#1 Angelic Deployment, Employment and Unemployment
Sometime before the creation of man, angels fought a war.
Lucifer, son of the morning, wanted to be Heaven’s star.
He lost out. On Earth they fell, after in Heaven, they were trounced! 1
When man was created, satan had an idea, and pounced!
He became Earth’s god, then deployed his troops against mankind.
God dispatched, then deployed His angels with man to align.
So the war, begun in Heaven, continues in our day,
Though satan won’t concede Jesus took his power away!
That happened when from His hellish grave He resurrected,
Then gave His great victory to folks He’d pre-selected. 2
To them, in a pre-death parable, this He did specify,
As written in The Bible: ‘Until I return, occupy!’ 3
On the Day of Pentecost, His Spirit filled their …inner void,
To complement His angels, long ago dispatched and deployed.
Now, angels without, His Spirit within, we’re fully equipped,
For warfare, ensuring those devils He defeated … stay whipped!
At least, that was and remains His great plan for us,
But sadly, on His plan now there’s no consensus!
Thus, His Spirit is grieved and many angels …unemployed, 4
And devils He defeated are quite frankly, overjoyed,
That many Christ-believers lack faith and zeal for Christ’s warfare.
We as His front line-of-defense, some are frankly …unaware.
Bible students will recall this is exactly what occurred,
When, fresh out of Egypt, Jews thought fighting giants …was absurd! 5
To convey His concern for the state many of us are in,
The Lord shared a story about losing saltiness within.
He then painted a vivid picture of our lukewarmness sin. 6
As a result, His first line of defense has gotten …quite thin.
We beg Him to do what He assigned to us. Obedience feigned.
Could this possibly be linked to His pending Millennial Reign? 7
Christ’s Spirit, working within, and angels, working without,
Hearken to His Word that from our lives and mouths should flow out. 8
When, with all aspects of worldly culture, we fill our soul,
Imagine what happens when on the battlefield we stroll.
If with His Word, we’re not being filled, and adding faith to it,
In spiritual warfare, pray tell, for what are we then fit??
The Christian life on Earth is our training day and ground,
Where we are tried and tested before being Heaven-bound.
When in His tests, The Lord allows the enemy to advance,
His Spirit and angels, arrayed in offensive stance,
Await our confessions-of-faith to spur their advance.
If then, from our mouths, fears, doubts and nervous prayers come out,
No doubt, the enemy will be free, our lives will rout! 9
Friends, if to your notions of love, you feel my poem does not sync,
Please know this:
I don’t want to be on the front line with you as a weak link!
Neither do I want to be in a ‘hot war’ with you lukewarm!
Revelation 3 says what’ll happen when we fail to perform.
If both Jesus and I have such concerns,
What might His Spirit and angels discern??
1 See: Revelation 12:7-9, Ezekiel 28:11-17 and Isaiah 14:12-15
2 See: Matthew 28:18 and Ephesians 4:9
3 See: Luke 19:13 (KJV) and Album 9: Occupy! (Lyrics & Video)
4 Either unemployed, under-employed, or possibly both in various areas of our lives.
5 See: Numbers 13 and14, then weep for us today who are like the Jews in the wilderness way!
6 See: Matthew 5:13 and Revelation 3:14-22. See also: Laodicean Lackadaisicalness (Series)
7 Could Christ’s Millennial Reign, during which He will occupy Earth with His then immortal saints, in part, be because of our failure to occupy Earth with the help of His Spirit and angels??
8 See: Psalm 103:20-21. Paul reveals Jesus is ready to judge evil in the Earth when our obedience is fulfilled. (2 Corinthians 10:6) This is a counterpart to 2 Chronicles 7:14. In both these verses, Jesus holds Christ-believers responsible for the quality of life on Earth. Imagine that!
9 See: Jeremiah 17:10