Q: Why do you expend such effort focusing on, and writing about what The Lord is reportedly showing you about the future? Could it be a symptom of personal pride?
A. First, only a portion of my 900+ blog posts, over the past 12+ years, focuses on the future. In September 2011, I began writing about a wide range of Christian topics. Only in the latter years has my focus shifted to 'things eschatological'. That is in response to reading and hearing a myriad of contradictory views on such issues, views that are, figuratively, 'all over the map!'. So The Lord led me to shift part of my emphasis to learning for myself, what His multi-millennial, strategic plan for us entails, from now-to-eternity. I still write about a variety of general Christian topics.
Consider this: Romans 11:33 speaks of the unlimited knowledge and wisdom of God. Colossians 2:2-3 reveal all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden in Father God and Jesus, The Lord God. Isaiah 28:10 and 13 indicate how The Lord reveals/communicates knowledge to humans. In light of these verses, I conclude, since Adam was created, all human knowledge and wisdom humanity has accumulated, must have come from them, in Whom ALL knowledge and wisdom was hidden. This includes spiritual Truths they desire us to understand.
The layout of The Bible confirms this conclusion, as across its pages, Truths and prophecies were sequentially revealed over vast periods of time and cultures. Moreover, while the essence of these revelations has generally remained the same, with an abiding righteousness emphasis, their specific contents have substantially changed. Early Old Testament prophets received very limited revelations, compared to latter Old Testament prophets. New Testament apostles received MUCH MORE, MUCH DEEPER, and FAR SHARPER insights, culminating in John’s vision on Patmos! Recall, Paul was prohibited from sharing much of what he ‘saw’ in his visionary visit to Heaven. On the contrary, John was not prohibited from sharing his complete vision, on which The Lord put His strong copyright! (Revelation 22:18-19)
This ‘drip, drip’, protracted, sequential process, was a key factor The Lord allowed to trigger His crucifixion. Jewish legal scholars at that time, relied heavily and myopically, on Truths that had been revealed much earlier. Thus, they could not tolerate what Jesus was revealing, or what they likely regarded as His BLASPHEMOUS PRIDE, claiming to be The Son of God, Whom they ‘numerically limited’ to ‘1’!!! (NB: There are many definitions of 'one'.) This uncloaked their, ‘If it ain’t written, it must be heresy’ attitudes.
Brace yourself, because a WHOPPING 7 times (considered as the number of spiritual completeness and perfection), The Lord has promised, especially in the latter days of this current (3rd) age, to pour out of His Spirit much more insightful, unwritten, knowledge and spiritual Truths! (Proverbs 1:23, Ezekiel 39:29, Joel 2:28-29, and Acts 2:17-18)
Imagine the likely reactions from the few remaining (post-apostasy) believers at that time, who will challenge ANYTHING that goes against their old, stale, traditional beliefs that are inextricably tied to what’s written between the covers of The Bible! Chaos!
These promises should serve as a BIG signal for us today to be anticipating their fulfillment, not to shun them! The Lord may have structured things this way to keep us proactively looking for, studying, and expecting fresh, deeper insights, as we all wait to be glorified in the rapture. I suspect these fresh Truths may only be released to true, committed seekers, per the promises in Deuteronomy 4:29, Proverbs 8:17, Jeremiah 29:13, Matthew 7:7-8, and Luke 11:9-10.
Are you such a seeker?? Are you positioning yourself and your faith to be one upon whom The Lord will pour?? These are now my highest objectives. And if to you and others, that may look like pride, then check out my absolute favorite passage of Scripture, about which I have written extensively. It summarizes ‘The Lord’s multi-millennial, strategic plan for humanity, The Bible’. It also serves as my personal reminder to guard against pride, the mother, and taproot of every and ALL sin.
Thus says the Lord: ‘Let not the wise glory in [be prideful or proud about] his wisdom, let not the mighty glory in his might, nor let the rich glory in his riches; but let him who glories, glory in this, that he understands and knows Me, that I AM The Lord, exercising lovingkindness [Grace], judgment [for My justice], and [leading to] righteousness in the Earth. For in these, I delight,’ says the Lord. (See: What's Really Going On (...Inside))
We humans are naturally prideful, largely in ourselves, our children, our accomplishments, etc. In this passage, The Lord defines the only acceptable object of our pridefulness, He, Himself, and what He’s doing here on Earth! That’s Godly pride. This is what He displayed as a man. And it attracted stern criticisms, to the point of His death on the cross, the horrible act Father God had pre-determined would be the basis for His plan of salvation.
The Lord inspired me to use my retirement years, to apply my professional skills (as an international economic development strategic planner, US diplomat) to re-reading The Bible. As I began, I realized the need to un-learn much of the erroneous teachings I had accumulated over several decades. Later, He instructed me to ‘share freely what I was learning’. As a relatively private person, and not a preacher like my parents were, I resisted for 2 years, wondering what, how, to whom, where, etc. During that time, in many unique ways through strangers, He patiently reiterated that instruction. When I ‘finally caved in’ and concurred, many doors suddenly opened, and I found the faith and courage to walk through them. Since then, the public and private results …speak volumes in many areas of my life.
FYI, here’s a poem that captures my lifestyle since then: Two Prayer Challenges (Poem).
Friend, I intend to continue obeying His instruction until His deep well of fresh insights for me, regarding His unfolding strategy for humanity, …dries up!
Please see: Historical Countdown - 7 Biblical Ages of Human History (w/Video).
Oh, the rich blessings of obedience!
Oh, the criticisms and doubts such a lifestyle attracts.