Do you ever wonder, ‘How can this be?’
Are some clearly favored more than others?
Is there favor just for those He prefers?
Favor without favoritism, to you contradiction?
Creator, but not Father of all, a stark distinction?
Partial without partiality, a confusion?
To conundra such as these, there’s an explanation.
With outcomes that impact our lives and end.
He clearly has those that He prefers,
But He will respect our ‘choice’ orders.
As much as He is an impartial Choice Giver,
He’s also an impartial Judge and Law Giver.
As Judge, He does not intend to change our choices,
But when they’re wrong, He must give us His sentences.
Ahhh, but when they’re right, in them and us He delights,
And all His blessings flow, raising us to fresh heights!
From these stark distinctions, He intends for us to LEARN,
As we live, there is one thing we must keep in mind,
Or else, in this life, we may end up in a bind.
While nice results is what we are yearning,
We must always ask, ‘What am I learning?’
Learning, key to unlocking hidden truths,
Thus, we must think and act like ‘learning sleuths’.
But if to just more learning we become so captive,
We’ll miss opportunities for adaptive!
L.E.A.R.N., what could this acronym signify?
At this, I took a stab, gave it a try.
Tell me what you may think of my conclusion,
Look, Examine, Assess, Reaffirm/Redeem, Notice
And the rewards and punishments each did earn.1
1 As you browse through The Bible, learn lessons from those who learned, and those who didn’t learn Heaven’s policy Truths like these:
The Lord upholds all who fall, and raises up all who are bowed down (humbled before Him). He will fulfill the desire of those who fear (honor/respect/obey) Him. He will also hear their cry and save them. The Lord preserves all those who love Him, but the wicked He will destroy. (Psalm 145 excerpt)
The Lord opens the (spiritual) eyes of the blind. The Lord raises those who are bowed down. The Lord loves the righteous. The Lord watches over the strangers (immigrants). He relieves the fatherless and widow, but the way of the wicked He turns upside down. (Psalm 146 excerpt)