
Hello and Welcome~

The world is blind to these SEVEN, pivotal facts:

1. The Bible communicates Heaven’s 'multi-millennial, strategic plan for humanity'.

2. There are SEVEN ages appointed for humanity.

3. We are nearing the end of the THIRD age, a pivotal turning point in this strategy.

4. A GREAT falling away from the Christian faith is predicted during the ending days of this THIRD age, as a result of backsliding and general lukewarmness among the heretofore faithful. Look around and this you will clearly see.

5. Biblical prophecies have been and remain seeds of human history.

6. Yet-fulfilled prophecies, unfolding apace, are worthy of diligent study.

7. Now is the time to get and stay on ‘the right side of Bible prophecy’.


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Fasten your spiritual seat belts!

Missed Insights About the Ascensions (Poem, Part 2)

See the Missed Insights About the Ascensions series here

See the Missed Insights series here

Many people think Jesus only came to Earth once,

As a babe, then a condemned man Whom Jews and Rome trounced!

That’s merely the lie devils love to spew,

And it’ the FARTHEST THING from what is true!

You see, devils ‘score points’ when people deny His deity,

So more of us will join them in their fiery eternity. 1

Let’s explore some facts about The Lord’s ascensions

So to His Truth, we will be w-i-d-e-l-y awakened.

The Bible clearly mentions two ascensions.

Yet we’ve grasped the one ascension assumption’.

And that’s exactly what we will believe,

When ‘between the lines’, we fail to perceive.

To you who think, ‘There’s only been ONE!’,

Brace yourself, and prepare to be stunned! 

With my strategic mind perceptively opened, 

I ‘see’ The Lord’s planned six ascensions to Heaven!

Five are completed, historically, 

And one is pending, prophetically.

Before ascending, He left hard evidence,

To verify His real, physical presence. 2

It testified of The Lord’s imminence,

And of the Earth’s strategic importance.

My summary of His six ascensions,

Is keyed to His strategic descensions. ;o)

1. After (re)creation, He did not stay here long. 3

    Evidence: Earth renewed, Eden closed, mankind strong.

2. For 40 long days, Mount Sinai was hallowed.

    Evidence: Tablets in hand, Moses’ face GLOWED. 4

3. By Abraham’s bargaining, The Lord wasn’t at all annoyed. 

    Evidence: A meal served, Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed. 5

4. Fresh from His tomb, He told Mary, ‘I’m ascending to our God.’

    Evidence: By His empty tomb, all His disciples were awed. 6

5. After 40 days, explaining Kingdom delights, 

    Evidence: ‘A cloud received Him, out of their sight.’ 7

To perform on Earth some select, strategic functions,

These are The Lord’s five, confirmed, physical ascensions,

Following His five, confirmed physical descensions.

Anyone who regularly drinks from Wisdom’s fountain,

Know there’s one more, after His Millennial mission.

That may shock folks who believe errant Bible jargon. 8

The Lord’s Millennial Reign will have a clear end date.

Click here to see how I perceive it could terminate.

Based on human nature and history,

We tend to rebel against monarchies!!!

Irrespective of how it will end, END it WILL,

And when it does, I suspect folks then. …might be THRILLED!!!

Six descensions, then ascensions, in three-of-six ages.

That’s what I ‘see between the lines’ of The Bible’s pages,

When my perception aperture is o-p-e-n-e-d  w-i-d-e.

From this review, I hope you can see, devils lied.

Every FACT about Jesus, from us, they try to hide,

Including the clear reason, for us, as Christ He died. 9

Why don’t we include descensions in our ascensions search? 

Why do we think ascensions are to Heaven, not from Earth??

Why do we think only saints go to Heaven?!

Have we not read The Book of Revelation?!?!

Everyone conceived WILL ASCEND to where Jesus is,

In His several firsts, and last resurrections biz. 10

Moreover, death and hell might also ascend,

Before, into the lake of fire, they descend.

If by that, or any part of this rhyme, you’re amazed,

Just know The Bible signals …more than words on a page.

How do you contextually read Revelation 20,

About the end of age 6, and the start of eternity??

No one knows how often The Lord visited our dimension.

But each time must have involved His descension and ascension.

If this point folks could envision and understand,

Maybe they would know He’s much more than a mere man,

Who existed L-O-N-G before time began.

What can you do to HELP them understand??


1 See: The Lake of Fire: A Preview (Series).

2 Across The Bible, there are numerous accounts of visionary encounters with The Lord. To distinguish these from His physical encounters, like a detective, I isolated the encounters that left an evidentiary trail. Interesting?

3 See: The Gap Theory, in What If? (Subsequent Creations), and also #6 in Anti-Christ: Summary Review (Part 5). The Bible does not include any reference to The Lord’s ascension (return) to Heaven after the creation of Adam and Eve. But return, He obviously did. Folks who only read words inked on its pages, may likely miss this contextual point.

4 See: Exodus 34:29-35.

5 See: Genesis 18.

6 See Part 1.

7 See: Acts 1.

8 See: Millennial Reign (Series), and also Valleys Between the Peaks (Poem).

9 See: Your Salvation Status (Q&A). NB: The Lord's ascensions were in the 1st and 2nd ages of history, if you agree the 3rd age began with Pentecost. His next descension will be at the end of the 4th age; and His final ascension will be at the end of the 5th age.

10 See: Ponder This... (First Resurrection, Second Death, Hell), and For You, Which Resurrection? (Poem).

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