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The world is blind to these SEVEN, pivotal facts:

1. The Bible communicates Heaven’s 'multi-millennial, strategic plan for humanity'.

2. There are SEVEN ages appointed for humanity.

3. We are nearing the end of the THIRD age, a pivotal turning point in this strategy.

4. A GREAT falling away from the Christian faith is predicted during the ending days of this THIRD age, as a result of backsliding and general lukewarmness among the heretofore faithful. Look around and this you will clearly see.

5. Biblical prophecies have been and remain seeds of human history.

6. Yet-fulfilled prophecies, unfolding apace, are worthy of diligent study.

7. Now is the time to get and stay on ‘the right side of Bible prophecy’.


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Fasten your spiritual seat belts!

The Bride of Christ (Poem, Part 1)

See the Bride of Christ series here

In this 3rd age of history,

The Lord birthed and nurtured His church,

A relational mystery,

Folks whose sins, by His death, were purged.

His love for ‘her’ is like a man’s love for his bride, his wife.

Paul used this analogy, husbandly love to urge. 1

Now, folks think the church will be His bride, in the afterlife!

Ummm. On this presumption, let’s do some Bible research.

Across the pages and ages of The Lord’s Holy Book,

There’s a pattern that, to attentive readers, is revealed.

By some readers, it’ll be dismissed, but by most, overlooked.

It’s about how knowledge and wisdom, to us, are unsealed.

Confirmed in two verses in Isaiah 28,

The Lord gives us this, His operational pattern:

‘Precept upon precept, line upon line (cumulate),
Here a little, there a little’, that’s how it has been. 2

That’s how we’ve accumulated, since The Garden of Eden,

The totality of our wisdom and knowledge, from The Lord,

‘In Whom all the treasures of knowledge and wisdom, are hidden.’

I don’t know about you, but by that insight, I’m truly awed!!! 3

History uncloaks this pattern, physically.

From when we lived in caves, to the modern era.

And The Bible reveals it, spiritually,

Since The Lord inspired Moses, to write The Torah.

Accordingly, insights revealed to latter O.T. prophets,

Were fuller and more detailed than those revealed much earlier.

In His life on Earth, Jesus was a prophet immaculate,

Sharing incredible insights, directly from His Father!

Later, Paul and John received Truths more detailed and profound,

Than all prophets since Moses!!!

Moreover, The Lord had promised many more Truths would abound,

As this current age closes! 4

Given this pattern, how should we understand the notion,

That folks call, ‘The Bride of Christ’?

Paul gave us his analogy, under The Spirit’s unction,

But John was much more precise!!!

At the end of his vision on the Island of Patmos,

John ‘saw’ The New Jerusalem, descending from Heaven.

Like a bride, dressed for her husband, GLOWING to the utmost!

‘Come, I’ll show you the bride, The Lamb’s wife’, an angel mentioned. 5

Say what?!?! 

Yep, that’s the only mention of The Bride of Christ you will find,

Anywhere in The Bible!!!

And it’s in the penultimate chapter, so keep that in mind.

Recall, ‘Here, there a little’??

It’s clear the angel’s remark, post-dates Paul’s analogy.

Thus, THIS is The Bible’s final insight on the matter. 6

The phrase, final insight, should spark your curiosity,

Since the word, ‘final’, infers the last oneof some others.

In a parable of virgins, preparing for a wedding,

Jesus allegorizes 10 virgins, with His church, beloved,

Of these bridegroom friends, set to bring their lamps to the wedding,

Only 5 had enough oil in their lamps, thus they were begrudged. 7


From The Lord’s allegory, and then Paul’s analogy,

And from the angel’s remark, we must derive:

1. Into The New Jerusalem, saints will bring our GLORY.

2. The Lord’s church is His friends! It is not His bride. 8


An analogy is a simple relationship between one thing and another.

An allegory is a narrative story with actors, actions, and events.

It's erroneous to assume an analogy IS the thing to which it's ...simply likened.


1 See: Ephesians 5:25-33.
2 See: Isaiah 28: 10 & 13.
3 See: Romans 11:33 and Colossians 2:1-3.
4 See: Joel 2:28-32 and Acts 2:17.
5 See: Revelation 21.
6 John’s vision was circa AD 95, about 30 years after Paul had been beheaded for his ardent faith.
7 See: Matthew 25:1-13. 
8 See: Revelation 21:24-26. For more on the new, eternal Jerusalem, see: Consider The New Jerusalem, in What If? (Subsequent Creations).

NB:Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near.’ (Revelation 1:3) In Revelation 22:18-19, The Lord personally added His exceptionally strong copyright on every aspect of the vision He gave to John, including what the angel said about His bride, His wife! Therefore, Bible teachers who erroneously teach only the church in the 3rd age of history is, or will be The Lord’s bride and wife, are essentially …infringing His copyright! Moreover, these teachers generally EXCLUDE all saints from the 1st, 2nd and 4th ages of history from being part of The Bride of Christ! Imagine that...

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