No doubt you’ve
heard of this thing called the pH scale,
Used to gage
alkalinity and acidity.
But pH scale
extended, what might that entail?
Come along;
let’s explore this curiosity.
Science says
all illnesses start with similar bruises.
They start with
acidic body chemistry.
cell-attacking acid in our ‘bodily juices’,
Kills one cell,
then starts to spread atrophy.
God said man
and animals would eat fruits and herbs,
Which the pH
scale cites as alkaline.
But after the
flood, something happened…that perturbs.
God told Noah
that He had changed His mind.
The change was
we could now eat ‘living things that move’. 1
It took time
for animals to repopulate,
Before we could
get into our ‘meat-eating groove’.
Then our
life spans rapidly began to...deflate. 2
What if we had
the pH scale back then when we dined,
And connected
the dots as we can today?
Would it have
made any difference to all mankind?
We’ve got it
today, but look at our meal tray!
Acidic juices
from what we eat and drink,
Are really
taking a toll on our health.
Now we learn …it’s also from the
junk we think!
These insights
are clear, not hiding in stealth.
Would it help
to have a pH
scale extended,
One that
measures acidity levels of thoughts and deeds?
Would such help
us enjoy lives much more contented,
And help us get
out of our ‘health care weeds’?
Epigenetics says thoughts control biology.
Now it’s your
turn, so about this, what do you say?
God puts it
quite simply: As a man thinks, so is he. 3
First think: ‘What things do I
allow my thoughts to sway?’
brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble,
whatever things are just, whatever things are pure,
whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report,
if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy
—meditate on these things.
1 Genesis
2 There may be other reasons God expanded human diets to include meat. For example, what if the global flood significantly diminished (washed away) soil nutrients such that the original diet would be nutrient diminished?
3 Proverbs 23:7