Hey there Friend, here’s a critical question to you I’m posing,
About some future events that The Bible assures,
On a topic that nearly everything in life obscures.
So in this poem, some basic info I’ll be disclosing.
The events are The Lord’s “firsts” and “second” resurrections,
That’s right, all folks who were ever conceived, rising from the dead,
To learn to which of two teams they will be eternally wed,
In a brand new body with …‘immortal renovations’. 1
You see, all of life is designed as His testing ground,
A place for the most critical decision you’ll ever make,
One He’ll honor eternally, and in death, you can’t forsake.
The decision is who as your lord in life you crowned. 2
The decision on a choice that from you, life will elicit,
Is whether the Spirit of Jesus or satan is your Lord,
Whether it was righteousness you loved and evil you abhorred,
Or otherwise. Your decision is direct or implicit. 3
It’s all about your sins, and for them, who will pay God’s price.
His price is death, first physically, then eternally,
To sweeten the deal, He’s even paid your price, graciously,
And hopes you’ll embrace His payment in His Son, Jesus Christ. 4
But if you don’t, His price you will certainly pay,
And in His design, in death eternal, you’re ALIVE, not dead!!!
Forever apart from all His goodness, the lake of fire, dread.
His warnings are clear, and no areas are gray. 5
His 'first' resurrections will be folks who died in saving faith,
And folks who’re alive in faith when the rapture occurs.
In Heaven we will be, then on Earth, per the Scriptures,
With Jesus as King, in great GLORY we will be arrayed. 6
His 'last' resurrection will be for folks who missed all of His firsts,
And folks who will be born after the 'last first' rapture event.
Each one rising to learn where their eternity will be spent,
Whether they will join us from His firsts, or in the lake of fire, cursed. 5
So my Friend, that is just a brief overview,
Of God’s plan that to most is hidden, or by them denied,
When they believe satanic spirits who to them have lied.
Imagine in Heaven, all eyes …now on you.
That you have a choice to make, or possibly confirm,
Is such very GOOD NEWS, so The Bible affirms.
Embrace this invitation and God on His terms.
Join those, and me, who with God’s righteousness are concerned. 7
1 This post discusses The Lord's next rapture events, apart from such earlier reported events. See: Bible Raptures - Types and Timings (Series) and also Ponder This... (First Resurrection, Second Death, Hell). The Bible iteratively affirms our physical bodies are but a draft copy, and just as our spirit and soul twins are eternal, we’ll all receive an eternal/immortal physical body. See: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 and Revelation 20:11-15. I believe spirit and soul are appointed to/in every person The Lord allows to be conceived, including those who died before birth. Some of you might believe otherwise.
NB: The ‘First Resurrection’ is apparently not meant to be interpreted as one sole numerical event. In The Bible’s context, this appears to refer to the several resurrections to eternal life, which are/will occur in phased events:
(a) Recall, all pre-cross saints were apparently resurrected with Jesus, per Matthew 27:51-53. Matthew could only record what reportedly happened in/around Jerusalem, not the entire world. Yet Scripture predicted, then affirmed that Jesus 'led captivity captive', referring to the spirit and soul twins of deceased 1st and 2nd ages saints. (See: the second point of Psalm 68:18, confirmed in Ephesians 4:8)
(b) Just prior to the tribulation age, the 4th age of history, saints who will have died before the end of the church age (age of Grace) will be resurrected, and they will be raptured along with saints who are alive at that time.
(c) Just after the tribulation age, people who will become saints during the tribulation will be resurrected and raptured in time for their service in The Millennial Reign age. (See: Revelation 7:13-17.
(d) Just after the post-Millennial Reign age, everyone who will not yet have been resurrected, will be resurrected (dating back to the 1st age of history!), and along with everyone who is alive at that time, and will all be raptured to appear at the Great White Throne Judgment. (See: Revelation 20:11-15) This is the last resurrection in The Lord's resurrection series. This huge group will include those who will become saints likely after The Millennial Reign age. (See: Salvation in The Millennium (Series))Their names will have been written in The Lord’s Book of Eternal Life, which He will consult at that time. (Revelation 20:11-15) This is when He will 'separate the sheep from the goats' , spiritually referring to saints from the post-Millennial Reign age, and sinners from the all ages in this massive crowd. Each person will be in his/her immortal corporeal form!
2 See: Genesis 22:1, Jeremiah 17:10, Zechariah 13:9 and many other Bible verses that affirm this point.
3 Your lifestyle inevitably both affirms and reveals your personal decision to onlookers.
4 Jesus said you must be born again, spiritually, to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, just as you were born physically into this earthly realm. See: Prayer of Salvation (Poem) and also John 3:1-21.
5 See: The Goshen Effect, Grand Finale (Poem, Part 5)
6 NB: The 'first resurrection' is not numerical event. Rather, it is several phased resurrections to eternal life for faithful saints across the ages of human history, people who will have died in faith toward the unseen God Almighty, The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. It began with the resurrection of all 1st and 2nd ages saints, as indicated in Matthew 27:51-53. The second phase/event of ‘The First Resurrection’ will be at the end of this current 3rd age of history, known as the church age or the age of Grace. The third phase/event of the first resurrection’ will be at the end of the 4th age of human history, the tribulation age. It will include people who will have embraced Christ as Savior and Lord during the 7-year tribulation age. The Bible is not clear regarding a resurrection/rapture event at the end of The Millennial Reign. (See: Salvation in The Millennium (Series)) The last resurrection event will be at the end of 6th age of history, the short post-Millennial Reign age (Revelation 20:11-15). It apparently will include a mix of all saints and sinners who will not have been resurrected and/or raptured during any of the previous ages, and it will precede the promised destruction of current Earth and universe. In this final resurrection/rapture event, The Lord will consult His Book of Eternal Life to sort His saints from unrepentant sinners. Thus, the concept of ‘first resurrection’ is not at all related to our narrow numerical concept. Have you noticed there is no specific reference in The Bible to ‘the second resurrection’? Though not specifically noted, it is what Jesus inferred in John 5:29, as the resurrection of eternal condemnation, i.e., residency in the eternal lake of fire with every devil who will have deceived people to commit and not repent of their sins.
7 Every human being who will have ever been conceived will eventually …be raptured into Heaven, but for most, sadly, only temporarily, to receive their final judgments.