See the series here
Well over 3 thousand years ago,
In several visions, so clear and bold,
To Isaiah, this is what The Lord told.
Read between His quoted lines below:
For behold, I create new heavens and a new Earth.
The former shall not be remembered or come to mind.
Be glad and rejoice forever in what I create.
Behold, I create Jerusalem a rejoicing,
And her people [The Lord’s immortal saints], as a joy. 1
The tense He used of the verb, create, is significant.
It was to accentuate what The Lord was then creating!
It may be phrased to arouse what we would be cogitating.
Perhaps about this, He wants us …to be euphoriant!
I imagine The Lord has since completed this task,
Before the arrival of His first and second ages saints. 2
Here’s the ‘cloaked point’ that Matthew 27:52 paints:
In new bodies, ALL first and second ages saints now bask!!! 3
I believe saints from these first two ages of history,
Are now on The Lord’s new Earth, in their immortal bodies.
With children who died or were aborted in those ages.
There, spirits and souls of dead third age saints wait patiently. 4
About for what they are waiting, are you well-versed?
If not, meditate and imagine with euphoria,
What Paul says is next on The Lord’s strategic agenda.
Out of dusty graves, ALL dead third age saints will burst!
Then, with us who are still alive, we’ll both meet Christ in the clouds,
Instantly transforming from mortal-to-immortality,
Bound for a planet that supports our new physicality!
This is the clear picture I see when it’s The Bible I browse.
For you who may still disbelieve that Heaven is a real planet,
We well know north, south, east and west, the directions cardinal,
Derive only from being on a body celestial.
Lucifer knew of Heaven’s north before to Earth he would plummet! 5
The four cardinal directions were also prominent,
In The Lord’s instructions to Moses for the tabernacle,
A ‘copy and shadow of Heaven’s things’, made terrestrial,
Pivotal in management of The Lord’s ‘old covenant’. . 6
Similarly, these four directions featured,
In John’s vision of the New Jerusalem.
The abode of The Lord with His diadem.
Much evidence to prove my point, thus gathered. 7
Imagine that - a planet in an alternate universe,
Both of which The Lord hinted, by now they exist!
Of two distinct regions, this planet now consists,
To be inhabited by folks in two groups, very diverse. 8
Members of the first group are already there,
As embodied mortals, and disembodied spirits and souls.
Only after an angel pours out the seventh judgment bowl,
Will the first second group’s members show up there. 9
Second lesson:
Heaven is a planet,
now called the new Earth, in the new heavens
The Lord told Isaiah He was creating over three thousand years ago.
In two regions, this planet will host every human ever conceived.
The blissful region is being populated with
embodied and disembodied saints.
This includes the NEW JERUSALEM!!!
The lake of fire region is not yet populated,
but soon will be, with its first occupants,
the predicted anti-Christ and his prophet. (Rev. 19)
If you’re reading this, your choice of regions is still pending.
1 In, see: Isaiah 66:21-24 in the Amplified, Amplified Bible Classic, Complete Jewish Bible, and Young’s Literal Translation versions.
2 See: Part 1. The Bible reveals to us The Lord’s multi-millennial strategy for humanity, comprising 7 ages: (1) pre-flood, (2) post-flood/pre-cross, (3) post-cross (Church Age), (4) tribulation/great tribulation, (5) Millennial Reign, (6) post-Millennial Reign, and (7) eternity. During each age, except possibly the 5th, He is ‘harvesting’ a small remnant of humans as saints, to whom He will show everlasting Grace. To understand why I believe the 5th age is excepted, see: Salvation in the Millennium (Series) .
3 When The Lord only gives us two verses on a controversial topic, I imagine He desires us to ‘interpret Scripture with Scripture’, in order to perceive His strategic plan. First, there clearly were righteous saints in the 1st age that predated His relationship with Abraham, who was born in the 2nd age. Second, I believe, in death, they were very likely also in the upper region of hades, later regarded as ‘the bosom of Abraham’, based on Luke 16. By His death, Christ opened the gates of Heaven for ALL residents in this region to be resurrected, transformed to immortal beings, and enter into Heaven (possibly on the new, eternal Earth). So…at the lectern of your heart, what is The Holy Spirit showing you regarding this controversial topic??
See: Missed Insights from Matthew 27 (Series).
4 See: 2 Corinthians 5:6-8. As far as we understand it, there have been no reported raptures since Jesus ascended into Heaven. Ergo, the disembodied eternal spirits and souls of saints who died in the third age (the church age) are on the new Earth along with the embodied saints from the first and second ages. Paul affirms this point in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, especially verse 14. In opening of the 5th seal of the scroll in Revelation 6:9-11, The Lord accents this concept of the spirits and souls of dead (disembodied) saints in Heaven (the new Earth). He speaks to the spirits and souls of saints who will have been martyred early in the tribulation. In this exchange, He is not addressing saints from the first three ages of history, because, except for chapters 1-3, Revelation is largely about the closing of the fourth age of history (tribulation), in preparation for His Millennial Reign. I trust this is clear.
5 See: Isaiah 14:12-17, especially verses 13 and 14. Speaking through Isaiah, The Lord confirms ‘planet Heaven’ has a north, but did you know it also …has clouds?!
6 Search for: ‘tabernacle ____’, separately inserting north, south, east, west. See also: Revelation 21:13
7 See: Hebrews 8:5
8 Saints on ground level, living throughout eternity in blissful GLORY; sinners below ground level, alive throughout eternity in unimaginable anguish in the eternal lake of fire burning with sulfur. The Lord said through Isaiah we saints will see the sinners writhing in their anguish. (Isaiah 66:24, the final verse in that book!) I highly suspect the reverse will also be true, that they may see us, and possibly know us, too! See why in: Seeing Each Others’ Rewards? (Poem)
Ponder this: Might it be possible that astronomers in our universe could be afforded a glimpse of some kind of the new Earth in the alternate universe? I doubt it. Repeating Radio Signals from an Earth-size Exoplanet
9 See: Revelation - Seven Bowls Poured (Poem, Part 2). It appears the first, immortal sinners to be cast into the lake of eternal fire on the new Earth (Heaven) will be the anti-Christ and his prophet. (Revelation 19:20) They will be there over 1,000 years before satan, all devils, and all sinful humans will be cast therein. I also understand they ALL will very likely be in an immortal, physical form. See: Hell: Is This the Man?! (Poem)