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The Bible reveals Heaven’s human citizens currently comprise three distinct groups:
1. Pre-cross saints in their immortal spirit/soul/body form, who were reportedly resurrected from their graves, per Matthew 27:52-53 1 These are saints from the first two ages of history (pre-flood and post-flood/pre-cross).
2. Post-cross church age dead saints whose bodies remain in the dust of the Earth, but whose immortal spirits and souls are with Jesus in Heaven (per 2 Corinthians 5:8), which is likely the new Earth The Lord promised Isaiah He was creating about 700 years before His vi4gin birth.(Isaiah 66)
3. Post-cross alive saints who, in spirit/soul/body, are still on the Earth
So what does this infer regarding the rapture?
I surmise the following:
A. Saints who, in their immortal form, might remain in Heaven during the next rapture. Why? Bodily-speaking, they are already fully equipped with what The Bible promises all bona fide saints, namely a totally recreated human body comprising: 2
1) a re-born/re-created spirit
2) a renewed soul
3) a re-created/immortal body 3
B. The spirits and souls of physically dead saints will come in the clouds (Earth’s atmosphere) with Jesus. Why? They will need to be re-united with their physical bodies, resurrected and made immortal, thus completing what The Bible promises these saints. 4
C. Alive saints will instantly be transformed from mortal-to immortal, and be caught up to meet them in the clouds. Both groups will return. to Heaven (as the anti-Christ is then revealed) where I perceive we will, inter alia, receive our Millennial Reign assignments.
Keep in mind…
Mankind was created in The Lord’s tripartite, immortal image: spirit, soul and body. Our spirit and soul have always been immortal, whether sinner or saint. Only our body became mortal as a result of sin. In the salvation process, The Lord saves (re-creates) our spirit, and, through Paul, He instructs us post-cross saints to renew/re-create our soul (mind, will, emotions, intellect, imagination) according to the revealed Mind of Christ, i.e., the books of The Holy Bible, each of which He inspired and then preserved over many millennia, and through which His Spirit coaches us in Heaven’s citizenship ways. 5
With these insights, imagine this…
~ Our GRAND UNION at the end of our ride to Glory! What a great day that will be – all pre-Millennial Reign saints (pre- and post-cross) together in Heaven.
~ A few Earth-years later, all of us returning with Jesus and all His angels (per Daniel 7:27, Zechariah 14:5, 1 Thessalonians 3:13, 2 Thessalonians 1:10, Matthew 16:27, 25:31 and Mark 18:33) to take control of all governments across the Earth for a full millennium:
...Post-tribulation -- Earth will be in need of a major overhaul (its third one). See: Earth 2.0?! (Poem). How might that be accomplished??
...Post-Armageddon -- the war that will end the fourth age of history, the tribulation age. (Revelation 19:11-21), and start Christ's Millennial Reign.
...Post-devils’ imprisonment -- satan and his entire crew will be locked away for a millennium. (Revelation 20), and the anti-Christ and his prophet will have been cast into the lake of eternal fire (the first residents!!) likely on the same new Earth (Heaven) noted in Isaiah 66! Imagine that!
Since Adam’s sin, satan’s invisible/unseen crew has been influencing and coordinating their evil through sinful human via their demonic actions on Earth, and also ‘…in heavenly (celestial) places’.
During the Millennial Reign, we visible immortal saints will be coordinating with holy angels …in heavenly places’ to achieve and ensure (police) righteousness on Earth, under Jesus’ global, iron rod authority. (Ephesians 3:10 and 6:12. Will they 'be revealed'/visible, as hinted in 1 Thessalonians 1:7??) I envision this as a grand strategic replacement process — Jesus, with His immortal saints and His angels, replacing satan and his ranks of devils and demons (fallen angels). See: Earth’s Cloaked Satellites (Poem)
When He appeared to Ezekiel, Jesus (pre-incarnate) showed up sitting alone, on a Throne, high above an expanse or firmament…His totally awesome ride!!! 6 So via what massive means of celestial transport do you imagine He will use for our round-trip rides …from Heaven-to Earth-back to Heaven-then back to Earth?! Clouds?? As noted, I perceive Heaven could possibly be the promised new Earth in an alternate universe. (See: Isiah 65:17 and 66:22) Read the last 3 verses in Isaiah 66, Revelation 21 and 22 and let me know what you perceive. See: Your Heavenly IQ (Series).
NB: In Isaiah 66:24, The Lord attempted to convey the rather (at that time) unusual concept that we now understand will be immortal beings eternally tormented in the lake of fire! I wonder what in the world Isaiah and his readers imagined, seeing/hearing the words, carcasses, and worms that never die? The concept that comes remotely close in modern day language is, the living dead. Though Jesus attempted to convey this notion in Mark 9, actually, and perhaps strategically, The Bible's concept of the second death is not clearly defined until Revelation 21:8!!! I say perhaps strategically, because Isaiah 13:10 &13 are very clear about how The Lord (in Whom ALL the treasures of knowledge and wisdom are hidden) releases both spiritual and material-world insights to humans on a ...drip, drip, drip basis.
Ponder that...!!!
1 See: Bible Raptures (Q&A)
2 These are not promised to fake, or lukewarm folks who are ‘Christian-in-name-only’. See: Christianesque (Poem) and also Revelation 3:14-22. That is UNLESS they miss the rapture of the church, writ large, are alive during the anti-Christ rule, reject his dreaded ‘mark of the beast’, and be killed for that decision. See: Audacious Christians (Series), especially Part 2.
3 See: Creation, Reversed? (Poem).
4 Integrate the strategic logic of 2 Corinthians 5:8 and 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17. Given The Lord's amazing Grace, I believe this group will also include all people who were aborted, and those who died before reaching His age of accountability. Do not confuse the rapture with references to the phrase, ‘all His/the saints’, in Zechariah 14:5 and 1 Thessalonians 3:13, or with Daniel 7:27 and 2 Thessalonians 1:10. I understand these verses refer to The Lord’s second coming on Earth, not to the rapture meeting in Earth’s atmosphere. These are separate events, separated by the great tribulation and the first two (of three) multi-national attacks in Israel. See: Revelation. Future Attacks in Israel.
5 See: Romans 12:2 and 2 Peter 1:21
6 See: Ezekiel 1