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The world is blind to these SEVEN, pivotal facts:

1. The Bible communicates Heaven’s 'multi-millennial, strategic plan for humanity'.

2. There are SEVEN ages appointed for humanity.

3. We are nearing the end of the THIRD age, a pivotal turning point in this strategy.

4. A GREAT falling away from the Christian faith is predicted during the ending days of this THIRD age, as a result of backsliding and general lukewarmness among the heretofore faithful. Look around and this you will clearly see.

5. Biblical prophecies have been and remain seeds of human history.

6. Yet-fulfilled prophecies, unfolding apace, are worthy of diligent study.

7. Now is the time to get and stay on ‘the right side of Bible prophecy’.


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Fasten your spiritual seat belts!

Your Faith Career (Poem)

Though many Christ-believers deny and even mock it,

And all non-believers may think it is total foolishness,

The Bible says to live by faith, walking in The Spirit, 1

A crucial lifestyle aspect of what God calls righteousness.

That The Bible is replete with countless examples,

Of how, when, why and where this was done successfully,

Honestly, I doubt there can be any denials,

That they start with speaking one’s beliefs, emphatically. 2

Deep-seated beliefs spoken from a heart that is righteous,

And in-tune with The Spirit of the living God,

And that spawns corresponding actions that are not anxious,

Qualifies as faith that all Heaven can applaud.

So why do some believers today mock and denigrate,

What Jesus instructs us to do, and Heaven applauds?

With ‘name-it, claim-it, blab-it, grab-it’ slurs, they desecrate,

The walk in The Spirit that The Lord, Himself, so lauds.

Rather than filled with The Word that fuels our Spirit-walk,

Many of us are filled to the rim, even over-spilling,

With things that spew from culture, and dominate our talk.

What room is left inside for what The Spirit is revealing??

Could the reason well be our incredible impatience,

A ubiquitous malady in our world today,

Causing us to impugn what we all should reverence,

And thus miss out on blessings because we disobey?

Beware of these two things at which culture is an expert:

1. A keen ability your mind, heart, thoughts and words to capture.

Your treasure trove thus captured, you’ll become …culture’s convert!

2. Faced with resistance, an ardent ability to censure.

So never for a moment think that culture is inert.

As you ponder these points, for this be on the lookout:

Folks engrossed in culture becoming …cultural prophets,

Calling things that are not, before their pending breakout! 

On their prophecies, some act, and your actions solicit!!

The wise will see that’s the lifestyle Jesus says to display,

And He simply calls it living by our faith.

Why, when worldly folks do it, suddenly it is ok?!

Friends, now can you see, we’ve swallowed devils bait?!

Their trick is not to downplay how by faith to thrive,

But to change our focus on the motivating objects:

Away from everything from God’s Spirit derived,

To any other things, especially things He rejects.

So anyway you cut it, by God’s hook or devils’ crook,

All across the world, it is by faith folks are living, that’s clear.

The only major difference is whose advice they took.

C’mon! With this insight, reignite your …Godly faith career! 3

Why things we really believe for try our patience

~Faith and hope work together
~Hope shapes the mold for the substance of faith
~Faith is the spiritual ‘stand-in’ for that substance
~Patience is the yardstick and scale of faith
~You don't have any more faith than you have patience
~When patience runs out, your faith stops working
~Hope may remain, but is powerless
~Impatience is demonic pressure to get faith to fail
~Devils don’t care about what you hope for; hope is powerless
~They care a LOT about what you earnestly believe for
~God cares about both since they are fruits of your heart & soul
~God searches and tests your heart and soul
     (mind, will, emotions, intellect, imagination)
~If patience isn’t tried, what you believe for doesn't mean much
~God is faithful to His Word promises to the righteous in Christ 
~Rest in His faithfulness; stay in faith!


1 See: Habakkuk 2:4, Romans 1:17, Galatians 3:11, and Hebrews 10:38. See also: Faith Talk (Poem)

2 This is how God, through Jesus, created all things. It includes emphatically speaking within one’s spirit/heart as well as speaking verbally. 

3 And leave the results to Heaven!

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