Think of all the songs, movies and plays about Christmas,
Each one copyright protected to ensure from them,
Only the owners make money.
After all, like other things, Christmas is big business,
With nothing concerning a babe born in Bethlehem,
And angels singing blissfully.
Reflecting on this, I recalled the strong copyright protection,
Jesus put on His final ‘predictive production’,
When He pulled back curtains of the spiritual realm,
To His beloved Apostle John, in The Book of Revelation.
This is His stern warning that all future religions,
With different end-time predictions, He will condemn!
‘So what about Christmas?,’ I wondered
Might there be a copyright on that holy scene?
After all, Christmas is the single most defining moment,
In history that’s ever occurred.
Promised long ago in Genesis 3:15,
That’s when The Lord, Earth’s Creator, became …an Earth resident! 1
Of violating and defaming His Christmas story, true,
I don’t know any promised or inferred penalties.
It’s curious that this appears to be the case.
Why so? Because that robs Him of all the glory He is due.
Could in self-less-ness, one of His stellar qualities,
He has allowed folks the choice His birth to deface??
And not only His birth, but His life, death and resurrection??
If so, that would mean all aspects of His earthly life,
Were in submission to God as a sacrifice for us.
He didn’t defend Himself during His trial and crucifixion.
Ponder for a moment the breadth of His sacrifice,
Ways He still allows us aspects of His life to corrupt.
Today His birth and death are:
Often ostracized
Banalized and trivialized
Politicized and popularized
Jargonized and bastardized
Idealized, even mythologized
Plasticized and accessorized
Westernized, even winterized!
Sensationalized and socialized
Commercialized and monetized
De-spiritualized and fictionalized
Totally re-conceptualized and secularized
Out-sized, over-advertised and glamorized
Negatively philosophized and hypothesized
Predictably formularized, fragmentized and routinized
Most copyrights are express, while others are equivalents,
Both with penalties for proven violations.
There’s an express copyright on The Lord’s end-time predictions, 2
And equivalent copyrights pronounced in promised judgments,
For example, those on promise land divisions,
His people groups, and blasphemy against His Spirit’s actions. 3
Unto us at Christmas He, our Savior, was born,
For inconceivable acts of self-less-ness,
To sketch, then colorize The Father’s great Love, un-merited.
And show us how to respond when by folks we’re scorned.
In this era of deep, senseless self-ish-ness,
May Christmas remind us of Heaven’s …Love, un-copyrighted.
Use/abuse His un-copyrighted Christmas at your will.
Abuse His ‘express and equivalent copyrights’ your peril.
1 All modern calendars, with BC, BCE, AD and CE references, inescapably reflect Jesus Christ. Colossians 1:16, Hebrews 2:10 and Proverbs 16:4 confirm all things were created by and for Jesus Christ. See also: Is Jesus God (Series)
2 In Revelation 22, Jesus concluded His appearance to John, the Disciple, with a clear, effective ‘copyright’ on things revealed (in what would become The Book of Revelation), with a stern, clear warning to anyone who would dare modify His and Heaven’s final, authoritative revelation of Him, His deity, and His closing chapter plans for humanity. Carefully consider what this means for all subsequent religions that posit significantly different end-time predictions. See: Is Jesus God? (Part 5)
3 See: Joel 3:2 (re. dividing His land), and Matthew 12:31-32 (blasphemy against The Holy Spirit). The Lord’s two people groups are the Jews (His physical kinsmen) and The Church of born-again, Spirit-filled believers (His spiritual kinsmen). Christmas is about opening the latter group, to the former group, and also …to you!