The body you see when you look at me,
Isn’t the one I’ll live in eternally.
Rather, it is just a draft, a mere prototype,
Of one that’s permanent, maybe a look alike.
I consider it as God’s down payment.
You might say it’s a seed type element,
That in Earth’s rich soils will one day be planted,
To be raised in a form that is ...AUGMENTED!!!
My body to which my spirit is assigned,
And my soul, which to my spirit is aligned,
Are declared to be the forever parts of me.
They are the eternal parts of …my TRINITY. 1
You see, The Lord God loves His ‘seed, time and harvest’ principle,
The foundation on which He established our world, physical,
Where nothing happens without 'seed types' that, in time, ‘germinate’. 2
That’s a key point on which we all should take time to meditate.
Consider all the types of seeds that developed your life,
The seeds planted and cultivated until ‘fruits’ were ripe,
Seeds that were both physical as well as conceptual.
They bore ‘fruits’, some temporary, others perpetual. 3
Now ponder: Why would The Lord put two things …eternal,
Into one piece of ‘fruit’ that is only …temporal??
He gave us no scientific proof whatsoever,
Just His Word, and a keen desire to live forever. 4
He affirms in His own image we are made,
But from His righteous nature, we all have strayed.
In our straying, we stopped believing what He’s saying,
Thus, upon us all, devilish forces are preying.
His image comprises Spirit-Soul-Body, all immortal.
So why did He give us a body that is ephemeral? 5
Herein lies the mystery few may realize:
Adam and Eve were created …never to die!
Into the whole world, their sin ushered death,
Ensuring, one day, the loss of life’s breath.
But since on breath our spirit and soul are not dependent,
Then with the loss of breath, they may sleep, yet remain …extant! 6
Moreover, The Lord foreknew all mankind would sin,
And to redeem us, He would come in ‘human skin’,
To pay our redemption price that was unpayable,
And thus, one day He’d become just like us, a mortal.
Two parts eternal, in one part temporal, integrally.
That’s The Lord’s design of my ‘triune God-complex-ity’.
You only see me as the part that is corporeal,
Not knowing my inward parts are the me that’s …more real!
1 Though many believe our spirit and soul are the same thing, The Bible reveals otherwise, and that they can be separated. Imagine that! See: Hebrews 4:12
2 Germinates in the sense that something grows and develops, not necessarily in the sense that agricultural seeds germinate.
3 Do you know even your thoughts are a type of seeds? You get to choose which ones you cultivate and allow to bear fruits. See: Album 3: Bend and Bow (Lyrics)
4 Your eternal spirit and soul are temporarily assigned within a temporal, mortal body.
5 Ephemeral – short-lived, transitory. Relative to eternity, our bodies are critically ephemeral.
6 Extant - in existence; still existing; not destroyed or lost. See: Ecclesiastes 12:7, Daniel 12:2, Acts 24:15 and Hebrews 9:27. See also: For You, Which Resurrection? (Poem)