with our angel coalitions
3 reasons why Jesus will draw all men to Himself
What is the day that was, before the sun was not?
1 fatal error applied to the notion of God being One
4 delegations of authority from Heaven to humanity
Why Judgment may be much more amazing than Grace
How Isaiah 26:10 and Zechariah 10:10 might be fulfilled
Earth’s blended population groups in The Millennial Reign
A helpful strategy to fulfill the challenge to ‘pray always’
2, not just 1, commissions Jesus conveyed to The Church
The pivotal links between rejoicing, releasing and receiving
A much better new year’s greeting than Happy New Year’s
Israel’s blended resident population in The Millennial Reign
Who are likely the worst human beings who will have ever lived
A strategic basis for releasing satan after the Millennial Reign
Who’s breaking Jesus’ stern ‘copyright’ on end-time predictions
2 conflicting view explained re. Bible perspectives on our lifespan
Why the growth in horse populations in some nations will matter
Reasons we mis-read or ignore God’s Early Warning System
How re-spelling ‘Christian’ can trigger a perspective shift
Forcing reconciliation between Israel and hater nations
Erroneous American initiatives for Israel to hallow God
2 spiritual books on Heaven’s plans for humanity
6 inconvenient Truths folks struggle with
Why only 2 Millennial Reign 'offices'
15 Moses and Paul comparisons
Merry Christmas
to YoU