Do not think for one fleeting minute,
That your thoughts are entirely private.
Perhaps to other people, they are,
But not to Him Who is close, yet far.
He desires our seat of preeminence, 1
And our thoughts of Him, in preponderance.
Could that be why He said we should always pray,
Knowing to Him, all our thoughts are on display? 2
It’s not that He’s some egotistical God.
It‘s His GREAT LOVE for mankind, because we're flawed.
He desires to lead us away from temptations’ strong pull,
And of His Amazing Grace, to ensure we remain FULL.
Are you willing to turn your …thoughts into prayers?
What better way to avoid devils …‘prayerless snares’,
For every Christ-follower, shouldn’t that be our goal??
And to regard praying as …‘the breath of our soul’??? 3
Decide to let your heart’s meditations patrol,
The thoughts of your soul that, before The Lord, unfold.
To you and to Him, they are, for now, private,
But one day, good or bad, He’ll make them …public. 4
1 See: Colossians 1:18.
2 ‘...for The Lord searches all hearts, and understands all the intent of the thoughts.’ (Chronicles 28:9, King David’s dying instructions to his son, Solomon)
3 See: Album 1: Breath of My Soul (Lyrics & Video).
4 See: 1 Corinthians 4:5.