
Hello and Welcome~

The world is blind to these SEVEN, pivotal facts:

1. The Bible communicates Heaven’s 'Multi-millennial Strategic Plan for Humanity'.

2. There are SEVEN ages appointed for humanity.

3. We are nearing the end of the THIRD age, a pivotal turning point in this strategy.

4. A GREAT falling away from the Christian faith is predicted during the ending days of this THIRD age, as a result of backsliding, general lukewarmness and outright apostasy among the heretofore faithful. Look around and this you will clearly see.

5. Biblical prophecies have been and remain seeds of human history.

6. Yet-fulfilled prophecies, unfolding apace, are worthy of diligent study.

7. Now is the time to get and stay on ‘the right side of Bible prophecy’.


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Fasten your spiritual seat belts!

Jerusalem - Practice Runs and Types (Poem)


God seemingly loves practice runs and types,
Like the Torah’s ceremonial archetypes, 1
Aspects of ancient Jewish history,
That foretell of things in world history.

But practice runs and types are only as good,
As to ‘watchers’ they are clearly understood.
It takes a patient and perceptive eye and mind,
To decipher practice runs and types like God’s kind. 2

One that I love is the ancient city, Jerusalem,
A unique city that stirs passions deep in God’s bosom.
Literally, from start to end, this city is featured.
World history in this one city seems to be anchored.

Some opine it was the center of earth’s land matrix,
Long before continents were formed via ‘plate tectonics’.
Some believe it’s where God sowed His ‘garden seed’,
His seed to world peace that we all soon would need. 3

Though it’s ‘teaching of peace’ that this city’s name depicts, 4
Jerusalem features in ‘extra-cosmic conflicts’.
That ole war in Heaven that devil forces lost, 5
Now plays out here on earth, and thus God’s peace is lost.

Since God stated there The Prince of Peace will be enthroned,
There devils work to ensure God’s peace will be postponed.
God has allotted them a ‘short time’ to exhaust,
Until then, we and this city... must pay the cost. 6

From shuttle diplomacy to U.N. resolutions,
For this city, we can’t seem to find lasting solutions!
From trying to solve this city’s current saga,
The world has gotten a ‘collective hernia’! 7

Jerusalem, oh Jerusalem…
…Hill God has desired, and has also chosen.
…His ‘garden peace seed’ planted in the earth’s Zion.
…Barometer of mounting conflict pressure.
…A Gordian knot the world cannot cut through.

…A heavy stone the nations cannot lift.
…Whose deliverance one day shall be swift.
…Center of a black hole around which nations swirl.
…Whose soon future will be the center of the world.

…Thermometer of earth’s spiritual health.
…Where all nations will one day dispatch their wealth.
…All nations will yearly flock to your destination,
…And bow to worship God of Heav’n and creation. 8

Yesterday, the promised seat of a final worldwide peace.
Today, to the world, God’s ‘cup of drunkenness’.
Tomorrow, t’will be His seat of ‘iron rod firmness’!
Forever, city from which His presence shall never cease!
1 Torah is the first 5 books of The Bible. The word means teaching.
2  It is good to study and discover typology between the Old and New Testament events.
3 The Garden of Eden, which many believe was intended to grow and cover the entire earth
4 ‘Jeru’ also means teaching, and ‘salem’ means peace. See: Hebrew Glossary.
‘Zion’ is the hill in Jerusalem on which Jewish temples were built, and is known today as the Temple Mount.
5 See Lucifer’s 5 prideful ‘I will…’ statements in Isaiah 14:13-14, and the concluding result Jesus mentioned in Luke 10:18. Lucifer became satan.
6 See: Revelation 12:12, and 21:2-3
7 Could this give the nations an allegorical hernia?!
‘Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of drunkenness to all the surrounding peoples, when they lay siege against Judah and Jerusalem. And it shall happen in that day that I will make Jerusalem a very heavy stone for all peoples; all who would heave it away (out of Jewish control?) will surely be cut in pieces, though all nations of the earth are gathered against it.’ (Zechariah 12:2-3 )
8 See: Isaiah 60:5, 11, and Zechariah 14:16