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The world is blind to these SEVEN, pivotal facts:

1. The Bible communicates Heaven’s 'multi-millennial, strategic plan for humanity'.

2. There are SEVEN ages appointed for humanity.

3. We are nearing the end of the THIRD age, a pivotal turning point in this strategy.

4. A GREAT falling away from the Christian faith is predicted during the ending days of this THIRD age, as a result of backsliding and general lukewarmness among the heretofore faithful. Look around and this you will clearly see.

5. Biblical prophecies have been and remain seeds of human history.

6. Yet-fulfilled prophecies, unfolding apace, are worthy of diligent study.

7. Now is the time to get and stay on ‘the right side of Bible prophecy’.


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Fasten your spiritual seat belts!

Then They Will Know (Part 1)

See video version here
Listen to audio version here
See the series here

Any serious student of The Bible will quickly discern God’s deep-rooted desire for people to ‘know I am The Lord.’ This phrase frequently echoes across the pages of His holy writ. Sometimes, God declares He will be so known when an unbelievable blessing or miracle has occurred after having been predicted by a prophet. Many more times, however, He declares He will be so known just as some catastrophic judgment is unfolding, wiping out those who are most severely judged, or just after such, leaving a judgment-remnant to come to this knowledge. 1

At this current time in human history, we hear and learn far less of unbelievable blessings or miracles, but we are figuratively ‘up to our ears’ in crisis-after-crisis! Since The Lord, as Sovereign God, iteratively accentuates His control and direct interventions in the affairs of mankind 2, it behooves us to:
(a) be both attentive to, and instructed by what He has said, and
(b) use this as a lens through which to understand the spiritual significance of crises we are experiencing.

It may seem rather easy to connect-the-dots when God has spoken through a prophet, directly to a people, and the event prophesized later materializes. What I scratch my head about is when He instructs a prophet in one location, to speak either to, or about a people in a distant location (Jews and Gentiles alike), and then concludes with, ‘Then they shall know I am The Lord.’ This leaves me pondering:
Ok, we understand to or about whom He is speaking, and what predicted event will trigger their knowing, but how will they know that He is The Lord, especially Gentiles who were far away from the speaker, and who presumably did not know God at all. 3
On the latter point, The Bible iteratively illustrates God’s modus operandi includes triggering faith in some person to the point of believing, speaking and then acting on His Word. I imagine Him planting Word seed in the Earth realm, seed that germinate and produce His fruit when received in human hearts.

Moreover, I ponder how ‘The Lord Who does not change’ expects people today to know He is The Lord? He declares, ‘For I am The Lord, I do not change’. While His nature and His strategy in dealing with humans do not change, His tactics apparently do change. 4

In this Age of Grace, God speaks to us believers directly through His Son, Jesus Christ, and indirectly through believers to the unbelieving world. And His most harsh judgment crises will speak LOUDLY to people during the tribulation period. In both these periods, though people will understand He is The Lord, they still will not believe in Him, nor embrace Him as Savior and Lord. 5

So does this infer He does not speak to us now through judgment crises?? I do not know, for sure, but this is abundantly clear:
Through church attendance and other ways,
people who are not normally ‘spiritually-minded’
suddenly become so in times of crises!

To me, this suggests they may have some latent spiritual insights and awareness, like seeds that only germinate in the stress of crises, but that never bear fruits of repentance and a fundamentally changed life. Perhaps this might have been the case of ancient, sinful Gentile nations noted in The Bible, nations that were judged and came to ‘know God is The Lord’ at the very point of their downfall. 3

Moreover, in His Grace-amazing, crises today may well be ‘the leading edge’ of the coming, worse tribulation crises. They may be a foretaste, if you will, of what’s on the horizon, and time to anticipate, prepare for, and decide to embrace His offer to escape, which is salvation in Jesus as Christ and Lord.

So what do you think? Are Heaven’s messages encoded in crises today? If so, what, and if not, why not? Many believe crises are merely continuing evidence of ‘the fallenness’ of our God-rejecting world, with no specific correlations to particular sinfulness. 6

Please feel free to comment below with your Bible-based answers and relevant verses, not simply unsubstantiated hunches.
See Part 2
1 The OWNER and BOSS over everything and everyone Who says, ‘All souls are Mine.’ (Ezekiel 18:4). Search for this phrase in The King James Version, especially in The Book of Ezekiel. See also: Deuteronomy 32:39,1 Samuel 2:6-8, Isaiah 45:5-7, Ezekiel 14:13-23, and Amos 3:6.
2 This fact is iterated in Daniel 4:17, 25, 26, 32 and 5:2.
3 In Ezekiel, see: 25:5,11 and 17 (Ammon, Moab, Philistia); 26:6 (Tyre); 28:23 (Sidon); and 29:6, 13-16 (Egypt).
4 See: Malachi 3:6
5 The Age of Grace began when Jesus’ sacrifice was accepted by God and will end at the start of the coming 7-year tribulation. See: Hebrews 1:8 and also Revelation 16: 8-11.
6 As in 2 Samuel 21 and especially 24.


  1. Hi j;
    Thanks for your insights.
    Much of God's 'Master Plan' is a mystery. That is why big faith is so important.
    I believe god plants an eternal void in the heart of man. Therefore, People run to the church at times of disaster. However, human nature is more powerful than the surrender to truth.
    People grab the promise in 1John 1:9 and confess sin. However, very few repent which is to a lifestyle of change.

  2. Bob Reynhout - Gospel Rescue dmission

  3. I appreciate and agree with your comment, Bob, as noted in email.
    The Lord, through Paul, promised there would be a great shaking out of ‘fake believers’ prior to the rapture of true saints into Glory. I understand fake believers who remain alive will then experience tribulation judgments, and will not receive another chance for salvation. Our job is to warn them and others.
    Just like the world ignored many potent warnings of a possible global pandemic, people, and especially governments, ignored these warnings. Now we all pay different prices for our collective and individual actions.
    The same thing will happen re. the coming tribulation, God’s harshest judgments ever on our God-rejecting world.
    No matter how smart we may seem to be, we really don’t ever learn what we need to learn about most.


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